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Copyright © 2003-2006, Empire of the Odd. G. Pettingill, editor in chief.

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empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of Odd


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Science is a search for basic truths about the Universe, a search which develops statements that appear to describe how the Universe works, but which are subject to correction, revision, adjustment, or even outright rejection, upon the presentation of better or conflicting evidence. - James Randi

9.1 temporarytemples.co.uk
Submitted by the Odd Emperor

This is a great repository of crop circle photos, all of them categorized by date and location. The principle photographer is Steve Alexander who's been into the Crop Circle busyness for a number of years. His images are striking and beautiful. The photos on this page and the accompanying articles are a very good chronicle of the mysterious events taking place in the English countryside, or the result some imaginative people with too much time on their hands! Ether way the pictures are fascinating.

Inducted January 15, 2004

9.2 Light Source P'taah
Submitted by the Odd Emperor

This is Down Under’s answer to Ramtha. P’thaa is a light-being, presumably like the super intelligent shades of blue from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. This is a channeled being which comes through someone by the name of Jani King, she is also a part time channeler of St. Germain.

When Ms King is not communicating with whales and dolphins she will be happy to do a phone session between you, her and the light-being P’thaa.

Just don’t make fun of his name OK? Hurts his feelings.

Inducted December 10, 2003

9.3 Welcome to the Entrances to Hell website
Submited by the Viceory of Lost Causes and Warlord of the Air (VOLCAWOA)

Urban spaces create their own dead zones - fossil layers of bricked up doorways, holes and stairwells to nowhere. Thankfully the UK has soemone to catalog them: Dr Rae Gates, but Dr. Gates appears to spend much too much time contemplating the Devil.

The effect on the impressionable, despite the overwhelming silliness of the writing and most of the pictures, can be more than the sum of the parts. I find myself imagining all those "devil's doors" when I come upon them.

"Here I seen monkies daunce, and performe all the tricks of ye tight rope, to my great admiration"

Inducted December 3, 2003

9.4 Stealthskater
Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Stealthskater ” what can the Odd Emperor say about this page? Well there areweeks of mind numbing paranoid crap here. The web page author has gathered the best (or worst depending on who you are) of information of this ilk. Not fancy, many of the images were gleaned from various placed around the Internet. But text is presented in several formats, the author reframes from making conclusions about the material (a kudus for that). Otherwise it’s got some very neat stuff, as I said; weeks of stuff, oodles, great gobs, a humongous amount etc…

Inducted February 18, 2004

9.5 Welcome to bielek-debunked.com
Submitted by the Odd Emperor

This web page is all about the so-called Philadelphia experiment and some fellow by the name of Al Bielek’s part in it. The Philadelphia experiment is a bit of urban legend that tells of a US Navy ship taking part in a strange experiment involving electromagnetic fields (or resonant electromagnetic fields depending on who is telling the tale.) Allegedly the ship vanished for a short time only to reappear with it’s crew horribly altered or ranting about monsters. (some say they were horribly altered AND ranting about monsters.) It’s a really good science fiction plot, one that emerges from the bowels of wherever urban legends go when they are not on the front pages of the tabloids.

Al Bielek plopped onto the radar back in the late 1980s claiming to be a survivor of the Philadelphia experiment (apparently not one of the sailors who went insane, I think…) This page purports to tell the truth about Bielek and his so-called experiences, mostly at UFO conventions. It seems conventional science turns its collective noses at this Bielek character. The Odd Emperor can't imagine why.

Inducted March 2, 2004

9.6 ITAG, International Trepanation Advocacy Group
Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Trepanning has been around for a very long time. Lots longer then Botax and Silicon breast implants.

Strange surgical marks that Archeologists have found in ancient human remains dating back thousands of years are said to be Trepanning marks. The marks are striking, smooth holes bored into a person's skull attest to something like stone age brain surgery.

We know that many people survived the procedure, some old skulls have several trepanning marks. The bone structure around the wounds suggest that the patients survived for decades. We don’t know exactly why people got Trepanned long ago, although there are a number of interesting theories.

According to the International Trepanning Advocacy Group, we don't have to keep looking for a reason, Trepanning just makes you a better person! According to the ITAG, you just aren't really you unless you get Trepanned.

According to the ATIG, Trepanning will open new areas of consciousness; you will have new abilities (like better web design.)

