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Of course, if one ignores contradictory observations, one can claim to have an 'elegant' or 'robust' theory. But it isn't science.
- Halton Arp, 1991, from Science News, Jul 27.


At long last! An immortality device that's GUARANTEED! YOU get double your money back if this device fails to grant you ETERNAL LIFE! (Please note, this offer is NOT transferable to your next of kin.)

4.2 Historical artwork and UFOs by Matthew Hurley

Very nicely presented. This site has pretty much what it sounds like. Matthew Hurley has collected a whole slew of medieval and pre historic artwork which might be depicting the same sort of unidentified flying objects that people see today.

4.3 Leading Edge International Research Group

I don't quite know what to make of this. It seems to be a sort of cyber religious organization, it also seems like some sort of elaborate joke! Fair warning, this bloke uses every html tag and Java script he can get his hands on. You should have a pretty fast pipe and PC to view this site. That's Internet pipe, the other kind would help but it's purely optional.

4.4 Mysteries of the Inner Earth

Whoa, here is proof positive that our lovely Earth is actually a hollow shell with vast and exotic civilizations just waiting to be discovered. My only question, why doesn't this bloke submit this to one of the geological journals? Those folks work hard and could use a good laugh!

4.5 Cyberspaceorbit

Another big fat honking site devoted to your favorite subjects - UFOs, the Mars Face, aliens, Gov. conspiracies, weirdo babies, weirdo people, radar rings, HARRP, sinister oozings, chupa-whatnots, Atlantis, anomalous who- done- its, MIBs, orbs, and a host of equally crazy things.


Radar rings! Some time ago, these radar composite images started showing up on TV news broadcasts and the Internet. They can be a useful tool for judging rapidly changing weather and can save countless lives by helping to give ample warning of approaching storms. HA! Not on your life! Radar composites show us the HORRIFIC DANGER of RAAAADAR RINGS! ! Now you all can SEE FOR YOURSELVES how the EVIL United States Government is preparing to squash you, like the stupid little bug that your are! Even though radar rings are actually the result of technicians having the attenuation set too low on their PPI repeaters. (I used to work on these things ya know- ) SHUUUT UP YOU! No radar technician turned GEEK is gong to tell US how the world will be destroyed! Its the end! Doom! DOOOM TO US ALL!!!!

4.7Unexplained Mysteries.com

A very nice looking elaborate news site. Unexplained Mysteries has grown over the years to become (so they claim) one of the largest paranormal news digests on the Internet. They could be correct. I found a wide range of interesting stuff on this site, and a big bulletin board too!


OK, this is a freaky one. Somebody from Wisconsin is channeling yet another alien being, this one looks like an emasculated naked pink alien, clutching a pet iguana in its little sucker fingered hand. This is the real McCoy folks! All the rest of em must be fake! You can e-mail CAFTH with a question and he-she-it will e-mail you back with an answer. Or at least it used to! Aparently Cafth's phone bill was too high and he had to hang up. But you can at least read all of the arcived answers to questions that people submitted over the years. My first question would be something like - don't you little freaky people believe in pants?

4.9 lunar Anomalies

Another site that purports to offer the truth behind the idea that there are huge glass cities on the Moon, NASA knows about it and keeps this a deep dark secret despite the BILLIONS of dollars that it would instantly get if it disclosed this sort of information. This site purports to be a objective look at Hoagland's assertions about such things. Then the site author goes on to say that he believes everything Richard Hoagland says.....I'm sorry, I don't think that I necessarily agree with this definition of objective.

4.10 Timecube

This is the classic spewing site. The site author, a fellow by the name of Gene Ray asserts that there are actually 4 days in each 24 hour period and that this fact has been carefully hidden from all of humanity by evil establishment types (like grade school teachers.) This and much more is related in this really weird "sentence structure" which ignores normal writing convention and cycles around a kind of staccato métier. For example; "Educators are teaching doom. I charge academia, religion, media and government with a criminal act of collusion and conspiracy against children. USA on a path to cannibalism."- And so on. Additionally he insists on publishing his entire site in a 40 point font. Hey! He is offering a cool million to anyone who can disprove that there are 4 days to each 24 hour period. Now if someone could prove that 24 hours in a day was NOT arbitrary in the first place.....

4.11 Power of the Mind Magazine

Is it just me or is this stuff just getting stranger by the day? Power of the Mind (a seminal work done in Front Page 3.0 no less) asks a thought provoking question, " What links an odd fact about the human penis to extraterrestrial life? - Power of the Mind exclusive" ......Yoooo betch'a mate!

4.12 Earthfiles

This is a site edited my Mrs Linda Moulton Howe. She was a film journalist who produced an excellent documentary on animal mutilations. Since that time she has been a regular on the Art Bell Show and others. This is a news portal page, up to date and informative ,it's a pretty cool place to keep up on what's strange in the world.

4.13 IFO Database

You heard it here first. This fellow has created a web site full of things that are commonly mistaken for UFOs. From ORBS to spider silk, chemtrails and contrails. Good solid scientific backing for his statements. Very little speculation in a nicely presented series of articles

4.14 National Institute for Discovery Science

This is a very impressive site. More for a serious UFO researcher than someone who wants to find out if aunt Grace was abducted by aliens over the holidays. If your are looking for a site that will tell you about what the reptioids do when they are not working on world conquest then this site is not for you. There is and excellent collection of papers covering many facets of the UFO - meta physical field. All are written in a scholarly professional style.

