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Copyright © 2003-2006, Empire of the Odd. G. P., editor in chief.

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empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of Odd


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Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable. [H. L. Mencken]

1.1 The Rense Reports

This page has been around for a while. Primarily it's a splash page for the Jeff Rense radio talk COOLSPEWshow. He claims to have one of the largest Internet listener bases and one of the most popular Internet sites in the world. You know, he could be right! You can find thousands of articles on every weird subject under the sun here. One of the amusing things about this site is its complete lack of review regarding content, accuracy or even grammar. It makes some of the stuff in there a real hoot!

The really strange thing is that an amazing array of people regard any content in the Rense Report to be absolutely factual, just like the Bible! One could spend hours reading this crap, just don't. It makes your brain hurt! (ouch!)

Updated October 25, 2003

1.2 Enterprise Mission

This is the webpage of one Richard C. Hoagland, freelance writer, planetarium curator and "investigator". Hoagland wrote some interesting books regarding the so-called Mars Face photos from the 1970s. The NASA pioneer spacecraft took some pictures of an eroded hill that after being subject to all kinds of photo manipulation looks superficially like a human face. There are a number of odd landforms in that area and this has caused Hoagland to conclude that Mars was once inhabited by people who liked to make mile-long monuments.People around the Internet seem to think this fellow is the second coming. True he has written some popular books, I'v read several of them. They seemed very speculative and not particularly scientificat at least to the mind of the Odd Emporer. Depending on a mass of blurry photos that were taken outside of his control for evidence seems a little flimsy to me but I'm no expert on interplanetary landforms, geology or photography.

You know what? Neither is Mr. Hoagland.

Where I really lose him though is when he descends into numerology and other pseudoscientific things. He also has this habit of screaming "conspiracy" every time NASA releases new photographs of Mars and the Mars Face--especially ones that do not lend credence to his pet theories. Funny that the photos which do tend to support his theorys also came from NASA.

The Odd Emperor finds that annoying.

lately the enterprise Mission has become something of a space exploration portal and may be tying to get away from some of the silly stuff. That can only be a positive change methinks.

Updated July 3, 2003

1.2 Blackvault

US Government secrets exposed here! Uh, do that and they won't be secrets any more... right? This is a huge UFO-A-Rama page. A large archive of scanned government document, stuff like the entire 3000 + page Warren Commission report and the SIGN report from the US Air Force. Lots and lots of information here.

Updated May, 2003

1.3 Coast toCoast

Back in the dark ages of goofy late night radio there was this fellow who decided to host a talk show devoted to mindless yammering's of the brain-dead. And he had guests too! Today, Rush Limbaugh is still the king of mindless brain-dead crap, except now he's nationwide and provides MORE mindless crap to millions each day, or he will once he gets out of detox. What does this have to do with Coast to Coast? More than you think. Art Bell also had a talk show devoted to mindless pursuits, but his was much more entertaining. He enlightened us on UFOs, Chupacabras and all those other little things that go bzzzzz (on the radio) at night.

Then he retired one night, just announced that his showbiz days were over and that he would never be on the radio again. Assuming he was an honorable man the Odd Emperor never listened to him again, why should he? End of story you say?-- Ha! Like some undead thing he came back, Then he quite radio again and came back again, just to do it all over like some lothsome spirit (one with a with a better contract each time.) You suppose the contract had anything to do with it? Anyway; I think Art bell finally retired for good. But Coast to Cost is still at artbell.com and is still a big o'l mind numbing repository of strangeness.

Updated June 18, 2003

1.4 The Hickman Report

John Hickman seems to make his living by "investigating" UFOs and more importantly, making lots of celebrity appearances on radio and FOX TV. I guess you could call this investigation, I used to call this showmanship but what do I know?

Added 1998

1.5 Skywatch International

A slightly more sober look into UFOs. I had several email conversations with the Skywatch list owner and web publisher Bill Hamilton. He seems like a decent person with a lively interest in UFOs but has not gone off the deep end about the subject. This page has become a little dead of late, the latest link is from around 2000.

Updated June 18, 2003

1.6 Dreamscape "Where "Science Fiction" and "Science Fact" Become One

Dreamscape's author, a fellow by the name of Tim and I exchanged emails once or twice over the years. He's an OK fellow, as long as you agree with everything he says. Otherwise Tim gets.. just a little cranky. He doesn't actually write any of the content for his site, (he's not really the writer type), Come to think of it he doesn't actually compose any of the images or even pay for server space. Funny story, once Tim called me a nobody because I didn't have my own UFO web page. Somehow, UFO web pages give people credibility in the UFO "research" biz which Tim is the poster child for (apparently). He was absolutely right! There WAS something missing in my life so I sat down for and hour or so and created this crappy page.

