Page 13 Have a comment on this page? Email the Odd Emperor!
“What is astonishing in the realm of science is the opposite of what is astonishing in the art of the conjurer. For the latter wants to persuade us to see a very simple causality. Where in truth a very complicated causality is at work. Science on the contrary, compels us to abandon belief in simple causalities precisely where everything seems so easy to comprehend and we are fools of appearance. The ‘simplest’ things are very complicated – a fact at which one can never cease to marvel.” –Friedrich Nietzsche. 13-1 The Robert Anton Willson Website. Submitted by the Odd Emperor "How
to start your day with a positive attitude: Inducted July 3, 2005
13-2 Alien Love Bites, Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to antigray at JREF. Have you ever been
smitten with overwhelming desires? Of the amorous kind, not for like--chocolate
or something. Have you Well worry not o’ poor love smitten beast! Thankfully it’s not some strange biological wiring in your head that keeps you in love, it’s not even chocolate! It’s aliens. Yep! Those pesky aliens are at it again. Not only do they abduct people in the middle of the night to perform strange and filthy experiments on their bodily orifices. Not only are they using humanity as a bizarre food supply, not only are they here to save us from being ravaged by the Hershey chocolate company. Aliens are here to set up relationships! Those feelings of love, passion etc? Aliens Yep! It’s aliens. It's aliens all the way down! Well, the person who wrote Alien Love Bites also thinks people on drugs see aliens more often than people not on drugs.. I can't ague with that! Inducted July 8, 2005 13-3 Aliens and the Scalpel, submited by the Odd Emperor with thanks to antigray at JREF This
is the webpage of one Dr. Roger Leir a “researcher” primarily
involved with so-called alien implants. It would seem that many people when examined closely will show evidence of foreign substances in their bodies. Not chemicals (although one can’t discount the possibility) but little pieces of metal, bits of plastic and other strange stuff. Now we all know that (at least Dr. Leir believes) that only aliens traveling millions of miles in spacecraft could possibly introduce foreign pieces of dirt in a human body. No other physical process could account for it. People never pick up abrasions on say their arms or legs get chunks of gravel under the skin only to find them years later. People never get pieces of say, barbed wire, pencil lead or a thousand other things stuck under their skin. It’s inconceivable to think that there is any natural explination. Aliens, it HAS to be aliens. Inducted July 6, 2005 13-4 Apostolate of a Silent Soul, Inc. Little Audrey Santo Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to Penn and Teller. This one just makes me sick. Imagine, a three year
old somehow gets into the family swimming pool and almost drowns. She’s
rushed to the hospital So what does a grieving family do? Put her in an institution? Get on with their lives? No way! Keep her at home like some grisly trophy and make her into a religious icon! You know, like the finger bone of saint Sebastian, put up in a nice shiny box for all to see. What really makes me sick is, this is not a bright fever dream of the Odd Emperor. It actually happened in Massachusetts. At the Apostolate of a Silent Soul, Inc. According to the site, everything about “Little Audrey” is a miracle, from the magical olive oil that oozes from pictures of Jesus and Mary to miraculous way that Audrey fell into the family pool. Call the Odd Emperor skeptical (please!) but don’t lay on that kind of nonsense. At best this is someone with the intellect of a three year old trapped in a useless, moldering body. People are freaking worshiping her! Does that not make you sick? It doesn't? In that case the Odd Emperor thinks YOU’R a little sick! Inducted July 10, 2005
13-5 Common Sense Central, Submitted by the Odd Emperor with a nod to Robert Williams.
It’s important,
when one is making a list to put the most important items first and the
least important, I don’t understand why. If a college professor wants his students to, you know; learn about stuff that’s completely off subject, why would a college administration object? If a history instructor wanted to teach math, or an anthropologist wanted to teach about Chupacaberas and UFOs, if the football coach wanted to teach his team flower arrangement, where’s the harm in that? Anyway, this page is a who lot of bitter spewing about Mars, NASA cover-ups, how the US government sits on secret anti-gravity technology and why he go the sack. The usual stuff.
