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The Odd Emperor's Bookshelf

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Children of the Matrix by, David Icke




Children of the Matrix, (Pseudo history, pseudo science,)

It's best to approach this sort of thing with an open mind, really open!

Preferably a mind untainted by conventional history, anthropology or modern archeology. A mind utterly blank, devoid of any vestige of original thought, history, sociology, or science of any kind. If you're like that you will probably think David Icke’s Children of the Matrix to be an astounding book.

However if you have any academic standing (like you actually graduated from high school) you will be astounded that this book could be published at all.

But first; Who is David Icke?

The Odd Emperor found very little information about him. In the mid 1990s he switched from playing soccer and sports-casting to "non-fiction" writing. The non-fiction began with some straight forward environmental books but devolved into more esoteric subjects. UFOs, the paranormal and other such stuff. It was around this time that he proclaimed he was Jesus or something during an interview.

In Children of the Matrix, Icke lays out the idea that the two lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria have influenced nearly every civilization that came after. Our somewhat modest society, technology in transport (aircraft, trains, spacecraft,) electronics ( computers et-al and other communications gear.) medicine (et-al) is all due to splendid but lost civilizations in the distant past.

Still with me? Sounds resonable right? I mean, if hotel manager and author Erick Von Daniken can say it, soccer pro and author David Icke should be able to write all the books he wants and say exactly the same thing, right?

Additionally, the people who haled from those places were alien hybrids. Specifically the mysterious Nordics and the sinister Reptilians.

The Odd Emperor found that it helps to know nothing about biology or genetics either. Otherwise the little voices start up. You know the ones that shout (wrong-wrong WRONG!)

The hybrids have infiltrated humanity using a number of secret societies for cover. Yes this book also blames the Illuminati (made up of people in these original hybrid bloodlines) who control humanity.

Did you know that Immanuel Velikovsky, that fellow who thinks the planet Venus popped out of Jupiter, flew (somehow) close to the Earth, caused the flood and other cataclysm also destroyed high civilizations? Not only on Earth but also Mars? Did you know that scientists have determined Mars had extensive vegetation before the passage Venus? (that’s all news to me, we know that Mars might have had water one time but plants?)

Well David Icky says it’s all true! He should know! He's done lots of research and probably read all of Velikovsky's books. That has to count for something!

David Icke, if nothing else is fond of making fabulous jumps of logic. He writes like a kid who has a bad case of Attention Deficit Disorder. Jumping from one subject to the next, feeding bits and pieces of his psudo-historical vision while quoting extensively from such “luminaries” as Erick Von Daniken, Stichiian, and Frans Kamp. Predictably he avoids quoting many real archeologists or mythology specialists. I was looking around for Campbell, nope! He's nowhere to be found. But John Keel shows up.

I’m not saying the Icke is lying. His sources he are real enough. The fact that most of his sources do not speak for the archeology community is merely a side point. I'm sure many people won't notice.

The problem with this kind of research is that it exemplifies getting what you want out of carefully selecting the literature. When your research is simply to bolster one or more strange ideas (in Ickes case about a thousand strange ideas) you get a mutilated, confusing book. Facts are subtly distorted, sources that contradict are discarded The wealth of information of ancient Egypt, Samaria and even Ancient Greece is ignored except for the relatively rare sensational fringe publication. Children of the Matrix feeds on those.

Consider this paragraph, found on page 57;

“The Phoniticians (Summerian Empire) had landed in the British Isles by at least 3000 BC (figure 12 overleaf). This correspond with the period when, it is claimed the great stone circles like Stonehenge and Avebury were built with the same astonishing precision that you find with the Giza pyramids and the other breathtaking structures across the Sumerian and former Alantiean-Lemurian Empire. Whoever designed Stonehenge must have had a very advanced knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. Geroffrey of Monmouth, the 12th-centurey historian , wrote in Histories of the Kings of Britain the builders of the original Stonehenge were “giants” from North Africa. The Aryans of Sumer and Egypt were a tall people because they came from the very tall Nordics and the reptilians which are almost always described as very tall…”

It’s almost impossible to relate one bit of this to another, Phoenicians in England? Egyptians and the Windmill Hill people?( those are the folks who are thought to have actually built Stonehenge.) Some fellow in the 11th century writes that the Stonehenge builders were "giants from Africa" (as exotic and unexplored to the medieval mind as the surface of Mars to us.) and this somehow enforces the idea that, they were tall so they must have been aliens?

Far from being taken out of context, this example is the rule in Children of the Matrix. From the first page a confusing array of so-called facts are spewed fourth to be twisted and spindled with a myriad of other facts in an unending stream. It keeps up until a reader is completely fixed in Mr. Icke's universe that he or she will be pining away for his next tome or (if you are like the Odd Emperor) they will have a slight headache.

Every paragraph Children of the Matrix raises far more questions than it answers. Reading this book requires one to discard a conventional worldview and replace it with Mr. Icke’s singular vision. He sets himself as master and guru, feeding a convert his complex reality. Looping in and out of the real world with reckless abandon. Making one confusing point after another. Children of the Matrix lays out a fantastic universe as only Icky can see. This is not science or history. Children of the Matrix is more like an elaborate back-story for a series of science fiction novels.

To prepare a reader for what follows, Icke quotes in the fly-leaf, “Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius.

The Odd Emperor is happy to oblige (The Odd Emperor is far to humble to label himself “a genius.”) Overall Children of the Matrix is easy to ridicule, simple to ignore but very difficult to take seriously. Since “scoffers” take the lowest rung in Icke’s unique universe the Odd Emperor must take his place there among the others who cannot subscribe to his holy vision.

( Hey if the Odd Empeor can get Mr. Icke to ridicule him!

.. no that's silly, but it would be very funny!)

But to paraphrase Milton; Tis better to rule in hell than to serve the likes of people who want to take your soul.

The book is produced by Mr. Icke’s own, Bridge of Love Publications company, distributed by the author and TGS publishers (Hidden Mysteries Books) . You can also find this book in your local public library.

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