Added 1998

1.7 Pentagon Space Aliens

I'm not sure what this means, pentagon SHAPED space aliens or space aliens that happen to work at the Pentagon (THAT I could believe!) Good info on how to how to meet fine Russion "wimmin" here.

Inducted in 1998

1.8 ECSETI (or) The Self Mastery Earth Institute

Some fellow by the name of James Gilliland is apparently setting himself up as a sort of UFO cult guru in Oregon, complete with UFO contact reports, photos and film clips of UFOs buzzing about his Institute

Among other things stated on his page; "There will always be debunkers, disinformation campaigns, [sic] fundamentalists, and closed minded individuals. This site is not for them." I can only presume that he is talking about anyone who believes that not every word from some surfer dude who fell off of a wave and conked his head might not be completely true. If that makes me a disinformation campaign fundamentalist (whatever the hell that's suppose to mean) then I will happily wear the shoe dude!

Once this James fellow accused me of being "unworthy" of becoming one of his followers because I don't believe posting photos of lights on ones web page constitute proof of strange alien encounters. This is a little strange because if I have doubts, perhaps more effort is needed to convince me to mend my bad - bad ways.

Actually; I was quite flattered by his remarks. He also advised me to get married and get a dog. That must be really significant.


Conversations with the head guru of the Self Mastery Earth institute himself!
Here is a very funny piece written about Mr Gilliland in the Portland Mercury back in September of 2001

Inducted in 1998
Updated July 16, 2003

1.9 Anomalous-Images

This is a webpage operated by someone named Steve Wingate, a self proclaimed expert on UFOs and anomalous Martian imagery.

Mr Wingate has "discovered" that photos of random landscapes start looking artificial when run through lots and lots of Photoshop filters. Whups, pardon me! You start seeing artificial structures when you run grainy photos through Photoshop filters. (thanks.)

Not only that, he also adds some annoying MIDI sound files for your listening displeasure.

He also embarks on ernest searches for underground civilizations in the Grand Canon area. Not that he is likely to find any there. The Grand Canon is a big place but a whole lot of people have been up and down it just today as a matter of fact. There's more forgotten crap and underground dwellers in New York city! (Hey! that's a thought!)

Mr Wingate also runs a rather restrictive email list, IUFO@topica.com or on Yahoo Groups depending on which one has pissed him off more this week. And not that he means to be restrictive. Simply that one must always remember to AGREE with Mr Wingate's more enlightened state of mind before commenting.

This page seems to have been abandoned though. The latest “new” item is from 2003. I think the newsgroup is defunct but frankly, I didn’t bother to register with Topica to find out.

Inducted in 1998
Updated July 29, 2003
UpdatedMay 3, 2006

1.10 Earth Changes TV

I have mixed feelings about this site. Some of the information is pretty good, some is just sort of "out there." This is mostly a news portal site. Up to date and comprehensive it's not a bad place to blow a couple of hours. The news pages have become subscriber based. Pay for a bunch of links and republished material?

Do people really do that? Hmmm.

Updated June 18, 2003.
Inducted in 1998

1.11 Computer Solutions (carnicom.com)

Who would want to hire a computer consulting firm with the banner "CHEMTRAIL CRIMES & COVER UP DOCUMENTED" on their home page?

Guys! If you want to host paranoid sounding stuff, use another domain name! You might, you know; frighten customers away or something.

Despite this little inconsistency, the site is the authority on chemtrail "research."

OK, what are chemtrails?

Well you see, the US government wants to turn all of North America into a wildlife preserve and big game hunting park for the the sinister European Union - the UN, Tri - Lateral Commission or whatever.To do this they are crop-dusting all of us good upstanding taxpayers with some vile crap that is going to turn us all into black hairy spiders!........

OK, I lied, about the spider part.

Inducted in 1998

1.12 Scientology

Scientology is a well known new-age movement that was apparently concocted out of thin air by Science Fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard back in the 1950s.They have a very large, up to date web page that attempts to show the movement in the very best of light. This web page creates a wholesome veneer for an organization that has a rather checkered reputation and that's putting it mildly.

