Page 11 Have a comment on this page? Email the Odd Emperor!
"Man positively needs general ideas and convictions that will give a meaning to his life and enable him to find his place in the universe. He can stand the most incredible hardships when he is convinced that they make sense but he is crushed when, on top of all his misfortunes, he has to admit that he is taking part in a 'tale told by an idiot.". Carl Jung
11.1 Aliens and UFO Art. Submited by the Odd Emperor. What can the Odd Emperor say about Aliens and UFO Art? It’s freaky? It’s strange? It’s just… just ODD!
This is yet another photo analysis page where the author uses every Photoshop filter he can get his hands on to make his pics even more freaky. And I do mean freaky! What about the many pictures from the planet Mars showing, artifacts, statues and little people. How a photo of George W. Bush is really a picture of a reptilian being with a mask? If the photos are a hoot, the captions are gems. Like this one; “SOMEONE recently came from EUROPE and told me that i was SCARING EVERYONE.. if TRUTH is SCARY.. that is as it should be.. i think it is better to know that YES, there is life all over the UNIVERSE and some of it is ADVERSARIAL.. than to have your head in a bucket.. and not know why things are happening to YOU and YOUR CHILDREN, FRIENDS, and FAMILY.."KNOW AND BECOME WIZE AS AN OWL!" He goes on and on like this. For page after page. Guess everyone should have a hobby! Inducted October 29, 2004
11.2 E to the Third Power (TM) Submited by the Odd Emperor with thanks to the Red Queen This appears to be the promotional page of one Becky Escamilla and E to theThird Power (TM).
(WARNING! Jose aka Jesus aka Dario Escamilla is in no way to be associated with Becky Escamillas or E to the Third Power (TM). E to the Third Power (TM) is an independent film repository that is in no way related to the term "Roswell Rods," Rods" Jose Escamilla, Jesus Escamilla, or Dario Escamilla. It is not property, chattel livestock or companies under the auspices or control of The Roswell Rods or any other legal entity associated thereof and should in no way be construed to be such. ) Now where the hell was I? Oh yes! Anyway, some videos (Which are in no way to be considered property of Becky Escamillas or associated with E to the Third Power (TM) ) seemed to show blurry shapes that looked a little like slender winged critters. (ATTENTION! No connection should be made with the real videos under the trademark of E to the Third Power (TM) and the previous description. This is simply the opinion of the Odd Emperor and not to be construed as having any connection between E to the Third Power (TM) and any other legal entity, most especially, The Roswell Rods. these are the Midway Rods, (TM) not the Roswell Rods! ) This is just getting confusing, perhaps I should ignore the legal crap for a moment. The so-called rod controversy (not Midway Rods T; just Rod's in general) seems to have something to do with all this. However; It's really not possible to tell what's is going on here. The more layers you peel back the deeper and spookier it all gets. Midway Rods (TM) as near as the Odd Emperor can tell is a trademark for E to the Third Power (TM) regarding a bunch of videos. What's on the videos is not clear, they might be flying hotdogs, strange blobs, unknown critters, reindeer or spacecraft. We can't tell because there is nary a description of the films, just lots of strange legalize and ranting. The page tells a rather stark tale of trust, betrayal, deceit, paranoia and even broken families. All this pertaining to the Escamilla siblings squabbling over something; but what? Some blurry video?
Is that really worth so much? And why all the confusion anyway? The Odd
Emperor has no earthly idea but I'm sure Becky Escamilla can clear it
up! Inducted November 3, 2004
11.3 UfoVidio.net Submited by the Odd Emperor with thanks to the Red Queen "It took Many Many Hours of Skywatching to get the amount of possible UFO Sightings we have! " No kidding? This page could be something of a joke, if so it’s a pretty funny one. But I don’t think so. Judging from Mike's opinion about race (that black people are really gorilla/human hybrids,) or from the many photos of Mike waving guns around and giving people the finger, The Odd Emperor thinks that he's is exactly what he appears to be. Bubba! 11.4 rvscience.com Submited by the Odd Emperor with thanks to "Flygirl" RV Science.
