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Copyright © 2003-2006, Empire of the Odd. G. Pettingill, editor in chief.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of Odd


empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The

The Odd Emperor's

Have a comment on this page? Email the Odd Emperor!


To say that the Odd Emperor has a lot of books is an understatement. He has MANY book, fat books, skinny books, books that tell tales, historical books, religious books. He has fiction books, serious books, books of all descriptions.

And the Odd Emperor has his...odd bookshelf!

The Odd Emperor's odd bookshelf has what you might expect, odd books. Books on UFOs, books on witches, books by Science Fiction and fantasy hacks turned cult gurus. Books by serious researchers (a rarity) and books pertaining to tell the absolute truth. Some fun books, some funny books and books full of utter nonsense.

The Odd Emperor, being a rather opinionated sort wants to share his views on a number of these books.


If you have a book you would like reviewed, send the title to the Odd Emperor.

If you would like to submit your own review, please send it as in-line text in the body of the email. No attachments please. 1000 words or less.

Coming Soon;

  • Shockingly Close to the Truth by James W. Moseley and Karl T. Pflock
  • Skeptical Odysseys, Edited by Paul Kurtz
  • The Monuments of Mars, A City on the Edge of Forever, by Richard C. Hoagland.
  • Encounters, by Edith Fiore, PhD.
  • The 12th Planet, by Zecharia Stichin
  • The Andresson Affair, by Raymond E, Fowler
  • They Knew too Much About Flying Saucers, by Gray Barker
  • After the Martian Apocalypse, by Mac Tonnies
  • Shockingly Close to the Truth, by James W. Moseley and Karl T. Pflock

And more! many more!

The Odd Emperor's Odd book rating system.

Very Nice: I want to read this again!


A fun read.


I liked it.


It's ....OK, i'm kind of indifferent to this.




What the hell? I don't get it.


I threw it across the room!

It was like watching a train wreak. I didn't want to look but.....

I threw it across the room AND forgot who the author was. Don't read this book, use Ice cream scoops to rip out your eyes. Watch TV. DO ANYTHING!

Book Classification






