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Page 6

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I criticize by creation, not by finding fault
-- Cicero

6.1 Brother Blue

I ran across this one some time ago but it vanished before I could include it here. Brother Blue is now being provided courtesy of Novelty.net because they think it's so freaky that it needs to be preserved. We agree! Brother Blue is a large mis-mash of UFO, spiritual and even Lovcraftin stuff. It's really cool, and really freaky!

Double bummer! The BB web page has been yanked because of alleged legal threats. (spoilsports!) The Novelty Net owner says that Brother Blue really ticked off Scientology who forced their ISP to yank the page off of the air. It's too bad that Scientology is SOO sensitive, they might be alright joes if they would stop acting like a bunch of iron booted goons.


This is one of those UFO cult sites which purports that we should stop listening to the evil Sarians and hear the words of Jesus (who was an ET by the way) and such "luminaries" as Billy Meier, the hubcap spaceship king. There is even Even an online version of Inside the Space Ships by George Adamski. I really hope that they got copyrights to republish that, otherwise George's kids are gonna be pissed!

6.3 UFO Man's earth and space place

I run across UFO related sites quite frequently. Most of them I just pass by, judging that they really are not an improvement on all of the others. Not so with UFO Man. First, why this title? UFO Man sounds like some guy who forgot to fasten his seat belt, stopped too suddenly and took a flying leap out of his windscreen. UFO Man is mostly your typical UFO claptrap with some Christian religion tossed in for good measure. You see, aliens fulfill Bible prophesy.

6.4 THE NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTERThis site is pretty much what it sounds like. NURC is a privately run clearinghouse of UFO sightings which has been in operation since 1974 and maintains a 24 hour hotline. This organization keeps records and statistics of sightings, makes attempts at follow-up when feasible and that is about all. It's a very sober attempt to collect data on the subject, a refreshing change from all of the other "Aliens are here" web pages.

6.5 SUMMUM, The Millenium of Reconciliation.

This has all the appearance of being a religious cult site. Summum seems to be a and offshoot religion from the Mormans. Its the creation of the universe where nothing copulates (this is actually how they put it) with spirit resulting in SUMMUM or the infinite possibility. So in other words, Nothing goes on a date with the Great Spirit, they have dinner, a few drinks after which he takes her back to his apartment and then he does her! I mean he bangs her! A really really BIG BANG!...... never mind! ...Sorry, I had to do that!

6.6 UFO Groups Network

This one reminds me of the People's Front of Judaea from the 1980s era film, The Life of Brian. On their banner they claim that "the deception and cover up has gone too far and that enough is enough." The UFO Groups Network (representing almost 32 Yahoo type mailing lists and around 800 or so people) is going to get all the credibility and credentials they need to issue demands. Now exactly how they are going to get the credentials from, who they will give them accreditation, who they are going to issue demands to and what those demands are is not explained.

6.7 Alien Abduction Experience and Research

Nothing really new here. Someone seems to have had a ball collecting anecdotal information regarding UFOs and other more mundane things like popular movies and a few photos. Most of the photographs are home grown with someone named George Ritter (who likes to play video games) featured. Ritters photos show an impressive array of trees, power lines, clouds and some blurry out of focus things which MUST be alien flying saucers and not the kind made by Wham-o.

You can send them samples of dust from your home (only $40 US dollars) and they will confirm that you have "psudo-cristals" [sic] (which look amazingly like hair follicles) in your dust. Proving that strange alien visitors have rudely tracked dirt into your home! You can even get photos for a small extra fee.

6.8 Cosmic Courier

Another weirdo site from Australia, seems that three psychics, channelers (or something like that) have joined forced to become THE COSMIC COURIERS! Able to blather on any psychic subject, able to use pseudo science just like millions of other people, except they are special.

They also offor a series of cosmic busness courses which they claim will reduce work hours and double income. Which begs the question of who's income were they trying to double?

6.9 ChildCare Action Project (CAP): Christian Analysis of American Culture

This "organization" analyzes and rates popular movies, over 700 of them. CAP gives each film a numerical rating, high numbers are good while low numbers are bad. Mary Poppins has a 100 rating while American Psycho got a 0. Along with a numerical rating, each film is reviewed from a strictly Jesus based Christian viewpoint without delving into things like...oh artistic merits, technical prowess, writing or any of that nonsense.

Now I was wondering if they had gotten around to reviewing the 1999 film Dogma, that potty mouthed (but very clever) Jay and Silent Bob adventure and sure enough it was there, twice. It seems that the reviewer was so offended by this film that he walked out after about 30 minutes and gave it a '25' rating. Only after being e-mailed a number of times by fans of the film did the author (so says he) squirmed through the entire thing. Actually I have some doubts that he actually watched Dogma to the very end for in the film, God was revealed to be female, something that the author did not even find offensive enough to comment on. After supposedly watching the entire move it was given a big '6'.

Strangely enough, The Life of Brian (a film which portrays Jesus in the classic sense I.E. as a blond man preaching from a mountan-top) is not reviewed. Neither is The Last Temptation of Christ or Ben Hur.. One would think the CAP reviewers would have some interest in any film which depicts Jesus even if the main narrative is about someone else. I guess art is what you like and this little omission places the author's true purpose of using the Bible to justify his opinions all the more clear.