This is more or less a page for hawking a bunch of overpriced pieces of quartz by someone named Tim Rifat. Tim happens to be Europe's leading remote veiwer don't' ya know? On this very site you can buy power crystals so that your RV sessions, ah… work better. We all know that ordinary quartz, the stuff you buy at the rock store won’t really do anything but look pretty. This fortified quartz not only has funny names but might even enhance, something. The Odd Emperor is not sure what. It MUST be pretty special! But wait! If you have some of that hard-earned cotter to part with, why not get a nifty Gold Power Ring! Tim writes.. "The Dark Matter realm is entered by RV simply by having the Dark Matter power ring on your left forefinger and projecting your biophysical body throught the centre of the power ring. You will then enter the 30 aethyrs, dimensions of Enochian, Egyptian Magic. These can be thought of as the thirty dimensions of the Matrix; above them is the 31st dimension, blocked until now. Simply place your power ring on the 31st dimension to enter the dark matter realms, or the other 30 for more psychotronic fuel to power your dark mattering…." Oooo; special! He describes how the Russian RV protocols are so much more advanced than the US protocols, that’s how the Russians won the Cold War (no wait a moment. It was the Mud-shadows that stopped them! How could I forget?) Or how about the sixteen-psycrystal-psychotronic-generator-accelerators, for a low-low undisclosed price? You can also gaze at his “business” web page . Here Tim proclaims you can manipulate the stock market and rake in billions using untraceable remote viewing to inside trade. Not that Tim or anyone one else is actually doing this. But Mr. Rifat is not concerned with making billions on the stock market. In his book he helpfully writes.. "For the member of the public, remote viewing has numerous interesting things to show them. It can be used to psychically view hidden or unknown sites, such as the location of Atlantis, the Ark of the Covenant.... Future remote viewing can see the effects of peoples’ decisions on their future and those of others. The conspiracy theorists can use it to psychically view the secret agencies which organise [SIC] assassinations, and manipulate events." Skeptics on the other hand can call this all “bunk” The Odd Emperor does! Inducted December 1, 2004 11.5 Noreen Renier,THE Psychic Detective With an Impressive Track Record. Submitted by the Odd Emperor
“Thank you for your recent inquiry. Noreen Renier appreciates your interest in ESP and her psychic abilities. Enclosed is information for a psychic reading over the phone. Please call her office to make your appointment. The charge for your phone consultation will be $250.00. Ms. Renier only accepts money orders or certified checks.“ I guess that little skeptical voice inside the Odd Emperor says something like; “why the fug does a real psychic need to charge money at all?” And why not credit cards? Because they are difficult to verify? Verify?! For a PSYCHIC? All joking aside. Noreen Renier is certainly a notable figure in the rather small psychic detective biz. She claimes to have solved over 400 cases, in 36 states and 6 foreign countries. She also claims to have been scientifically verified at several universities although the date(s) and the people who verified her are strangely missing. Is it real or some kind of applied intuitive psychoanalyzing? There is no way to determine this here. Since no real study (at least to the Odd Emperor’s knowledge) has ever been published which can unequivocally prove psychic abilities exist, this one can only go into the “interesting, so-what?” file. Inducted December 17, 2004
11.6 Welcome to the OFFICIAL Ted Jesus Christ GOD Site Submitted by the Odd Emperor The Odd Emperor has
finally found it! (With the help of a kind reader of the Odd Empire web
page.) The real—true web page of But let us allow Ted
(er… Ted Jesus Christ GOD) to say it in his own words. Eah? Ted (aka Ted Jesus
Christ GOD) apparently worked for Quest Systems? Did that drive him over
the edge? (I always thought Quest Ads were a bit strange.) 11.7 Colsweb, Submitted by the Odd Emperor This is one of those
perennially silly web pages, one that almost defies description. The author
begins with a Dude! You can make a wet-cell battery out of almost anything; did you fall asleep in grade school science class? Tap water is acidic enough, lemon juice is much better. But this guy talks like he invented the thing. Then he goes on to tell us about his gold discovery on the planet Mars, many examples of pareidolia (the illusion of familiar shapes in random landforms.) Including a “codpiece” on Saturn’s moon Titan. Need we say more? Inducted January 10, 2005 11.8 VICTOR ZAMMIT; A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife Submited by the Odd Emperor with a nod to the JREF Forum. According
to this fellow’s bio, he’s got a pretty impressive list of
