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Copyright © 2003-2006, Empire of the Odd. G. Pettingill, editor in chief.

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empire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of thempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of Odd


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Even more Perils of Becky

Have a comment on this page? Email the Odd Emperor!



Dear Becky;

Thanks for sending your rebuttal, The Odd Empire the hopes of better understanding wishes to offer the following;

The publications department of the Odd Empire will make every effort to rectify this awful situation. We take pride at the Odd Empire to render opinions that are complete and accurate, we are concerned with the way that the public views this web page and have no wish to cause undo harm to anyone by reflecting an inaccurate review. Therefore the review for E to the Third Power (TM) will be changed


11.2 E to the Third Power (TM) Submited by the Odd Emperor with thanks to the Red Queen

This seems to be a promotional web page for one Becky Escamillas. Back in the mid 1990s her brother (I think) took some video that incidentally showed some out of focus streaks. When examined closely the blurry shapes resolved into slender objects that superficially resemble a few water creatures, worms with fins along each side.

This (somehow) turned into the so-called “rod” controversy. Supposedly rods are a heretofore unknown life form that has never been perceived before because the human eye cannot see them.
But cheap video equipment can!

Mostly the page concerns itself with a legal tussle involving some videos that supposedly show spacecraft or “rods.” It’s not clear because there is nary a description of these films, let alone the videos themselves.
The page tells a rather stark tale of trust, betrayal, deceit, paranoia and even (presumably) broken families. All over these video tapes showing what? Blotches? What the hell is that worth anyway? Gadzooks! Most people bicker about kids, religion and money.


11.2 E to the Third Power (TM) Submited by the Odd Emperor with thanks to the Red Queen

This appears to be the promotional page of one Becky Escamilla and E to the Third Power (TM).
Back in the mid 1990s her ex-biz partner/brother, Jose aka Jesus aka Dario took some videos of burry objects.

(WARNING! Jose aka Jesus aka Dario Escamillas is in no way to be associated with Becky Escamillas or E to the Third Power (TM). E to the Third Power (TM) is an independent film repository that is in no way related to the term “Roswell Rods,” Rods” Jose Escamilla, Jesus Escamilla, or Dario Escamilla. It is not property, chattel livestock or companies under the auspices or control of The Roswell Rods or any other legal entity associated thereof and should in no way be construed to be such. )

Now where the hell was I?

Oh yes! Anyway, some videos (Which are in no way to be considered property of Becky Escamillas or associated with E to the Third Power (TM) ) seemed to show blurry shapes that looked a little like slender winged critters.

(ATTENTION! No connection should be made with the real videos under the trademark of E to the Third Power (TM) and the previous description. This is simply the opinion of the Odd Emperor and not to be construed as having any connection between E to the Third Power (TM) and any other legal entity, most especially, The Roswell Rods. these are the Midway Rods, ™ not the Roswell Rods! )

This is just getting confusing, perhaps I should ignore the legal crap for a moment.

The so-called rod controversy (not Midway Rods ™; just Rod’s in general) seems to have something to do with all this. However; It’s really not possible to tell what’s is going on here. The more layers you peel back the deeper and spookier it all gets.

Midway Rods™ as near as the Odd Emperor can tell is a trademark for E to the Third Power (TM) regarding a bunch of videos. What’s on the videos is not clear, they might be flying hotdogs, strange blobs, unknown critters, reindeer or spacecraft. We can’t tell because there is nary a description of the films, just lots of strange legalize and ranting by Becky.

The page tells a rather stark tale of trust, betrayal, deceit, paranoia and even broken families. All this pertaining to the Escamilla siblings squabbling over something; but what?

Some blurry video? Is that really worth so much?
And why all the confusion anyway? The Odd Emperor has no earthly idea but I'm sure Becky Escamillas can clear it up.

I hope this version of the Odd Empire web review is much more acceptable than the silly and less accurate review we hosted before. Rest assured that the people who allowed that piece of garbage to pass by the editors will be soundly thumped about the head and shoulders!

The Odd Emperor.
