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Copyright © 2003-2006, Empire of the Odd. G. Pettingill, editor in chief.

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empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of Odd


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Have a comment on this page? Email the Odd Emperor!


" If you can't annoy somebody, there is little point in writing." -- Kingsley Amis.

8.1 Subterranean Myths and Mysteries.

This is the Web page of one William Michael Mott or as he calls himself, WM. Michael Mott. He’s a US graphic artist, self-described struggling writer, “investigator” and (judging from some of his letters) a want-to-be freshmen English teacher.

He’s come up with the most “brilliant” idea. Since many cultures have legends and myths regarding strange happenings and underground civilizations we must assume that there is some literal truth to the stories and the Earth is indeed hollow.

He has written a number of things on the subject, chiefly a relatively short volume entitled Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures where he lays out his so-called proof that the Earth harbors a number of unknown civilizations and much of our religion is the result of interaction with creatures emerging from the deep places of Earth.

I’ve read the book, it doesn't really make much of a case for the hollow Earth theory or other Fortean concepts. The book kind of zigzags around, paraphrasing a wide range of mythology, legend, science fiction, modern UFO and monster sightings kind of all mashed together with Mr.Motts rather unique spin. All in all, not terribly convincing.

Now, why would the Odd Emperor be reviewing a book here on the Empire of the Odd? Well; much of his book happens to be on his web page (and others), over half of as a matter of fact. I felt kind of ripped! I think the publisher of the book would feel the same unless; well, dare we say...?

But that’s not the best part, this fellow in his infinite wisdom launches attacks on people who dare voice a differing opinion regarding his holy vision. One fellow wrote a fairly mild critique a few years ago, his response was to publish a rebuttal on his web page, which was pretty harsh. What's really odd is Mr. Mott doesn't really say where the critique was published or who the author was. It might allow a reader to see both sides of an issue, we can't allow that!

In case anyone is interested it was from page 32 of CRYPTO Volume IV, Number I, January 2001, published by Craig Heinselman.

What did I get from all of this? Well the feeling that Mr. Mott HATES criticism. Hates it with a passion. To the point where he apparently cannot discuss his assertions without descending into ad hominem type arguments.

Makes the Odd Emperor wonder what he's going to do if he ever gets criticized for real.


The Odd Empire's FIRST FAN PAGE!

"Now begone, or I shall be forced to render an uncomfortable condition upon you!" - Wm. Michael Mott

Some time ago the Odd Emperor started to get rather angry emails from a fellow by the name of Wm. Michael Mott, a self styled expert on everything, Creative Director for a high-performance software company, (whatever that means), artist, writer-publisher of two books, Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures and something called the Pulsifer Saga and Tales of the Last Plateau. The first being a so-called non fiction tome which suggests that much of the oral history of humanity is actually true and gives a Richard Shaver kind of explanation to the state of civilization. The other is an electronically published fantasy series regarding this fellow who has adventures in a turgid subterranean world full of odd fungus creatures and other unlikely things.

I first happened upon Mr Mott's web page a number of years ago. The Odd Emperor found Mr Mott had some interesting content on Richard Shaver and the whole subterranean belief system. There he recounted a large collection of legends dealing with ancient civilizations deep beneath the Earth and (acording to Mr. Mott,) this was where UFOs and other strange phenomena actually derive from.

This is the original review, the one that presumably made Mr. Mott nearly choke to death on his coffee.

"according to the sacred scrolls of Allaaggaaah--which are buried deep in the smoky grottos of Gallu'panic--in the land of Yuugaa-Skoongoooplit--a mystic message crystal was thrust into the hands of MOTT.

On that fateful day, MOTT was alerted to the presence of the Odd Emperor--by gibbering minions who worry away the dark and lonely years--oppressed by the fetid and glowering presence of MOTT. Sitting astride his hideous, quite loathsome and very uncomfortable throne. A throne created of the white--bleached bones of tired--wrung-out ideas.

MOTT; who banishes ANY from his dark kingdom having the gall to disagree with his omnipotent state. MOTT; who's lofty literary talents and artistic heights rise to the rare heights where few men dare to--um, rise"

Gaa! The Odd Emperor hates that kind of prose, imagine an entire novel written that way!

Now where was I?

Oh yes; Mr Mott decided to send the Odd Emperor a note, praising him and announcing to the world that he--MOTT had indeed met his match.

