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Copyright © 2003-2006, Empire of the Odd. G. Pettingill, editor in chief.

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empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of Odd


empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The

The Perils of Becky Escamilla

Have a comment on this page? Email the Odd Emperor!



Most of the Odd Emperor's mail is of a routine nature. This or that person is to be put in the dungeon. Some fellow in Nigeria want's to name the Odd Emperor as beneficiary of a large family fortune (AGAIN!?) Someone wants to enlarge his.....> well; you probably get the picture. I imagine that most people get mail like this, by day, by the hour, by the the minute.

But today; the Odd Emperor's Imperial Postmaster brought a letter with alarm on his face.


Odd Emporer,

After reviewing your website, it's readily apparent that we need a physical mailing address for you so that we can send you a legal letter.

Please provide me with your mailing address as soon as possible.


Becky Escamilla, Administrator
E to the Third Power (TM)

First blush. She misspelled the name of the Odd Emperor!

-- And demanding to know the secret lair of the Odd Emperor and the Odd Empire. That would be very bad for the annual Festival of the Strange not to mention the tourist trade.

So this is how we replied;


Glad you were able to take a look at the Odd Empire web page. You are quite welcome to send a "legal letter" however upon seeking advice from the Hounds of Hell (being the law firm of Labrusky, Skinflint, Shyster, and his larger brother leo) The Odd Emperor must unfortunately deny your request for a snail-mail address. It is against the policy of the Empire of the Odd to provide personal information over unsecured channels.

Thanks and have a great afternoon!

Sincerely; The Odd Emperor.


Very shortly the Imperial Postmaster arrived with another letter.


..well, since you choose to go this route, we'll publicly send out a "Disclaimer," as is our policy in notifying the general public of "misrepresentation," when it comes to third-parties "misrepresenting," The Midway Sightings (TM), The Midway Rods (TM), and E to the Third Power (TM).

- Becky

Hu? Notifying the general public of misrepresentation? You mean like in "A statement of a fact that turns out to be false. May be innocent, negligent or fraudulent?" Since the Odd Emperor rendered an opinion regarding what a web page looks like, this does not seem to apply very well.

So We replied this way.


The Odd Emperor does not really understand what a “Disclaimer” might be other than the usual form.

Are you claiming that the Odd Emperor has misrepresented you somehow in the Empire of the Odd? If so you are invited to make your objections known so that the Odd Emperor can properly address the issue. As always the Odd Empire will (as per our policy) always consider any polite request for an alteration on the Empire of the Odd page.



The Odd Emperor


After another short delay, the Imperial Postmaster ran up the long steps to the Imperial Thron with Mrs Escamilla's reply. I must warn the folks at home that this letter might contain graphic material, unsutable for children or even young adults.

Discression is advised!

But again it might not. What it actually contains is much stranger.
