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"We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances." Isaac Newton

2.01 Above Top Secret

This is a pretty cool message board/blog table/newsportal. It's kind of like Slashdot for conspiracy enthusiasts (a small but growing group.)


1.02 World of Alternatives

Some people believe that the Medical Community is not omnipotent, me for one! However if people who devote their lives to the medical practice don't know everything, how is it that people who just sell untested stuff that "is believed" to do this or that know more? (its just one of the things that the Odd Emperor askes himself .)This page has a big clickable list of homeopathic medicines and many other things.


2.03 The Unkown Country

This is Whitley Strieber's web site, or should I say the corporate entity that came about due to Mr. Striebers supposed encounters with lots and lots of bug eyed entities. He was a fairly successful horror writer once. Author of such works as the Howling, The Wolfen and co author of Warday. Once but, that was a long - long time ago...... Added 1999


2.04 Cosmic Conspiracies

"Ive [sic] got over 70 pages packed full of FACTS. Drop by and be enlightened." So states the author of this page from the UK in an e-mail a few years ago.They have a lot of pages, that's true enough. A lot of a pages of factual content is and open question to say the least. There is a lot of fun junk on this site, from a bestiary on alien species to all the information on the 12th planet you might ever want, you know; the planet that is supposed to have smacked into Earth around May of 2003. What's that about facts? Added 1999

2.05 Zeta Talk

Zeta Talk is a fairly large and comprehensive site which deals with the horrific events that are taking place all around me, even as I write these words, or should be. You see, by 2003 (It's February 2003- as I write this) the Earth should be in the throes of a huge catastrophe. See the Zeta Reticulans have selected "Nancy" to be their Zetan emissary. The Zeta Reticulans have predicted a huge space body will hurl itself through the solar system in the year 2003. If you are reading this after 2003 then you are probably just fooling yourself because the world has already ended, go home…nothing to see here!

2.06 The Flat Earth Society

I just love you guys! If it weren't for people who still think the Earth is flat, the Internet would be a boring place full of factual information, kind of like the Smithsonian . Now if you folks were real flat Earth believers, that would be quite another thing would it not?
Updated July 3, 2003

2.07 Hollow Earth

The Earth is not FLAT, that's a physical impossibility. IT'S HOLLOW! Now that we know this, we can ignore the little details of how the Earth was made, what the Earth is made of and how the Earth doesn't just fly apart from the rotational stresses and, oh yes, exactly where does gravity come from?

2.08 The Flat Earth Society

Not another one! I'm really not going to go through all of this a second time! Sufficient to say that the Odd Emperor now believes in the Flat Earth. You should too! It's much easer than peering down wells on the summer solstice and all that science crap.

Actually, this one is a lot better written and funnier then the other one. Perhaps the Flat Earth page at http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskopf/FlatHome.htm could start doing an update, we could get a Flat Earth Society competition going, maybe they could have a full scale web-war! That would be very cool!

Added July 3, 2003

2.09 Aliens on Earth

This was once a pretty good reference site. The page author dumped most of the content saying that it had become too unwieldy. The entire Groom Rat Desert Rat newsletter is preserved here though along with his old UFOmind mailing list.

2.10 Hare Krishna

I have sat down and talked to these folks from time to time. They are a fascinating bunch. On the surface, it looks like Hinduism but it's not actually. The Krishna movement seems to be a revitalization of traditional Hindu beliefs focusing on one demigod of the pantheon, Krishna who is sort of a Christ like figure in that religion. This is a huge elaborate and well written site.

2.11 World of the Strange

This is the homesite of among other things, the paranet news list. There is very little of value on the list or on the web page. The author of the page and most of the posters on the list mean well but they seem to be stuck in a "feel good" new age loop and not be too interested in actually looking into the stuff they profess to be interested in. I once attempted to have a dialog with them but now, mostly leave 'em to their tea leaves and reruns of Crossing Over with John Edwards.....it's better that way you see.


2.12 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy

Although I agree with the sentiment, I don't see much evidence that the people in US Gov land really keep many secrets about UFOs in the first place. What if they told the truth and said "we don't know what the heck they are either - who would believe them?

