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Copyright © 2003-2006, Empire of the Odd. G. Pettingill, editor in chief.

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empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of Odd


empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The

Have a comment on this page? Email the Odd Emperor!


Some Unreality with Sean Morton

Here is a little twixt I received regarding my write-up of Sean Morton's webpage located on the Odd Empire page 7 (7.11) . I thought it was pretty amusing as the letter attempts to misdirect the focus of my review of Mr. Morton's web page. Additionally he tries to weasel out of any responsibility for the takedown of UFOwatchdog. What was really interesting was an attached letter that appeared to be an affidavit from another person altogether. My- my how the plot sickens!

Received: from DelphiList@aol.com by imo-d09.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v34.21.) id r.b8.3bd58218 (4222) for ; Thu, 13 Mar 2003 17:22:20 -0500 (EST)

Dear Mr. Odd-Emperor,

I thought this attached statement from Stacey Allen McGee of the US UFO
RESEARCH CENTER regarding more of the nefarious activities of Royce
Myers may be of interest to you. He has done much to earn the nick-name which he
is known by in the Paranormal Field of  "UFO WATCH-PIG.SWINE." It also
proves the point that it is Myers who has done his level best to quash
research and open debate, attacking not just people in the field, but UFO event
promoters, such as Mr. McGee, Bob Brown and Victoria Jack, for having the "GALL"
to put on lectures, conferences and Expos where people can talkm exchange
ideas and hear the stories first hand and judge for themselves.

Also, in regards to the removal of Myer's website, that was not our
doing. We did name his ISP service provider in the lawsuit as we felt that either
knowingly or unknowingly they were party to a crime; that of slander,
liable with malicious intent, defamation of character and harrassment. Posting
LIES, known hoaxes and lousy research about myself, my wife, my MOTHER, and
many, many other persons and organizations as "FACTS", not opinion, is NOT
protected by the First Amendment, nor is yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded
theatre. The right to swing your fist ENDS at someone else's nose! And
the decayed putrid fecal matter that was on his site has little or NOTHING
to do with UFO research. It is nothing more than a conduit for the sewage of
pure slander and smear, as pointed out in my lawsuit and the attached

The school yard bully tactics of calling people names, and screaming
"DID NOT!" and attacking people in a community where few have the time,
resources or wherewithall to defend themselves, does NOTHING to further an agenda
of knowledge, research or expanded horizons. It just brings everybody ELSE
down to his level and makes us ALL look stupid to the world at large. Most
people have felt that the best response to a mad man is to say nothing and
walk away, as the people that would listen to anything Myers has to say
would not be predisposed to anything we say anyway.
I know that Mr. Myers has worked hard to barely graduate high school,
and with no college education, to achieve the lofty position of a 32
year-old minimum wage earning campus security guard. I felt that this lawsuit
would be an inducement for Royce to start using his time, and his life, towards
the accomplishment of something useful and positive rather wallowing in
malice and hate. The irony is in a man who is nothing and has never
accomplished anything in his own life to place himself in the position of critizing
and judging those who have. He must feel very angry, small and inadequate

My attorney received a call from Mr. Mark Williams the owner of NEW
WORLD CONCEPTS which owns the ISP provider formerly used by Myers. Mr.
Williams expressed his "Concern and horror" at the material on Myer's site. He
also said that, "I am a listener to (the) Art Bell (radio program) and a fan
and admirer of Sean Morton and his work in particular."
It was MARK WILLIAMS who willingly, happily and VOLUNTARILY REMOVED THE
UFOWATCHDOG.COM website, for exactly the reasons I have just described.
I know you will post this to your gentle and intelligent readers with
the same zeal with which you have posted your previous opinions, and
hopefully you will come to the realization that you are defending the wrong guy.

God's Grace Be With You.

Sean Morton

Fascinating, Somehow the Odd Emperor thinks that this person has, an odd grasp of reality..

How will he respond?