He sat down to his mystic keyboard and, ahh wrote this instead.

"I recommend that you clarify the thesis of your Empire site to reflect your own apparent ignorance in regard to folklore, mythology, anthropology" ...

....he don't know me too well...do he?

We went back and forth a number of times. I attempted to explain my position, Mr Mott insulted me. I tried to tell him that insults are not a very effective way to prove his position, it tends to make him look silly (OK by me!). So he insulted me even more. He pointed out my typos... you know the drill.

Anyway, to make a long story even longer, Mr Mott has indeed had his just and truly revengeful revenge! He has created a page devoted to The Odd Emperor! He even includes choice bits of our letters.

The Odd Emperor feels so .....flattered! Love the pic too! He depicts the Odd Emperor as a big fat squawking baby!

BY THE WAY Mr. Mott; I'm looking around the Imperial throne room for the dungeon key, as soon as I locate it I'm going to unleash the hounds of hell on you (being the law firm of Labrusky, Skinflint, Shyster, and his larger brother leo.)


because you lifted that picture out of the Imperial nursery without permission.--

The full text of the exchange can be found here. I even left the typos in place so that Mr Mott can have something to complain about. I left Mr. Motts typos in place too, just to be fair.

Here is a letter from one of Mr. Mott's minions. A slightly more polite minion to be sure (Ya got it all wrong! Your supposed to INSULT people who disagree with you! Weren't ya listening to your hero?)

A letter from another of Mr. Mott's fans, fellow by the name of Sock A Puppet I belive.


8.3 PSi Tech

Some sort of secret military project that has supposedly created a successful training program which can empower people with psychic remote viewing. It's an intreaging idea and I have no doubt that many military organisation in the past and present have looked into this concept, then they seem to have gone back to satellite imagery and spying . Those things actually work!

This webpage, although well presented does not really settle the question regarding the validity of remote viewing, it simply assumes the audience is already sold on the idea and delivers a sales pitch.

TRVU is an on line virtual university in a very literal sense, you can even wander around it's hallowed -- er virtual halls which is about all you can do, other then gaze at the special TRVU envelops and pens, without which you can't be a bonified remote vewier, I looked for secret decoder rings but didn't find any, rats!

Funny that they don’t talk about cost very much either, a first level course is around $1200.00 which they point out is less then a first level course at Harvard. The difference is that Harvard publicizes the total costs of a degree, one that can be used for something practical like getting a job. What the hell can you do with a degree at TRVU? Work at the psychic hotline?

They make a number of fantastic claims using interactive videos to try and convince potential students that they are credible. One amusing thing is a long QuickTime video that features clips from that oh-so believable program “Sightings”. Somehow this makes them look less credible but hey, most people think Sightings is as freaking accurate as FOX news, come to think of it, that's probably true given FOX's "accurate" reporting of Gulf War part two.

They also tout a remote viewing session that was broadcast on a local news program a couple of years ago. The Odd Emperor found this to be far less then convincing and it actually hurt their case. For one thing the session was not done in any scientific way, the participants knew what the target was and the remote viewer was clearly watching their reactions as she tossed out a bunch of random stuff looking for hits, just like in a cold reading. I thought it was all in all pretty thin stuff, unless you already buy the idea whereupon I would urge you to sign up!

What’s really creepy is that the entire web page is set up to make RVU look like the fictional Psi-Corps, those psychic fascists from the Science Fiction TV series Babylon 5. They even flash the letter Psy the Psi Corps symbol from the show. burrr!

Finaly, they round the pitch up with a bunch of testimonials. One person intones; “Imagine a world with no secrets”.

Ew! thank you VERY much but, I'll take a rain check on that one!

8,4 Scientific skepticism, UFOs and the flying saucer myth

I stumbled on this site one day after looking around my referrer logs, fascinating things—referrer logs, I recommend them!

This is a skeptical web page, if you are disturbed by the thought of people questioning the validity of your pet ideas then you should probably avoid this page. Otherwise, Scientific Skepticism is a refreshing change from most run-of-the-mill “I believe” websites.

This is a page of links and a few articles. Not flashy but that should tell you something about the author’s intent.

8.5 Sargel 18

This is the page for a fellow who is describes himself as an Alchemical Metaphysician at an ancient New Jersey Vortex. The first thing I wondered was, what the duce kind of title is that? I mean, imagine trying to get a job somewhere and putting “Alchemical Metaphysician” on aresume. Maybe if one is applying for a position with a magic apothecary as apposed to the kind that actually dispenses real medicines?