4.15 Net Authority (archived at the wayback machine)

This is a classic! According to their site, Net Authority is "the Internet's premier authoritative body". The aims of Net Authority is to regulate the Internet so that people will be safe. The Net Authority has waited patently almost five years for the world government to take control of the Internet and restrict the godless devil spawn from publishing their filth! They have prayed and prayed for someone to stop these crimes against humanity! But the waiting is over! Now the JUST men of the Net Authority will do what ever they can to stop these fiends from endangering the God fearing and righteous with their devilish Internet! I thought this was a joke but these people are serial! (serious?) They have cool coffee mugs and T-shirts for sale too! Get some for your friends! (I'm serial!)....

But unfortunately, it was all a hoax perpetrated by Mikycomics.com, as a serious sociological experiment I would imagine.

4.16 Boblazer.com

OK, so I take this guy with a grain of salt or how about the entire production of the state of Utah for about one year! Bob Lazar is one of those fellows who claims to have seen a so called back engineering project on aircraft built by aliens from the Zeta Retuculi 1 & 2 star system (a double star system, very unlikly to support life but lets not let that littel fact stand in our way, hell lets not let ANY facts stand in our way.) This site is supposedly full of spine tingling secrete of his experiences but seems to be in fact a rehash of a series of books about Mr. Lazar. A fellow who has been pretty much discredited or is some new age messiah depending on who you talk to. (and what they happen to be smoking.)

BUMMER! The page has gone belly up with an amusing little blurb. "THIS SITE HAS BEEN HACKED TO DEATH." Too bad, so sad. I'm under the impression that running around spewing a bunch of fantastic crap and calling it THE TRUTH is bad for business, bad karma and generally not a good idea.

Late breaking news!! The page is going to be BACK ON LINE around April of 2004 with NEW, UPDATED MATERIAL!!!,

I can't wait! (Added, July 27, 2004)

I know its a weird thought but that's why I'm the Odd Emperor.

Here is the old content from the WayBack Machine.

4.17 The Offical John Edwards web page.

"John Edward has brought a fresh, honest and thought provoking attitude to the world of psychic phenomena" So begins the bio on this guy - now am I missing something crucial? This person has been blasted all over the SCI FI network (a cable channel that is well known for it's FACTUAL programing.) He hosts a sort of Psychic game show where he asks 20 questions or less and ends up telling people about their dead loved ones. I won't say that he is a fraud, he's a real honest to goodness medium. Now the fact that mediums are really 100%, bonified frauds and that they really don't talk to dead people is just besides the point, right?

4.18 The Tom Bearden Website

If this fellow had a theses statement, it would read something like this. "Everything we know about electromagnetism is utter and complete bullcrap!" Hmm...in that case I wonder just how this computer that I'm writing these words works. Good thing I keep praying over it or it would have just vanished in a puff of unworkable physics years ago (I use MS OS so I pray ALOT!). And this guy says he is a "Ph.D., nuclear engineer, retired Lieutenant Colonel (U.S. Army), CEO of CTEC, Inc., " Funny he doesn't seem to work in the field which he has his degree. A brief examination of some of his papers suggests that he is expounding on a common paranoid belief that sinister agents of various governments are holding valuable free energy machines off of the market to line their own pockets from oil sales.....what was that degree in again?

4.19 Stanton T. Friedman's Home Page

Considered by many to be the 'father of Rosswell", Dr Friedman is a long time advocate of the validity to the ETH of UFOs. That is, he thinks that they are piloted aircraft which have originated from outside the solar system. Other than some of the odd things that this fellow has said and the weird books he has written. Stanton T. Friedman appears to be pretty much who and what he claims to be. But, he seems to have made up his mind about UFOs in particular in that nothing anyone can say will change it. This appears to be singularly unscientific to my mind. "Mountains of evidence" (I'm assuming that this refers to eye- witness testimony) cannot by itself prove anything. Only a body , artifact or getting one of those little aliens to speak a few words at a banquet will make any difference.


Just to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can always find familiar images any set of random objects. This site claims that there are a whole bunch of Marsface type images all over the Giza plateau. Not only that but we are treated with the thrilling idea that the ancients made made really bad drawings that can only be seen from orbit, proving that ancient man was a lousy artist!But wait! There's more! Did you know the great pyramid on the Giza plateau was actually a huge stereo system? Did you know that ancient Egyptians traveled to the Moon and Mars using reed and wooden ships? Did you know that idiots have been proposing stuff like this since the 1970s? And in case you don't get the message. This entire site is written in a twenty point type face. Man! That gave the Odd Emperor a headache! Also, the author seems outraged that the Egyptian government would build roads right over his newly discovered proof of alien sand sculptures or whatever. Dude! You can go to ANY set of aerial photographs and find faces and other familiar objects. Something to do with how the brain works if I remember correctly!

(Dang.... shouldn't have told him that!)

The Faces of Giza author puts on a different face.