And best of all you’ll have a new hole in your head!

Who wouldn't want that?

Inducted March 3, 2004

9.7 Landover Baptist
Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Landover Baptist has been around for a while. Although there are a number of Christian parody pages on the Internet, this one is probably the largest and funniest of the lot. Did I say Christina parody? Seems many people don’t get this right away judging from the many letters in their email bag.

Dear "Pastor": Are you people really serious with this garbage? writes one concerned soul. ” So unsaved people are not welcomed in your fellowship Sounds like a cult to me” writes another and. Your sight would be funny if it weren't for the fact that you are serious” and “I have seen paranoia before but you take it to a new height.” These were just a few letters by people believing that Landover Baptist is a real place. I counted something like twenty, just for the month of February!

Inducted January 2, 2002

9.8 Ellie Crystal's Metaphysical and Science Website. Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Ellie Crystal's web page is a strange mix of the factual and the silly. Page after page of content. The Odd Emperor was amazed at the sheer mass of material here. There are hundreds of articles, did Ellie write all of these? The Odd Emperor was impressed.

At least until his plagiarism alarm went off. Seems that many of the articles were written by others, but who? A quick search reveals that, oh no! The articles were written by a multitude of people all over the Internet and not Ellie at all.

I think it would be a REALLY good idea if Ellie were to do a bibliography or a sources cited page for her web publication. She might also think about getting permission to re-publish the works of others, you know; copyright, intellectual ownership and all that rot. Fair use is fair use but really!

Since her page is actually a commercial venture (a dot com for promotion of Ellie's book) it kind of becomes... well important to, you know; take care of this little problem...


Inducted March 8, 2004

9.9 DISCOVERY ON MARS Submitted by the Odd Emperor

The author of this seminal work of nonsense says in part..
(my discovery is) “Something which promises to dramatically change current Space policy, and will ultimately affect every life on Earth !!!”

Boy I’ll say. This doofus thinks blown up splotches that resemble people are in fact, tiny life forms on the planet Mars and not figments of his imagination. The only change to the current space policy I could contemplate is having this fellow's Internet pipe yanked for lack of reasoning ability.

Sometimes the Odd Emperor wonders if his divine calling has any overriding purpose, then he comes upon a gem such as this, and knows that he is indeed needed.. badly!

BUMMER! Discovery on Mars is no more! Perhaps somone up there heard me?

Inducted March 16, 2004

9.10 Aztec UFO Website.Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Aztec UFO is primarily a promotion site for the Annual UFO Symposium, a kind of convention or huckster gathering for UFO enthusiasts and especially those who wish to part them with their hard earned cash--and educate them on the state of UFOlogy as it were. (If you believe that one I have this old sheep ranch in New Mexico that you might be interested in, they found pieces of the one true cross on it, no really!)

They get a pretty good bunch of guests each year; Stanton Friedman, Bruce Maccabee, even Linda Moulton Howe.

Inducted March 22, 2004

9.11 Welcome to Global Insights Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Or <title>Global, Conspiracy, UFO's, Armageddon, Septic Solutions</title>.

Why the duce would a septic tank treatment company host a new age paranoia-a-rama page? Or why would a new age paranoia-a-rama page host adverts for a septic tank treatment company? These are only two of many questions the Odd Emperor has about this site.

This appears to be the webpage of one, George Green, besides selling bugs for your poop-pit, George lectures about the coming end of the world which is of course right around the corner! (So you can forget about getting your septic system pumped out.)

If your not lucky enough to see George in person, You can get a preview by reading the Vol. I Handbook for the New Paradigm which is presented free of charge on George’s web page. He says in part…

“The focus of energy that holds this planet in orbit within this solar system does not require the power of force to do this, but uses an available process that does not require effort. The concept of power has within it the inherent understanding of effort as force. Since thought attracts, you have brought to you the experience of effort, force and power”….

And it prattles on in this vein for around 10,000 words. After you read this thrilling message you can buy the two sequels.

Inducted March 22, 2004

9.12 Institute of Metaphysics. Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Their ad copy reads in part...

"A certificate earned from the American Institute of Metaphysics may be the fulfillment of a personal goal, the stepping stone toward a new career, hobby, or a combination of all three."

Or perhaps none of the above. I really don't know what would motivate a person to take a correspondence course with an institution as bogus sounding as "The American Institute of Metaphysics."