Otherwise, this site has a lot of odd photos of blobs which the author assures us are real orbs, not those fake kind that other people are photographing. How does he know this? Why because he constructed a sort of mystic feeding trough, excuse me a “field communicator” from instruction s that his Endorians buddys relayed to him. Now, we are not to be talking about those blue skinned aliens from Star Trek or the little fuzzy things in George Lucas' Star Wars movies. Sargel 18 talks to real Endorians. They told him how to make a field communicator didn't they?

This Sargel fellow also complains bitterly that the news services won’t carry his vortex-orb and monster pics (because there is a world-wide conspiracy to cover up the truth.) Even The Weekly World News won’t touch him and he seems stunned by that! Ironicly, this seems kind of reasonable to the Odd Emperor given the kind of publication that The Weekly World News is, (they don’t like to give away ad revenue.)

Sargel also has a ubiquitous plea for people to send money or the family silver if they don't have any spare cash (I’m not kidding). But you better hurry! Since the great war is going to begin in 2003 the mail service might get a little spotty in places.

8.6 Dov Ministries

There are a couple of fallacious beliefs held by deeply religious people about science and the process whereby science functions in the real world. They are, that science is incompatible with religion and that science is a religion in its own right. A colliery to this second belief is that science is somehow in competition with religion and must be fought tooth and nail until (presumably) human society drifts back in to nice safe medieval theocracy.

Thanks but I don’t think that would be very good idea ; I’ll take my western first world secular society any old time over the hell that was the Dark Ages in Europe, not to mention all the other places that exist in the world today shacked by dogmatic thinking, like Saudi Arabia, Iran or the State of Mississippi.

This web page is a wonderful example of someone who appears to disagree with me. Dov Ministries doesn’t seem to be for anything in particular other than a very narrow set of texts in one or more of the Catholic Bibles.

The page author is against a bunch of things though. Some are expected like evolution, most science and scientific thinking, rationality, the usual list of suspects.

I saw a number of statements that in effect say “Ah HA! A scientist changed his mind on something this means that – Science is not all knowing and scientists are religious zealots!

No... this means that the built in error correcting mechanisms in scientific procedures are working, they are supposed to change their minds when they find something new dummy!

Or take the reversal of the Kansas state school system when they decided to take the book of Genesis out of biology class and started teaching biology again. Mr Dov has some very bitter words about that.

Others are relatively strange, like Mr. Dov’s imaginative ideas regarding the way terrorists ought to be treated, his five rapture challenges or his amusingly redundant Evolution Challenge.

All and all, a rather messy and confusing page, but hey! He thinks Rush Limbaugh is a pompous jerk; I can agree with that! He also doesn't like Microsoft or Bill Gates very much which is odd considering that his web page was created in the evil hell-spawn Microsoft FrontPage -

I guess its a convenient devil right Rev?

8.7 NICAP, National investigating Committee On Aerial Phenomena

This is an extensive document repository of the old NICAP organization. A fascinating look at evidence gathered by a rare group that seemed untouched by the UFO and alien hysteria that bundles up most people who investigate this area of high strangeness.

There are a number of books displayed on this site including Keyhoe's 1950 tome, Flying Saucers are Real. Truly a cool page.

8.8 Aquarius Water

This bunch has been blitzing the silly-circuit for a while. There seems to be a niche market for ultra-expensive, vaguely formulated water products in the new age world, just goes to show you what kind of people the new age movement is made up of! Or what kind of people new age entrepreneurs are catering to

They make a number of misstatements on this page, certainly designed to make hysterical people short of breath. For example they claim that the amount of oxygen in the Earth atmosphere has reduced from 35% to 17.5 %. Oh -baby, at 17.5 percent O2 in the air it’s a wonder any of us can even walk up flight of stairs. Government standards don’t allow workers into a confined space with less than 18% oxygen. (I suppose we should all call in sick now.)

Then they throw around a bunch of buzzy sounding words to make the venture appear to be some kind of scientific breakthrough and a humanitarian effort to boot. The only humanitarian effort see is the effort to line someone's pocket. Thirty dollars for a liter of this crap? A liter of good champagne doesn't even cost that much.

Oh and this stuff has “many subtle natural living aspects”, meaning what? Someone stuck their fingers into the vat of water after it ran through the filtration system or something. Yuck!