6.10 The Raelian Message

Back in 73 a Sports journalist was contacted by Aliens and decided to make a religion out of it. I guess the religion biz pays better than sports jounalism, a si-fi author or two might just agree. This time the space people clamed that humans are a result of some sort of cloning experiment which makes evolution and the overwhelming evidence supporting it all a bunch of bullcrap. Now, that's not the odd thing. This movement is working toward the first human clone and claims (at the time of this writing) to have successfully implanted a cloned human being into a Korean woman. Another odd thing is that their web page is being hosted on Earthlink which, some of you may know is owned by another religion which believes people came from outer space. The recursive nature of this little fact amazes me.

Late breaking news! As of 01/2003 the Raelians have announced that. they have their very own web domain! - and they ahh.. have succeeded in creating the first ever human clone.

6.11 Crank Dot Net, cranks, crackpots kooks & loons on the net

I don't know if it's art, but I like it!


6.12 Texas Bigfoot research Center

Yee haww! Even the great state of Texas has it's own bigfoot site. What may you ask is on the Great State of Texas's own bigfoot site...? All kinds of stuff! You can get up to date information on the Great State if Texas's very own bigfoot! You can submit you own sighting of the Great State of Texas's very own bigfoot. You can buy all kind of Cafe Press items with the Great State of Texas's very own bigfoot logo, you can sign up for spine tingling conferences, gander at the history of bigfoot in the Great State of Texas, and many many other things.

6.13 Sumaria

Sumaria is a conspiracy de-jour site. In fact it's a big honking conspiracy site. Why the name Sumaria? Well, coz Zecharia Sitchin writes about them and so does cyberpunk novelist Neal Stephenson. And the author of the site really really digs 'em.....

Most of the site seems to be much of the same. I chucked over the article detailing how the 9-11 flights were actually under radio control and were deliberately crashed into buildings by the sinister US Government. Now it's unknown where all of those cell phone calls from the passengers (who had been gassed before the plane was taken over) came from. There are also articles on how HIV was engineered to kill gays and drug addicts and other such nonsense. I suppose that AIDs is also some sort of sinister plot to put homosexual women in power as they happen to be the lowest risk group of contracting the disease, but what do I know?

6.14 Academy of Remote Viewing

So now they have an academy, very nice!

This is kind of a silly site. For a few hundred dollars you can learn all about remote viewing. Not that you can actually learn to do these things. The site is blissfully free of science and the scientific process. There seems to be a number of testimonials, almost inevitably to my mind. I mean, who would plonk down 200$ and then say "oh ya, I was ripped!"

The site authors seem to have been really taken by the 1999 film The Matrix, claming in effect that the film was non fiction and that the world is actually inside a giant computer or something like that.

6.15 Utah's # UFO Website, UFO Hunters.

Gadzook! Why the hell do UFO enthusiast insist on setting up really messy looking pages (I ask myself that question from time to time, this page is not too messy, is it?) UFO Hunters is a case in point. While most people (in 2002) are still using modems, they have a disclaimer advising people to make sure they have a 56k or above Internet pipe. Good thing because the site is full of little animated gifs. Another odd thing is that I suspect the claim that UFO Hunters is Utah's #1 UFO web page probably utilizing just a little hyperbola, don't you think? I know of certain Salt Lake City organization that that is MUCH bigger than UFO Hunters.

6.17 Central Florida Ghosts; Greater Tampa Bay Region.

Also know as the S.P.I.R.I.T.S, or Servicing Paranormal Investigators Reporting Information Through Study. I wonder if this group might want to change 'servicing' to something else, the connotations are..... well kind of amusing! This is a self described gostbusting group. According to their web page they "try" and follow strict protocol. Try is about how I would describe it because I don't see any protocol in their investigations other then the"I believe in ghosts protocol". The website has write-ups to a whole bunch of rather amateurish investigations complete with "orb" photos, psychic "feelings", divining rods and the like. I've spoken to some of the members of this group and some of their clients. The are an ernest bunch who are really interested in finding ghosts. And they will find them! The client I spoke to said she didn't have anything really strange going on in her house, she just wanted to see what these ghostbusters would find and sure enough!...

6.18 Huggy Jesus

Just in time for Christmas,! its collectable and hypoallergenic. Lucky thing too because you can only imagine the embarrassment if you child became allergic to Jesus! Each doll is lovingly crafted by loving hand in the loving city of Seattle Washington. Hurry and get yours now! lower numbered Huggy Jesus dolls are much more valuble!

6.19 The New Ground Crew at Mount Shasta

First question, what the hell happened to the old ground crew? Second question, why does a mountain need a ground crew? Do they anticipate Mount Shasta taking off like a large blimp or something? "Ground Crew" is a New Age site that heralds the coming ascension This is mostly a repackaging (anthropologists call it a revitalization) of a bunch of old beliefs, you know the ones say the end of the world is nigh, we are all about to be taken up to a better place so it's OK to litter this one. But it's all all right because you can take your pets with you! There is among other things a thrilling message from the redwood trees saying that they like to be cut down and made into houses. Naa, just fooling! the redwoods are very interested in protecting humans from earthquakes and hurricanes, sort of like a vegetable kingdom Mafia! 'Dond yous people cut us down or you'll be sorry!

6.20 Alleee and Franc's Insolitology

I sense a kindred spirit. The title of the site states that "humor is only veiled derision - here at Insolitology, all of our derision is explicit." I could not agree more!. Insolitology is chock full anti Scientology, anti Christian, anti Alix Chiu, anti Time Cube and many other things. Their most popular page is How to "have sex" with a dolphin, not quite the one I would pick but *some* people call me strange.