legal credentials. He seems to be a very well known "There have been millions of pages written about psychic phenomena and scientific research into the afterlife. Using my professional background as an attorney and my university training in psychology, history and scientific method, I have very carefully selected aspects of psychic research and afterlife knowledge and have argued the case in a way that would technically constitute objective evidence in the Supreme Court of the United States, the House of Lords in England, the High Court of Australia and in every civilized legal jurisdiction around the world." The problem with this logic is simply, it’s not scientific. Hand picking evidence that just happens to fit into a particular world view is what the Odd Emperor terms “medieval science.” In the middle ages it was common to take an idea, usually supply by the church and run around proving its validity, ignoring all counter evidence. Medieval scientists don’t normally allow the evidence to drive their conclusions. Their conclusions drive the evidence so in the Odd Emperor’s opinion calling this scientific is simply a sham. Science does not work that way, all evidence pro and con *must* be taken into account to test *any* idea. Unfortunately that’s not always how the legal community views things. Law is not a science, it never has been and trying to merge the two will never get one anywhere. He’s got an absurd 1 Million dollar challenge for “any closed minded skeptic” who can rebut the “existing evidence” for life after death. That’s just silly. It’s not possible to completely disprove something like that. I can say with some certainly that his evidence is not conclusive but I can’t say that *some* may or may not be valid. No one can say that and he knows it. This is nothing more than legal trickery taken into a new-age pseudoscientific context. On the flip side, all he has to do to prove his point is get one dead guy to speak, so far he’s been unable to do that, and no one else has either. Most of this page is devoted to lambasting magician James Randi who’s become an outspoken critic of fake mediums and other such charlatans. He seems offended that a performer would dare to point out fraudulent psychics who use the same skills he himself uses for his magic acts. What really offends him is Randi’s success. See, Randi never tries to prove that psychic phenomena, life after dead or even the Easter Bunny does not exist. He proves over and over that fraudulent claims are just what they sound like; frauds. That’s got to drive people crazy. 11.9 UFO Evidence, submited by the Odd Emperor
Inducted February 12, 2005 11.10 Weird Load, submited by the Odd Emperor Let me preface
this by stating that I’ve had bumper stickers on the imperial motorcade
reading “Weird Load” for a number of inducted February 14, 2005 11.11 LIFE on MARS through rover eyes submited by the Odd Emperor with a nod to the JREF Forums Oh pity
the poor Odd Emperor. When he cast his bloodshot squinties on the photos
of Life on he doesn’t see.. A berry; he sees a rock. All he sees are rocks, rocks rocks and more rocks. “But you have it all wrong.” Shouts Doubting Thomas. This web author is only describing what the rocks are shaped like, not what he thinks they really are. Oh wrong are you ignorant one, feast your squinty eyes on this! "From the pictures that we are getting from Mars one has to conclude this: we have to consider three levels of life - contemporary, recent and prehistoric, three levels of civilisation - contemporary, recent and ancient." He don’t think they are rocks at all. He thinks they might just be… NOT ROCKS! Fossils, bits of concrete, fruits and nuts, a dead rat and on one page. A ROCK TOO! WHOOPEE! Inducted February 15, 2005 11.12 DNA Perfection, submited by the Odd emperor with a nod to the JREF Forums This is the page of one Toby Alexander whom we are told has a wonderfull new service designed just for us!
Some people were worried
that this might not be legit, one person asked; Whew! Glad he said that, otherwise the Odd Emperor might think this guy is a complete crank. He goes on.. If you study the ancient history of humankind, you will see how the early humans were not "primitive" like certain historians and governments would have you believe. They were actually much more advanced than we are now. They communicated telepathically and were basically gods. Weee! That’s good news. I always thought the evidence (you know all the stuff the ancients left behind) suggested that their science and technology was altogether *less* advanced than our own, by quite a bunch! I suppose all those clay pots and bones were just for, you know! Some kind of ancient godling art class? Hell we're probably too primitive to understand drum and bone-flute technology! Silly of me to even think of it. And lucky-lucky us! Toby Alexander is one of only 360 people on the whole planet that had the potential to discover, whatever it is he discovered. Only now in the 20,000 year history of humanity have we been in the right vibration (or something ) to benefit from his divine service. Except for all those high tech telepathic gods I guess. The hard work for this service is done via remote viewing, you don’t even need a telephone! Just listen to his CD presentation and relax, Toby Alexander will make your DNA active and you can live the life you always dreamed of. Get out of that trailer park and start being a real god now! The payment for this
service is done via Pay Pal. (What? Not telepathically?) Gosh! And I’ve been wasting all this time being an Odd Emperor when I could be LORD GOD-ODD EMPEROR OF ALL THE COSMOS! And be able to type my name in all-caps. Where do I sign up? Inducted February 16, 2005 11.13 AlienStranger.com submitted by the Odd Emperor This
seems to be a companion site for Alienresistance.org.