2.13 Creation Science Evangelism

If you ever wanted to argue the "TRUTH" that the entire universe just popped out of the mind of God one day - a miracle that we poor humans are just to dumb to describe then, this site is for you! Look carefully for arguments that black is white - but be sure to look left and right at the next zebra crossing! (with some apologies to the late Douglas Adams)

CSE is now offering a quarter of a million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate empirical evidence of evolution. Their money is safe though. In the instructions is the statement-"Prove beyond reasonable doubt that the process of evolution..is the only possible way the observed phenomena could have come into existence." They also assert that if one cannot prove exacly how say--the entire universe was formed out of primodial matter (something which is still a subject for debate) then this is proof that evolution itself is a religion and we need to stop teaching this in public schools

This is of course nonsense. There is no way to prove that evolution is the only process going on just like there is no way to prove that creation happened other than realizing we are all here, unless you believe in phenomenology whereby you can go sit in a nice corner and sulk, if you can find a nice corner to believe in.

In any case, absolute arguments based on belief alone do not serve creationists or evolutionists very well. They simply become circular in nature just like in any other closed system. Rigid arguments simply illustrate the fundamental dogma of their narrow little universes. I can come up with plenty of arguments that both systems are correct, or neither. It all comes down to what you believe in and there is really no point in trying to convince someone who has already made up his or her mind that they are full of ... primordial matter.

So far the only letter that CSE has posted in there challenge is a rather silly query to whether channeled information is OK to use as evidence.

I say why not? Isn't the Bible full of channeled stuff too?

Updated July 3, 2003

2.14 Reasons to Belive

Yet another page that claims to look at Christian scripture from a scientific standpoint. Yet another page that falls far short of actually doing this. This page uses the "just right" explanation of how the universe was formed. I.E. since the physics of the universe seem to be just right then this must prove the existence of a divine hand in creation.

The web page takes a moderate view, suggesting that science and the bible are compatible. That creation and evolution do not necessarily contradict each other. This very idea has pissed a number of people off including the authors of the Institute for Creation Research web page. --->

Although, this makes me wonder why they want to reconcile the Judeo Catholic creation myths over say Hindu mythology or the Hopi beliefs. All of which were or are just as valid to somebody.

Recently my wife got me a T-Shirt that reads, "Heretic, in good company" and has a list of names which include Jesus, Martin Luther and a host of others. I wonder why?

2.15 Institute for Creation Research A Christ-Focused Creation Ministry

This is a site where science and the Bible are fully integrated. Now before we begin let's get one thing straight. NOTHING that disagrees with the Bible will be considered "scientific." Now that we have that out of the way PREPARE TO BE ENLIGHTENED!

2.16 The American Free Press

I like America Free Press, I liked it back when it was called the Spotlightt...no really! I have to go to the chiropractic clinic right after reading this thing but that is a small price to pay for the "truth" don't you think? The Spotlight folded back in 2001 or so but it's been replaced by this equally paranoid publication. It seems funny to me that they would call it the American Free Press and not the United States OF America Free press. America (as any high school geography student should know) extends from Hudson Bay to Terra De Fuego. So, if they are actually the American Free Press the paper should be translated into the majourity languages of America, Spanish, Portuguese and French, don't you think?

2.17 Surfing The Apocalypse

As doomsday sites go, this one is a beaut! Well maintained with up to the minute news files gleaned from some of the leading news services. Along side more silly stuff. Makes good reading - I highly recommend it!

2.18 Alien Zoo

Nice looking site. You probubly need broadband to take full advantage of some of the content. Sort of a mix of good documented stuff and well, undocumentable stuff.

2.19 Elvis Is Alive!

Why, I was so excited when I saw this site I called them right up and bought the book! Now I can sleep at night knowing that Elvis is a dottering 60+ year old man living in seclusion somewhere.

Aw BUMMER! The Elvis is Alive site is Dead-JIM- DEAD! But, no need to fear! The site has been reserected like a bad movie on MSK3000!



2.20 UFO Folklore

A big honking UFO a-rama site fulll of....you know, UFO stuff!