Inducted July 20, 2005 13-6 RYT Hospital, submited by the Odd Emperor with thanks to DonOne at JREF RYT Hospital, the Dwayne Medical Center. This is a very nice
looking page, identical to a really good flash-fortified medical institution’s
website. But • The first
male pregnancy And several other things. I must say I’m impressed! I chatted with the mouse for a while, (he hates cats BTW.) Cloned myself using their nifty bio Geonochice scanner.. (this is what my Geonochice (tm) genetic profile looks like.) 98% Homosexuality ONLY 13% ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR!!!! ….that can’t be right! Inducted July 20, 2005 13-7 STOP ALIEN ABDUCTIONS, submitted by the Odd Emperor This
is the quintessential tinfoil beanie page. The Odd Emperor does not lie!
Stop Alien Abductions is a All you have to do is, 1) get a leather
hat, (a dorky one works best.) Wearers have reported great success in the tinfoil beanie (thought screen helmet.) Some users have reported aliens fruitlessly trying to figure out how to work around it so they can beam strange thoughts into a victims brains. They should stick with faster than light travel and antigravity technology. We are years ahead of them on Madison Avenue! Inducted July 27, 2005 13-8 Intruders Foundation, submitted by the Odd Emperor I was a little confused at the name, intruders foundation? A foundations for intruders? By intruders?
Otherwise, this page is not too remarkable. Hopkins rants about Carl Sagan and Jennings’s UFO special in 2005. He’s selling some café press type stuff and a few books. Inducted July 27, 2005 13-9 Alien Abduction Experience and Research (AAER), submitted by the Odd Emperor. Welcome to the world's largest research center and support group into UFO's and the Alien Abduction Experience
Well as Odd Emperor I declare that last paragraph and several thousand like it an unmitigated disaster. In fact the entire site is kind of like looking at a train-wreck. A pretty funny one though. Not that the author intends to be humorous—I’m sure he’s sincere. All of “his” abductees are probably sincere too. Good thing that Donald Worley is there to comfort them. (Remember; he’s a UFO abduction expert!) Just, don’t ask him about the coming pole shift, how white hot magma (I love the sound of that! White-hot- maagmaa!) will fry everyone to a crisp. Giant waves will drown those who didn’t burn to a crisp and high winds will blow shit around. Why not ask him? Cuz he will tell you! Inducted July 27, 2005
13-10 The Library of Halexandriah Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to teamronnie2005.
Haleandria (or alixandria, depending on which spelling they happen to be using) appears to be by a bunch of frustrated people who would really like to cargo-cult their own reality. They seem frustrated with their work-a-day jobs and want something better. The Odd Emperor can dig that. But is creating a web page full of strange writings really the way to change things? Inducted August 6, 2005 13-11 Aliens the Truth Submitted by the Odd Emperor One would
think that on a web page called Aliens the Truth that, the truth would
be, you
Maybe I don’t buy into either viewpoint. You can’t prove something just by proclaiming it over and over again; you must provide some kind of evidence. And besides, I don’t know any government denying the existence of UFOs, most just refuse to go off the deep end about them until they manage to capture one of the dad-gum things. I was still looking
around the site for “the truth.” About aliens or most anything
Truth? Where’s
the truth? Helloo truth! Come out come out where ever you are! Inducted August 27, 2005 13-12Athene Enterprises:Clairvoyant, Psychic, New Age Teacher, Spiritual Advisor and Lecturer Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to 777 Aquarius at debunking_ufo_debunkers Athene
Raefiel is a verrry special person, A visionary, a telepath, a psychic,
spiritual teacher, empath, writer, hypnotist, Wow! She seems to
have that New Age stuff covered. Seems kinda, unbelievable. I just wish she could get her web page working right. Anyone using a Mozalla based browser like say, 1/3 of her traffic will find all the text on her page underlined and most of the java links won’t work. Looks OK in IE though. Inducted August 29, 2005 13-13 Kitty Klaw, submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to the Red Queen. Kitte Klaw! She’s a performer, a pinup and a paranormal investigator! Move over Dana Skully! Kitte Klaw’s in da house!