The institute is cheap though, for only a thousand US Dollars you can study, UFOs, Ancient Mysteries, Paranormal subjects, Cripzooalogical Sciences, Demons, Conspiracys and a host of other things. When you graduate you can get spiffy certificates to hang on you wall, proving to all your friends and relatives that you are a real flake and you take your obsessions seriously!

Inducted March 26, 2004

9.13 The Vaguard News Network Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Vanguard News Network is a pro-fascist, pro-white, anti Semitic, bigoted, hate mongering web page and makes no bones about it. They're proud of it.

The Odd Emperor first came upon this thing by way of its movie review section, I was struck by a very strange conundrum. One would think that people who spew this vile crap are probably a bunch of country f*&s who are all related to each other, live in nice doublewides in the better part of Wymama Florida. You know; white trash.

But in actuality the people who are spewing the vile crap on the Vanguard News Network are mostly intelligent sounding and articulate. Not the usual bunch of ignorant hating losers that make up the disaffected radical right in the US.

No; these are very special losers indeed I.E;
We are a group of disgusted and disaffected writers driven out of academia and journalism by the Semitical [SIC] Correctness that has denatured our culture. We have come together on the Internet to reclaim the American mind from the Jews. In short, we are the Antibodies, and our advent heralds the day a White political force rises and reasserts civilization.

Pretty obvious that these folks are not historians or sociologists. I really hate to tell you guys this but, whites; (people of northern European descent) have ALLWAYS been a minority (in a world context, over in Chaw-chunk Mississippi it might be a different story.)

I’m stuck by the “driven out of academia and journalism” statement, you were driven out? Usually when one is driven out of something its because of some overriding problem coping with the established system. The best way to alter any system to paraphrase Adolph Hitler is “to hold your nose, wade in and make changes from the inside.” In this light; I suspect Hitler would be deeply ashamed of the Vanguard News Network for allowing themselves to be driven out.

if this is true then there is at least one thing that Hitler and the Odd Emperor are in agreement about.

Inducted April 5, 2004

9.14 BreakingUFOnews.com Submitted by the Odd Emperor

This is a pretty funny page “directly from Roswell New Mexico.” Breaking UFO is a wacky story clearing house, not that the page is wacky but the news items are.

Inducted April 26, 2004

9.15The Anomalist Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Once and a great while the Odd Emperor comes across a place he truly likes. The Anomalist is one, topical, up to date. Its all about freaky "Foreartina" but there is more, much more. A discussion list, book reviews, a large, comprehensive links section and of course, the on line versions of the Anomalist Magazine. Its cool, its weird, its right up the Odd Emperors alley.


Inducted May 14, 2004

9.16 Church of Fools, Submitted by the Odd Emperor with special thanks to the The most Hideous Giant, Giuseppe

One of the more bizarre (but inevitable) ideas, how about a Shockwave driven virtual church?

Why not you might ask?

Well the good folks down at shipoffools.com are rapidly finding out. Why misbehave in a regular church when you can anonymously log into a virtual church and kick the living snot out of people! Ur; well curse at them a little until a warden "smites" you off the server. It took a couple of days before they yanked the “shout” feature. Now you can only whisper your derision to people standing next to you.

"Church of Fools is a cross between a computer game and an 11th-century Romanesque sanctuary. One visitor looked around with her five-year-old son on her lap. "Wow!" he said. "Who's on your team and which ones do you kill?" – a sentiment many traditional churchgoers will recognise." [SIC]

Don’t expect to get on very fast, looks like Church of Fools has only a few slots for real (virtual) people. You can wander around as a translucent ghost though, listen to conversations (or lack thereof.) You can go to the crypt area, gaze at the holy water vending machines (they don’t seem to actually do anything,) or watch the happy but bored parishioners do the wave over and over.

Makes the Odd Emperor want to fire up his copy of Unreal II and get a little - that fragalistic-expialidocious., that’s not what religion is supposed to do, is it?

Inducted May 20, 2004

9.17 Seekers Submitted by the Odd Emperor

Seekers is one of those unforgivably odd pages which abound on the Internet., so odd that the Odd Emperor himself finds it difficult to classify. It’s something of a pro conspiracy, pro apocalypse, hollow Earth, UFOs, Astrology, orbs, planet X, psychic and even chemtrails page. All of this material is strewn around, seemingly at random.