I’m really in the wrong business!

Added, July 23, 2003

8.9 Welcome to the Website of the ADI Avatars

Every so often the Odd Emperor come upon a page that is so displeasing and mind numbingly silly that he just has to include it, not that this one will be around very long.

ADI Avatars is just such a site. Hosted on a freeserver page (not that I hold this against them, many web pages get their start as free server pages ;) This one though, oh boy..

For example;

"We are empowering the creation of the Mother Universe and the Creation Powers of the many Creators who are living on Earth now. We are also becoming the Divine Adi [sic] Avatar Race Group Merkaba which is advancing the evolution of all Beings."

OK, I can buy that some people believe this holy ascension drivel, it’s an ugly world out there and many people want to believe that they are becoming something better then what they are. I say fine! Go do your ascension thing... have a blast.

What really gets the Odd Emperor's goat however, is the way they say it. “…We are empowering the creation of the Mother Universe”…what the hell is that supposed to mean? NO your not! Who the hell do you think you are anyway? The laws of physics themselves? Why the Odd Emperor is SO honored to meet you Mr Physics sir, can I get your autograph?


Added July 23, 2003

8.10 Cyberspaceorbit

Other than stringing a bunch of unrelated words together to make a title, this page is little more than yet another honking space paranormal-a-rama site. One with very little content other then the same old tired, paranoid sounding stuff from a thousand other pages on the Internet.

For example;

  • The marsface looks like an eroded hill because we nuked it.
  • Planet X exists outside of the Duck Dodgers cartoon.
  • People have been living on Mars and the Earth’s Moon for a long time.
  • Chemtrails are something more then just contrails.
  • Radar rings are something more then just radar contrast problems (yah and weathermen never make mistakes)


Added August 21, 2003

8.11 The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency

This page was forwarded to me by one of the many many readers of the Empire of the Odd. The Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA) was responsible for controlling the sinister and altogether, frightening populations of vampires and zombies in the United States. The FVZA held the line against these fiends until the year 1975.

What? you say, I never heard about the FVZA? And what about vampires and zombies today? Who is going to protect us now that Buffy has been canceled?

Luckily a vampire vaccine was developed in 1950 and the agency was considered to be redundant. This page is a tribute to the brave men and women who gave their time, their careers and their very lives so that today, you and I can sleep sound in the understanding that the only thing we have to fear coming through our windows is some alien who wants to poke something up our butts.

The Odd Emperor feels better, don’t you?

Added August 25, 2003

8.12 World Harmony Network

World Harmony Network is a web page whose authors propose a brand new and original society. A society that will exist using principles that place it into harmony with nature. A society where people love and care for one another. A society that uses zero point energy to power it’s computers and automobiles although there is no explanation as to exactly what zero point energy is, other than there must be a smacking lot of it.

In this society, silent anti gravity vehicles will whisk happy denizens to and fro over the de-centralized forest cities and collective organic farms. Crime, politics, religious problems, money, pollution and things like terrorism or wars will be a fading memory.

There is a fairly lengthy description of this perfect world and the principles that people will live under. Proposed is a kind of parallel model that will someday insert this new utopian Society thus replacing the old with a better one, kind of like a really slow Microsoft upgrade.

The Odd Emperor is really sympathetic to this kind of thinking…NO it’s true! It would be very nice to see all humans in harmony, with themselves and with nature. No human society, not the low technology hunter gatherers that represented more than 90% of human society throughout history or the more recent mercantile/agricultural Societies that are predominant in the first world has ever reduced their burden on planetary resources or become less violent. The World Harmony Network has the right idea.

Now but they have as much chance of cobbling together one of their magic antigravity cars than making a critical mass change in society just by thinking about it. Most people won’t even READ this page let alone make a substantive change in their behavior.

Perhaps if they made a major motion picture, I can see it now, Sylvester Stallone in “Yous gonna live in peace and harmony if’n I gotta fill your filthy carcass full’a holes you buncha jerks!”….

On second thought…

Added August 22, 2003

8.13 Are the Planets Hollow?

"Why wouldn't they be" asks the author of this stunning piece of pseudo science. I can think of about a hundred reasons but that's just the Odd Emperor applying the silly laws of physics to debunk an otherwise uninspired theory, one that keeps cropping up with comic regularity.