OKaa! She likes Germans! She was also a Baptist for a, very very short time. Giving up the church for more naturalistic pursuits, if ya.. get my drift. These days she’s performing “Kitsch ‘n’ Kink” - the UK’s premier cheesecake double act; And she founded the Ministry of Burlesque. Wonder what they have meetings about? Oh well, you can look at Kitte’s gallery’s (not safe for work.) Gander at some very original writings on the paranormal. Gaze at her blog (not safe for work.) Gaze at…Kitty! Inducted September 21, 2005 13-14 Adelaide Institute, submitted by the Odd Emperor with a nod to the JREF forum. This
kind of stuff really pisses the Odd Emperor off, forgive the strong language
No dumbass, asking question is not a crime. If you have doubts about the freaking holocaust, DO THE FREAKING RESEARCH! There is something in history studies called “a preponderance of evidence.” This means (morons) that to decide a historical event did or did not take place, we look at the historic record, consisting of documents, physical evidence, primary and secondary source testimony. We don’t make up a pack of balderdash because your precious National Socialist regime of Germany in the 1930s was accused of barbequing several million men women and children because of their religious beliefs. Historians don’t do that! But you are not real historians are you? They killed a lot of people, face up to it buster! So did the Soviets, the Italians and the Japanese. The Catholics, The US Americans, the Rwandans and the Slavs. People have been doing this kind of crap since time immemorial and you know what? It’s because revisionist jerks like you who wrote the Adelaide Institute web page try to FORGET history. We conveniently turn our back on it. La-la-la! Plug our ears until the next time it happens. And so it goes, over and over again. Jerks! Inducted September 26, 2005
13-15 UFO Planet, Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to Mr. Paul Kimball What can I say about UFO Planet.net?
That aside, its’ a pretty well constructed page. UFO Planet has some pretty up to date news, gleaned from all over the place. There is a pretty well attended forum, a chat room where people actually show up from time to time. It’s all done in PHP but evidently put together by someone who knows his stuff. The web minister “Martin” does a fairly good job of simply presenting data, not making conclusions or couching wild opinions as facts. This runs counter to many UFO related web pages out there—a very welcome and novel approach! And; he doesn’t go crazy with animated junk. That’s got to count for something! Inducted October 8, 2005 13-16 2012 Unlimited, Submitted by Mr. PH. The premise
of this page is simple. The Mayans, a new-world civilization that among
other things thought ripping the still The Mayans had a very accurate calendar which runs out in 2012. This fact has been exploited by end of the world enthusiasts for quite a while now. This page has got the real skinny on how the Earth is going into a new era, or a bunch of uncoordinated ravings depending if you’re an unbeliever or not. Inducted October 8, 2005 13-17 Project Blue Book Archive, submitted by the Odd Emperor
.....It is! Inducted October 11, 2005 13-18 Extraterrestrial
Contact Act Submitted by the Odd Emperor The sponsors of the bill are three metaphysical types, Executive Director Darryl Anka who has conducted metaphysical and consciousness-raising seminars and lectures, Director April Rierdan has worked in the field of metaphysics and extraterrestrial research for the past 10 years. And Kevin Kachikian, a computer technician who’s has been involved with Extraterrestrial contact projects and other metaphysical areas for over 8 years. Other than a plea for donations and volunteers (to help distribute our official information to all nations on Earth.) A Yahoo newsgroup the page doesn’t really have much going for it. I mean the sentiment’s OK but, don’t you need some, you know… aliens or something before congress takes you seriously? Um, on second thought…. Inducted October 11, 2005 13-19 Star Knowledge Submitted by the Odd Emeperor I look
at some web pages with a feeling of delight, this one just depresses me
Star Knowledge is It’s also about aliens, a subject I’m very interested in. Why is this a problem?
Well, I like coffee, I also like the taste of salt. I do not like salty
coffee. What does this have to do with Native American religion and aliens?
The combination of the two disturbs me. They disturb in the same way that
cows in the Vatican would disturb me or the idea of charity from Scientology.
The two just,… don’t belong together Inducted October 11, 2005 13-20 Invitation to ETI, Submitted by the Odd Emperor.
On the surface this page looks kind of naive and silly. Especially the “message to ETI” which says in part…
My inside voice was saying, “Oh sure! Regardless that you think Chernobyl is a good place to send kids, regardless that you think interaction with humans is about on par with a human’s interaction with an orange. Comon! Peel me baby!” But some of the other writings, especially the papers from founder Allen Tough are not bad, not bad at all. Sober, scientific with little of the self indulgent conclusions and proclamations that abound from more wooish authors. A refreshing change! Inducted October 16, 2005