One of the odder things on the Scientology site is the thousands of so-called personal web pages of converts. All are virtually identical, with a couple of lines regarding how Scientology has improved their lives and helped make them better people. (Not that it made them better web publishers.) The few comments are written in very nice grade-school prose, and not just a few - hundreds of them, maybe most of them. What this really suggests to the Odd Emperor is that all of those people have fallen into some kind of trap. One that makes them into happy cutouts of human beings, just like their web pages. One could reasonably surmise that Scientology must the self-help version of a frontal lobotomy, a sort of US Tax Code for the human mind. Kind of a shock treatment for the soul.

Oh sure you can't think for yourself anymore, but you're HAPPY about it!

It's not cheap either. You practicaly have to sell one of your kidneys for the privilege of being transfomed onto a humanoid robot.Thanks but no-thanks, the Odd Emperor likes his kidneys, and his mind just the way they are.

The Odd Emperor recommends that if you find yourself marching into a Scientology Org for any reason, leave your credit cards at home, keep one hand on your wallet and DON'T sign any billion year service contracts.(they really have those!) But, if you believe Scientology is anything more than just a money grubbing machine, signing a a billion year contract can't be too much of a stretch, can it?

Fair warning;. in the copyright information section they state in part "Users are not authorized to download or transmit any of these materials electronically, or to otherwise reproduce any of the materials in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including data storage and retrieval systems, recording, printing or photocopying." (phew! I can see where they got the prose for all those bios.)

So technically one is not permitted to even look at something on the Scientology web page. After all, a web browser copies the content of a page from a server and electronically reproduces the content on a recipient machine. You have to do that just to take a peek.

This is kind of like opening a book and having the text DONT READ THIS marked on the flyleaf.

They can't really mean that.

Inducted in 1998
Updated July 31, 2003

1.13 Operation Clambake

If you think I'm a little hard on the Scientologist - wait until you get a load of these folks! Operation Clambake wants to squish Scientology - like a little bug, and they've pissed Scientology off too. So much that they have repeatedly tried to pull them of of the air, keep them from being listed in Google and other search engines. You can see for yourself how successful they've been, Operation Clambake is as of this writing number 2 in Google's database after a wordsearch for "Scientology."

They haven't been able to yank the page itself either and not for lack of trying, something to do with freedom of speech rules in Norway if I remember correctly. On the other hand, Clambake could try to say something nice about Scientology once and a while.

Come-on, there has to be at least something?.....




Inducted 1998

1.14 Heaven's Gate

Truly a creepy site! These folks committed mass suicide when the Hale-Bopp Comet made a pass through the Solar System. Their guru "Do" seemed to think that the Earth was going to be "recycled" - I think they are absolutely right. The Heaven's Gate folks might just be jumping the gun a little, like onthe order of a few billion years. Just in case this page happens to change, some thoughtful soul put up a reproduction of the original.
Updated July 16, 2003

1.15 UUmmite Physics and Metaphysics
"The Essential Texts" (UMMO)

One of the Odd Emperor's all time favorites!

UMMO was probably a hoax perpetrated by one or more European government agencies to study the effects of a possible ET contact scenario. Very elaborate letters pertaining to be messages from an Alien society were mailed to scientists and UFO researchers all over the world. Much of the data contained in the letters seemed to be of a very advanced nature- not advanced enough to be from another planet but not simply from some nut-ball either.

These are English translations from some of the texts.

Updated July 3, 2003


This seems to be some sort of re-interpretation of ancient Egyptian texts. I can't seem to make any sense of it -(perhps I'm not elightened enough?)


Added 1998

1.17 Sacred Lifestyles

Acording to the site, "Shannar is a Reiki Master, Clairvoyant and Clairaudiant, and (she) also reads through psychometry."

I wasn't really familiar with the word "Clairaudiant", Websters defined it as;

Function: noun
Etymology: clair- (as in clairvoyance) + audience (act of hearing)
Date: 1864 : the power or faculty of hearing something not present to the ear but regarded as having objective reality.

So she hears things?

Actually there is little on this site other than a sales pitch for a number of new age products.

Inducted 1998

1.18 Ramtha

One of the first popular channelers in the 20th century. Ramtha is supposedly a warrior from 35,000 years ago. He speaks through someone named TJ Knight - a perfectly normal person unless Ramtha is speaking through her. Then she dons a goofy pseudo Indian accent and starts blathering philosophy.

Strange that he/she (whatever) never reveals any useful information like how did people live 35,000 years ago, what they eat and so on.


1.19 Rethinking AID$ Website

I actually agree with some of the assertions here but not many. Using the same sorts of arguments that cigarette companies use to "prove" that their products are safe. This site wishes to convince readers that AIDs is some sort of mysterious reaction to the environment and is not contagious at all.