One thing that struck the Odd Emperor is a web edition of George Orwell’s 1949 novel 1984 which I’m pretty sure is not in the public domain. It’s pretty cool seeing it here and very appropriate given the World’s current situation but I have to wonder, did the web author actually get permission to re-publish this book?

Otherwise, you can look at “ Dreams are the Language of the Soul - What do yours Means?”[sic] (copyrighted by Liah Whithorse from http://www.whitehorsedreams.co.uk, excerpts from The Underworld, a Hollow Earth book and Granny’s Old-Fashioned ala Natural healing Tips.

There is some terrific artwork on this page, much of it clipped from other places apparently, some self published books and the like. One rather odd thing is that I can’t point to anything on this page and say, that the web author actually wrote that. There doesn’t t even seem to be a single email address to the webmaster.

One technical note, the page looks very messy in a Mozilla based browser, something to do with Front Page’s inability to do tables correctly.

Inducted May 25, 2004

9:18 The Gentle Winds Project Submitted by the Odd Emperor

The Gentle Winds Project is a New England based "not-for-profit company," allegedly operating for the past twenty years or so. They market a variety of services and “mystical healing instruments” which appear to be ordinary plastic laminated cards with colorful designs (from their mystical HP ink jet printer no doubt,) or small plastic puck-like things, also with colorful markings.

Suggested donations of these range from $450 US dollars to several thousand each. You can of course contact a mystic “instrument keeper,” and try the mystic healing instruments for free. I imagine this must be a little like contacting a “Tupperware keeper” and having fine Tupperware products demonstrated free of charge.

Well; a hard-sell pitch isn’t exactly a charge is it?

Here is part of the sales copy for a $7600 chunk of bakelite, er “Healing Bar Ver 1.3.”

The Bar adds a complexity of well over 6 - 60 Mhz minimum of temporal shifting combined with millions of predefined etheric modifications operating in a vertically and horizontally oriented polarization within an individuals system. This ultra complex process is set in motion by this healing instrument through a temporal and spatial gate set up when a healing instrument is held. (The last two sentences may sound like a lot of crap but that is how it happens from our point of view and the proof is in the results - real results.)”

No; from my point of veiw, it does sound like a lot of crap.

Sugar pills give proven results too, placebos do work and if one believes in something, whether it's a colorful hockey puck or (insert your favorite religions icon here.) Believing in something is effective. The bottom line is, this company appears to be selling expensive placebos, if people choose to believe that a $450 printed card is going to heal them, more power to them.

But if it quacks like a duck it’s still a quack no matter what you call it.

Inducted June 21, 2004

9.19 Educate Yourself. Submitted by Gilmore

A very good idea for most people. Unfortunately the Odd Emperor is not sure this is the best place unless you want to learn more about paranoia and strange beliefs.

And, oh boy do they have them here. From how to make all kinds of magical do-thingies to photographing mystical “Sylphs,” “busting, underground base busting, cloud busting and presumably ghost busting. How to construct HHG devices, HHG stands for Holy Hand Grenade, used to defeat deadly orgone energy, (that stuff spewed out of mind control towers masquerading as cell repeaters.) And many other subjects for hundreds of pages.

Inducted June 24, 2004

9.20 Chronos: The Future of Time Travel, Submitted by Gilmore

Other than the strange color combinations (Pepto-Bismol pink with a black background,) this seems to be your run-of-the mill time travel “I have the answer to all your problems and free energy to boot” page. Upon closer examination one sees a couple of even stranger things.

They talk about things that haven’t happened yet, things that won’t happen for a hundred years or so. They give details, not that anyone is going to call them on their accuracy or anything, my web browser is good but it still has problem pulling a page from the year 2110. Apparently Chronos doesn’t have this problem because you see; their “Way Back Machine” is really a Way Forward Machine.

Even the copyright notice is dated 2120, does that mean all the content here is OK to steal until that 2120?

Whatever; this is an entertaining page, full of authoritative sounding stuff about time travel and a number of other subjects, teleportation and time paradoxes to name a couple.

But if your looking for real information on time travel they explain, don’t use the Chronos page. This is all just Science Fiction until the twenty-second century. If you want real information on time travel and related subjects it’s best to stick with your public library.

The Odd Emperor thinks this is sage advice.

Inducted June 24, 2004