Granted that when the force of gravity is taken into account the amount of mass needed to create a one G field is 5.972e24 kg, A mass made up of Iron primarily (around 34% of the total mass.) is coincidentally just about the mass of the Earth.

Granted that we don't know exacly how the core of the Earth is arranged becuse we have not been able to drill that far, the crust averages 50KM thick and we can only drill a fraction of that distance. But we are reasonably certain that it's not hollow, if it was the Earth would have to be made out of something much denser than nickel-iron, probably something like the stuff inside of hollow Earth believers heads might do nicely.

But why even bother with facts established from hundreds of years of research when you can just believe fantasy writer Edger Rice Burrows or DC Comics! Things would be SO much more simple if we just chucked science and used comic-book logic.

Like these people!

For example;

"Heat destroys magnetism so the Earth core cannot be hot,"
excuse me? How in the heck to you explain the sun? The hottest object in the solar system and also the most magnetically active? - Right, it's just a huge lump of burning coal, I forgot (my bad!). What about plasma? So hot that the electrons are stripped away from this fourth state of matter, it can only be contained in a magnetic bottle. (Perhaps the Odd Emperor just made that up, there is no such thing as plasma.)

Or -

(paraphrased) The Earth could not have a liquid core because the tidal forces of the Moon would cause it to burst. Um - I don't see the oceans flinging themselves off of the surface (they slosh a little,) why would one expect the much denser core to do the same?

(Oh stop with the physics crap already!)

This page is a classic in circular logic and medieval thinking, since we "all know that the planets are hollow" we must conjure up a bunch of bogus physical laws so that our desires for living dinosaurs and loincloth clad maidens can be explained.

Oh - very nice. Why don't you people just write comic books!

Site added Sepember 2, 2003

8.14 SMINT;
Students from Manchester against Invasion by Non-Terrestrials

At long last! One group of college students is doing something about the horrific threat of alien incursion, something that the Odd Emperor really does stay up nights thinking about (no really..)

SMINT is breaking the boundaries of cutting edge research into this rapidly expanding field. They are at the top of the crest and the wave will carry them far. They are pioneers, working outside of the box, moving beyond the mundane and striding purposely into unknown and potentially scary territory.

Don’t let the tinfoil beanies fool you, these blokes mean business!

September 14, 2003

8.15 Evolution Jump

Not too much going on here, this is a spewing page with at least two spewers. The Sheldan Nidle updates and the Dove reports. They also have a thrilling yahoo group signup so that you can get the spew sent directly to your PC.

Site added October 10, 2003

8.16 Wingmakers

This is a very impressive looking experimental art page. Supposedly the paintings, music and philosophy were written many thousands of years ago and not penned by some college student or painted in acrylic as they appear to be.

On the intro page they say in part, (Wingmakers is)” a new cosmology and a future vision of our universe and our purpose therein.“ Not to mention some brand new ways of using the word “and”.

Actually the Wingmakers page seems to be an entertaining novel thinly masquerading as a non-fiction web page written by one Mark Hemple. Hemple is a member of the South Bay Group, supposedly a consulting company. According to the story, a web publishing company was approached by some mysterious “Madam X” to host the content of several CDs worth of text and images containing the mutterings of “James” the anonymous author of the Wingmakers saga.

And this tale has everything! Heroes, villains sinister government agencies all set upon the scenic backdrop of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, a very real place (the Odd Emperor has been there several times, it's highly recommended.)

Chaco is not to the Odd Emperors knowledge (or to the knowledge of the US Parks Service) the location of a secret set of caves containing the works of a strange alien race of super beings. Well, I guess if it was it wouldn’t be a secret any more, hey! If this is all true, they could finally pave the road out there!

Funny thing is that unless I’m mistaken, the novel (The Ancient Arrow Project) and at least some of the material written by the web minister seem to be by the same person for he uses the same voice and word patterns. The Odd Emperor is sure that this is just a coincidence. There is also a photograph floating around the net of Mr Hemple posing in front of one of the alleged, priceless cave paintings in his office…. Whups!

What’s really kind of scary how many people have been taken in by this page. From UFO talk show host Art Bell to the makers of the thousands of derivative web pages analyzing the Wingmaker content.

P.T. Barnum put it far more succinctly than I can and he was not talking about lollypops.

One exception is a little blurb on the ZetaTalk page where they say in part “This (the Wingmakers page) is less a fraud than an attempt to gain attention, as there is no malice in the effort. However, to read beyond the immediate desire of human artisans to promote their work, is incorrect. This is all there is to the Wingmakers products.”

