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Copyright © 2003-2006, Empire of the Odd. G. Pettingill, editor in chief.

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empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of Odd


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More Perils of Becky

Have a comment on this page? Email the Odd Emperor!



Becky sent this missive to the Odd Emperor to somehow clear up the foggy notions on her web page. Strangely the moment we opened the envelope the Imperial Throne room was itself enveloped in a strange green fog. We still have the Imperial blowers running to clear it out.

For your consideration, the following is provided:

The members of E to the Third Power (TM) hereby release the following Disclaimer and :

To ensure that the facts remain in tact, and to ensure consumers are not defrauded in any way shape or form, the members of E to the Third Power (TM) disclaim and refute the implications and statements made at the "Odd Empire," site, as follows:


Jose Escamilla resigned from E to the Third Power (TM) in November of 1994 and no longer is an authorized representative of E to the Third Power (TM) of The Midway Sightings (TM).

Jose Escamilla's views, theories, or comments to not necessarily represent those of E to the Third Power T in regards to The Midway Sightings (TM) and/or The Midway Rods (TM).

E to the Third Power (TM) "DOES NOT" support the theory that the "rods" or "Cigar" shaped objects are inter-dimensional insects, or biological entities.

E to the Third Power (TM) fully believes they are of Extraterrestrial origin.

Portions of this "Disclaimer," are excerpts from E to the Third Power's (TM) "Disclaimer," which was released as a result of UFO Universe' article, "Midway's Mysterious Rods, which was published in UFO Universe' Summer 1995 issue.


ODD EMPIRE STATES: "When examined closely the blurry shapes resolved into slender objects that superficially resemble a few water creatures, worms with fins along each side."


1. The Midway Rods (TM) footage has "never" been "officially analyzed," outside of random analysis that was done when The Midway Sightings (TM) was featured on Hard Copy, and never as a result of said analysis were the rods/cigar shaped ufos described as resembling water creatures or worms with fins.

2. After Jose Escamilla's resignation, from E to the Third Power (TM), copies of the Rods footage, originally from Midway, belonging to The Midway Sightings(TM) UFO Stock Footage Library, were infringed upon and The Midway Rods (TM) footage never got the scientific study that it richly deserved.

Therefore, The Midway Rods (TM) footage has never been "officially" examined, and the members of E to the Third Power (TM) have "never" claimed the Rods have fins, nor that they resemble worms, nor that they resemble water creatures.

In 1994, Becky Escamilla's quote, "like thousands of fish swimming in the ocean," was a referral to "all" of the UFO activity as a whole, "as oftentimes when skywatching, you could see what seemed like thousands of flashes, filling the entire sky." To-date, the UFO activity continues and the skies above Midway continue to be filled with the "flashes," occasionally with the objects slowing down and hovering. Later, after Jose Escamilla's resignation from E to the Third Power (TM) as a result of Becky Escamilla's quote, much to her chagrin, Jose Escamilla began dubbing the rods as "skyfish," and would later proceed to identify the filming of rod activity as "sky fishing," and would go even further to claim that he had discovered a new form of life, which in fact, to-date has yet to be proven.


3. The members of E to the Third Power (TM) "do not," and have "never" supported the Roswell Rods theory wherein the rods are being described as having fins.


4. The Midway Rods (TM) UFO footage has "never" been officially analyzed and is not to be misconstrued with the alleged analysis of the Roswell Rods footage and/or Roswell Rods theory.

ODD EMPIRE STATES: "This (somehow) turned into the so-called "rod" controversy. Supposedly rods are a heretofore unknown life form that has never been perceived before because the human eye cannot see them."


We are not, nor have we ever been associated with the Roswell Rods theory, in any way shape or form, nor have we ever purported the Roswell Rods theory that the rods are an unknown life form. On the contrary, we have publicly so stated and by way of Disclaimer, that we fully believe they are of Extraterrestrial origin:


Thank you for taking time out to "review the facts." While you may have your own form of satire, which we can respect, we don't want to be lumped up with the Roswell Rods Theory, in any way, shape, or form, because we've never had anything to do with it, nor will we ever.

The Midway Rods (TM) footage is nothing like what our ex-biz partner/brother, Jose aka Jesus aka Dario, was passing off as Rod Footage.

Also, for the record, http://www.themidwaysightings.com is "not" my personal website. It's E to the Third Power's (TM) website, and while I own 50%, the other 50% belongs to my brother/biz partner, Manuel Escamilla.

I asked my legal representatives, The Hounds of Hell to look this letter over before we rendered an answer. After sniffling over it for a while and rolling around on the floor they rendered their opinion which looked something like this.

Labrusky; "Gaaa! Whaaat!? (WOOF!)

Skinflint; "Bunga-bunga-bunga PITOOWEE!"

Shyster; "I'm hungry boss, is there something to eat around here?"

Leo; " You know, she might have a point!"

Whereupon the Imperial Throne Room became silent as a huge granite tomb. Only the babble of the Imperial Fountain and the many supplicants to the Odd Emperor's Imperial court could be heard over the deafening silence.

"WHAT?!" said I in my deepest, most imperial sounding voice.

"I said, she might have a point! Look you put wordage connecting her web page with the term "rods", a generic term denoting a kind of mass hallucination proffered by several promoters including the heretofore mentioned brother Jose Escamilla. I think she's kind of freaking over that! "

"So?" I answered, not sure where this was going.

"So; you need to think about distancing yourself from mentioning a generic term which is automatically associative to the a-fore mentioned person so that the legal entity in question that is to wit, The Midway Rods (TM) is not falsely associated to the entity "The Roswell Rods" and therefore interfere with a commercial operation to wit, The Midway Rods (TM)."

Labrusky and Skinflint were looking confused. Shyster was drooling slightly but his larger brother Leo was awaiting my answer so ...