It’s yet another webpage telling the utter and absolute truth, that
Brothers and sisters; It’s time to say – no! Guy Malone knows how to say no. He’s got it all worked out. Simply evoke the divine word of Jesus and the foul—otherworldly beings will shutter at the authority in his glory and leave you and your loved ones alone for the peaceful sleep they deserve. Wow, and the Odd Emperor thought he was selling something for a moment. Inducted February 25, 2005 11.14 Alien Jigsaw and The Alien Jigsaw submitted by the Odd Emperor
Inducted February 26, 2005 11.15 Applied Thought Technologies presents our newest theatrical production The PARANORMALIST submited by the Odd Emperoer This
is like a magician run amuck page. His name is Jim Callahan and he’s
realized that stage magic is the art of MARKETING! Yes, magic and marketing! Who would have thought. Why, all those people who developed marketing methods in the 1950s and earlier were obviously just shouting down a well. Now that Jim’s on the scene we can rest assured that all those car ads will stop being so random and become effective tools that will manipulate your mind. Can’t wait! Inducted February 27, 2005 11.16 The Truth About Hell, Submitted by the Odd Emeperor with thanks to jambo372 The Truth
about Hell is a, travelogue of sorts. Here we are told the thrilling news,
that hell is hot and the center of the Earth Inducted February 28, 2005 11.17 Psychic
kids.com submited by the Odd Emperor The Odd
Emperor’s seen some strange web pages over the years. Psychic kids.com
is not just strange, it’s creepy in a Basically, Leo thinks he’s some kind of demigod. According to Leo, he’s a prince of Belgium, and he never gave up his psychic abilities. Leo fights elaborate psychic battles with space aliens, wiping out some of them because they won’t come to the light, like Leo. If your child is afraid of the dark, you can buy your very own Leo poster. I think the Odd Emperor can guarantee, after Leo glaring at your child all night he or she will never be afraid of the dark again. Inducted March 2, 2005
11.18 Thiaoouba Prophecy Submited by the Odd Emperor Thioouba
Prophecy is yet another page making big claims without providing much
substance. The head guru got over an But the Thiaooubas think we all need to pay attention to this new technology, to wear colorful clothing (which you can purchase at this site) or listen to pleasing music. Also be sure to buy one of the books! Very important. "the people of Thiaoouba described many fascinating examples of TRUE technology that we have lost on Earth, many thousands of years ago - such as antigravity, space travel, telepathic and cosmic communication, bio-energy and science of consciousness, just to mention a few examples. It seems that our "science" may take decades just to admit some possibilities..." Well, perhaps the
people of Thiaoouba describe such things but the archeological record
begs to differ. The only space travel that was being done by ancient man
was after imbibing on one or more hallucinogenic substances. Inducted March 6, 2005 11.19 THE SECRET OF RELIGION IS THE SECRET OF DEATH Submitted by the Odd Emperor with a nod to the Art Bell show. Division Theory is yet another page devoted to reassuring us that there is an afterlife, this one supposedly has some scientific backing. I looked for for it
and found this. ( Well, the human mind is divided into two lobes—that much is true. This is more significant to the idea that thoughts compete with each than some un-provable stuff about souls surviving after death. That was it, the rest is a bunch of convoluted ideas about the spirit disconnecting and how ancient documents talked about spirits and souls. Since we all know the ancients were always correct this must be the proof right? Wrong, making up clever
arguments does not prove anything. We live in a material—physical
world. To prove that there is life after death you must first figure out
what life is in the first place. Then you must understand how self-awareness
works, where the ‘ID’ resides in a person. Then you must observe
the ID departing and actually follow it to it’s destination. Otherwise,
(like this fellow) you are merely speculating. 11.20 Our Dolphin Village Submited by the Odd EmperorI don’t
know whether to be repelled or interested in this. These are a bunch of
artists who apparently swim with On their web page they say; “It's been speculated by a few forward thinkers that cetaceans have access to other dimensions of existence, beyond our restricted notions of a fixed Universe of Time and Space.” And “Scientists, using their precious logic systems to measure intelligence, have thus far only tried to talk down to this species. If anything, cetaceans demonstrate what many believe is the next step in our human evolution. It is our task to raise our level of awareness before communication may be possible. The inherent tools we have for this are Intuition and Imagination, both of which have been sorely underestimated in our society.” Really? Doesn’t sound like research to me. Actually, it sounds like a bunch of people who think they can talk to animals--which is what it is. In any case, intuition and imagination are indispensable parts of the scientists toolkit. So is logic skepticism which seems to be missing from this bunch. I’m reminded
of something I once saw a poster at a marine biology school (a real one.)
“Reasons for becoming a Marine Biologist; Well these people talk to dolphins all the time, and the dolphins answer. So I guess all those Marine Biologists were wrong and dolphins are really super intelligent pan galactic beings just like in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. And who ever said that art doesn’t imitate life, or is it the other way around? inducted March 24, 2005