Wow! The Odd Emperor and the ZetaTalk authors actually agree on something! That’s got to be a first.

Site added October 8, 2003

8.17 Awakening-Healing Come Home with a Divine Tune-Up

This is some kind of new age kind of enterprise in sunny Tampa Bay Florida. They have an extensive web page with all kinds of strange sounding stuff on it. I peeked at the Divine Tune-Up and was enlightened with this sales pitch..

Major focuses are ReMembering Light, Who You really Are, Freedom, and your Purpose in Being here Now at this awesome time of Planetary Awakening. Your Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual & Light Bodies are Activated, Healed, Up-Graded and Integrated. Your Brain is Re-Patterned clearing old programs and karma.

Whew! now that I get my brain cleared out, what do I put back into it?

If necessary, parts of your Soul and power that have been missing are Recovered. Your DNA is activated and Infused with Light. Many of our clients are professional or emerging healers, are You? This work Activates Your Full Potential Self, latent Talents, InSight, Purpose and Missions on our planet. We work with and assist the new Indigo, Gold, Violet and Crystal Children as well.

Kind of like a divine defrag of my brain! Do I get a guarantee with that? How about a spiritual oil change?

And the best part is that it's not nessisary for you to travel to to sunny Tampa Bay to get your tune-up. The masters from the Healing Heart of Maui and House of Grace can do the job over the phone or email for only $90.00 per hour! Who could pass up something this stupendous? But wait! You can get both a healing and a reading for the low low email price of only $300.00! Just call them up, send your credit card info, go take a nap! It’s that simple.

They also offer a bewildering array of products, from “Sea Silver (we love it daily), “ Man-Aloe (I don’t want to know) and something called Mono-atomic gold, formed in their very own sacred fusion reactor no doubt.

Site added October 10, 2003

8.18 Orbs by Beans

Oh JOY! It’s another orb page!

Orbs are relatively recent phenomena. They really did not come on the scene until around the 1990s or so. Coincidentally, the popularity of orb photos seems to have a direct connection with the popularity of digital photography. Digital cameras have come a long way in the last few years but they still lag behind in quality from chemical photography. Chemical photos use molecular arranging to change the reflectivity of a surface and thereby “paint” an image. Digital photos use a large array of numbers or a code that represents an image that is captured digitally using something called a Charged Coupleling Device or CCD.

One problem is that digital cameras do not take very good pictures compared with chemical film cameras. They tend to be slower (they need more light) than chemical cameras. Digital cameras need a horrific amount of memory to take even mediocre images. But they are convenient, no running down to Wal Mart to have some creepy voyeur process your photos. You just pop them into your computer and off you go.

being that they have become so popular, camera manufactures have come up with a solution to the light problem, they put very bright flash units on the digital cameras. Digital cameras also tend to shoot "quickly" I.E. the CCDs (the device that records the image) tends to grab an image faster then chemical cameras.

Brighter flash units and quick exposure times illuminate things that ordinary cameras ignore, dust particles, water droplets, snow and lint. Most people take this in stride but some think that if they see something odd, the only explanation possible is

… aliens.

Hence the orb web page.

This is one by John and Jan Bean. They “discovered” orbs and use the very scientific method of dowsing to explore them. According to the Beans “Orbs are multi-dimensional beings being used by Interplanetary life forms to view life on Earth.”

Guess the dowsing thing doesn't work very well, one would think that their explanation might be something like “Orbs are ordinary bits of airborne matter that are imaged slightly out of focus due to the unique properties of digital photography.”

But that would be telling the truth and it also makes for a very boring web page… unless you are the OddEmperor!

Page added October 11, 2003

8-19 The Alpha-Omega Report

This is another one of those “Holy crap, the world is about to be destroyed, I better get my rapture E-ticket in hand and make a BIG donation to the church of my choice!

This page is devoted to scaring the be-Jesus right our of you. Just look at few of their headliners for December 2003-

• Special Terror Alert Report
• Small Aircraft Terror Threat Grows
• Al Qaeda Plots WW3
• Terror Hotspots in USA
• Final Warning By Terrorists
• Possible Terrorist Attack Dates
• The Sign of the Blood-Red Moon

Wow! I’m worried!

8.20 Jonathan Goldman's, Healing Sounds

(Page not yet reviewed).