So; yes I went to Roswell!

Big deal you say? Not really Funseekers. It’s still there and it’s kind of boring to tell you the truth. Not that it means to be. This was the 75th anniversary of, well something happening near Roswell. The US Air Force claims it was a bunch of junk they were lofting on balloons to find out if the Russians were popping off atomic bombs or something. Why would anyone give a crap about that in 1947? How should I know? The history boffins say it was of vital interest to the US Government at the time and a big fat secret. But they all lie so there’s that!

Firstly I traveled to the Owl Café in sorta-nearby San Antonio New Mexico. The Owl Café is a notorious watering hole for the scientists and engineers who constructed the very first implosion bomb for the US. It was set off so close to the Owl Café that it probably broke some windows. It was also a hangout for some regular army people guarding – something that fell into the immediate area just after the first atomic bomb test, or so the story goes. More on that later, someday.

The food was OK, adequate is the way I’d put it. Nothing to write home about. The atmosphere was in that quant New Mexico ambiance, you kind of have to experience it to understand it. The US State of New Mexico is not Mexico, but it’s not really the United States either. Most people seem to think so. Perhaps the fact that New Mexico was part of Mexico for twice as long as part of the US might have something to do with it.

So- onward to Roswell. We passed through some very nice mountain townships, the Smokey the Bear town (Smoky is a NM native as it turners out.) Then into Roswell itself which is a rather smallish town with the remains of a huge US Air Force base with a huge jumbo jet boneyard on it’s Sothern end.

Otherwise, there are some nice restaurants, a few good bars and The International UFO Museum which is dedicated to telling and retelling the thrilling events which might (or might not) have happened here 75 years ago.

I got in for five American Bucks because I was a veteran, good thing they didn’t ask which war I fought in, they’d hardly believe it (despite this place being a museum of alien goings on.) I wandered into the most interesting part, the library which has a large number of books, magazines and multimedia stuff on all things woooish.

The main part was rather busy, a number of tables were set up and a bunch of self published authors with their self published books telling some kind of thrilling story. I didn’t bother to look since thrilling stories are a dime a dozen these days.


I wandered in and out some of the main street shops. Quite a lot of woo-woo brick-a-brac places.

The crucifixes over the alien in bed pretty much summed this place up.

Be well Funseekers!

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Going down to Roswell!


Ah – Roswell New Mexico. A place that’s near to my heart! If I had one that is. As an alien visiting your quaint little Earth I often wonder what you think about us, the visitors who walk among you.

Now I will get a chance! I will be leaving the palatial Odd Empire Palace and traveling to the Alien City of the US during it’s gala 75 year festival!

well, not exactly; the festival has only been going on for a few years. 75 Earth years ago some junk crashed in a sheep ranch, the Airforce was called into to clean up the mess and told everyone to keep quiet about it.

Some years later a popular book was published making all kinds of outlandish claims about the incident and the rest as we say is history.

So if you go, look for the Odd Emperor! I’ll be there and I’ll wave.

Be seeing you Funseekers!

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Back from Sabbatical

Some of you fun-seekers might know this. I’m not from this planet. Hailing from a star in orbit of Betelgeuse I occasionally head back to my old-home so to speak jus to see how things are hanging. Not much as it turned out. The local star might explode soon, in a bout 10 thousand Earth years.

When I came back to your charming little planet I discovered that you monkeys were involved in yet another war in what you call Europe! Boo!

Even worse! I discovered that WordPress has a new version – AGAIN. One that was not compatible with the Odd Empire webpage or the Oddemperor’s techno flunky!

So of course, things will be a bit confusing around here while we move stuff to a different – um virtual location and make things pretty again.

Share and Enjoy Funseekers.

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The Shiny Moment of the MAGAs.

Have fun storming the Capitol! . (Photo by Jon Cherry/Getty Images)

Or, how to polish a turd.

So last week on my trusty 200 inch crystal vew-visio monitor I watched with amusement as some of you humans in the US tried to change your form of government the old fashioned way. By breaking into government buildings and murdering your officials, then afterwards presumably have a nice box-lunch and set up a new government.

Some of you may understand that I’m just visiting this planet. I’ve seen things like this before. Many times before. This is the way transitions from one warlord to another are handled on most planets. Governments just are you know?. People don’t question them since questions reduce the flow of petty luxuries and too many questions can get one liquidated into places where important pieces of their bodies can be painfully snipped off of them. Before they are liquidated in a very literal sense.

More relevant than you poor Earthlings can imagine!

Of course, the default existence of most sentient beings has reared it’s ugly head, that of rule by whomever has the most bone clubs, the most spears or atomic weapons.

Moonwatcher had it right.

Democracy is a rare thing in a violent galaxy.

Most of the time when the quaint experiment of Democracy is attempted, it fails fast.

The Earth polity known as the United States somehow preserved a democratic-ish government for over two hundred revolutions of the planet around its sun. That’s pretty amazing!

So, on the Earth date of January 6th, 2020, democracy in the United States (almost) came crashing down when the outgoing President of the nation asked his supporters to march to the US Capitol building and make it “really hard” for representatives to ratify an election he lost. Thereby cementing himself into history as the US’s first attempted tyrant dictator.

We’re gathered together in the heart of our nation’s Capitol for one very, very basic and simple reason, to save our democracy.”  he said. Yeah right! sez I.

“Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! ” They chanted

And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, ” he said “You’re not going to have a country anymore. So we’re going to, walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

The translation to this astounding word-salad is, Democrat votes are no longer legal in Trump-World. Go get em! And “love Pennsylvania Avenue?” Le-gross! I didn’t think Humans could do that to a road!

His supporters did storm the Capitol building while the Legislators was in session. They didn’t “love Pennsylvania Avenue” than goodness! Even MAGAs have standards. In fact many of his supporters were already at the Capitol, suggesting the whole thing was planed from the beginning. Of course the President had been asking his supporters to flood their nation’s capitol for weeks, and a lot of far right wing groups like the Proud Boys were planning to be there en-mass. so who would have thunk it?

Of course she’s not from Knoxville.

It didn’t go well for everyone. “Elisabeth from Maryland” became the unwitting (and witless) poster child for the “revolution. So did this character.

I’m just an ordinary patriot.

I mean, he’s colorful and loud. His defenders say he’s a really nice person, so what if he breaks into the US Capitol building wearing that costume, allegedly shouting that the Vice President should be hunted down and killed. People make mistakes!

Well, for this mistake he’s traded one costume for another. A nice orange one.

Look where I am, Mom!

There’s a pandemic going an and wearing face coverings is thought to be ordinary, polite even! These jokers didn’t bother with that because Freedom. Thank goodness since the Capitol has cameras all over the building and this made identification so much easier.

“We did it! We got a go directly to jail card! Wait – WHAT?”
A funny thing happened to me…….. Now where are the barbarian wimin?

And so it goes. One of the more astounding things is how surprised Trump supporters were when they got nabbed. It’s not like the cops are smart enough to check out all the rad videos they posted during the break in! Whups!

“We are heading to the Capitol right now and, maybe we will, break down the doors. And commit a Federal offence.

Now, naturally when the MAGAs discovered that breaking into Congress and threatening to kill people is kind of a federal no-no. They claimed it was ANTIFA or Black Lives Matters or some other group who dressed up in lots of MAGA swag and broke into the building. As if most left wingers in the US would stand and listen to Trump and his little minions speak on a cold January morning. Or run out and disguise themselves with lots of expensive Trump swag. According to MAGAs, Left wing people in the US are all living in Mom’s basement, have no jobs and no money. Kind of seems strange they would travel to Washington DC to take part in a protest that they won.

Oh, and this fellow? he actually lives with Mom! Really! I did not make that up! And he must eat only organic food! Gonna be hard for him in the Federal slam! All those baloney sandwiches!

Now; Rudy Giuliani; that once paragon of – something. The legal genius extraordinaire did his part to whip up the crowd.

It seems to me, we don’t want to find out three weeks from now even more proof that this election was stolen, do we?
This has been a year in which they have invaded our freedom of speech, our freedom of religion, our freedom to move, our freedom to live. I’ll be darned if they’re going to take away our free and fair vote. And we’re going to fight to the very end to make sure that doesn’t happen. 

Let’s have trial by combat!

Of course, Rudy tried to distance himself from his own statements after the coup attempt failed.

“I was referencing the kind of trial that took place for Tyrion in that very famous documentary about fictitious medieval England,” Mr. Giuliani said on Tuesday.

Yeah, Rudy, tell us another one!

I mean, it’s not a bad thing to dive deep into fantasy world if you are a MAGA. Paul M. Davis writes in his astounding lawsuit to overturn the election “Gondor has no King,”, “to invoke a very appropriate quote from the J.R.R. Tolkien epic classic, ‘Lord of the Rings.’” His contention seems to me that since the Putsch he attempted with his little MAGA friends failed. The courts should install Donald Trump as king of America (since he’s the only duly elected official because “everyone knows.”) The courts also need to ditch every member of Congress and install loyal Trump “stewards,” presumably until an election with no pesky opposing party can be held.

I suppose it’s no big stretch to believe Game of Thrones and Tolkien’s worlds are real if one is a MAGA.

Oh and yeah. The FBI collected your pictures.

Be good Funseekers.

The Odd Emperor.

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The “Healthy” American


Here we go again! A lot of entitled Americans who think wearing a fact mask in public is infringing on their “God given rights.” Like it’s obviously in the Bible that people have the right not to cover their faces, except when the Bible says they have to cover their face! More on that later.

Wow! I bet she paid a lot for those chompers!

Well Peggy Hall, the Healthy American knows! And this Healthy American doesn’t give a single fig about what the BIBLE says! Or governors or police or medical people or ANYONE urging us to wear a STUPID face diaper!

Coz she knows God said facemasks are un-American and against God’s word in some way. She doesn’t actually say how, but that is not important! What is important is people not being sheeple! You don’t want to be a sheeple – right? Don’t be an American sheeple! God hates that!

Listen to Peggy Hall! Peggy Hall is an EXPERT on being an expert on anti-mask wearing.

But who is Peggy Hall?
She’s a “Leading wellness expert, life coach, teacher, speaker, author, consultant, radio & television personality, media contributor” and proprietor of the Living Swell web page!

Wow! That’s impressive! A leading wellness expert! How do you become a leading wellness expert?

I have no idea, Peggy clams that she learned how to do research when she was working on her bachelors and PhD. What her degree(s) are in is unclear. I get the impression that its not in Wellness.

She claims that she got a masters in Arabic Studies or something and lived in the Middle East for many years. This is why she knows face coverings are un-Godly I suppose. You know! Those dirty Mooslams and their filthy burkas!

She worked for Saddleback College for a while, but they seem to have scrubbed her from their webpage. She might be some kind of city employee, but that seems to be over now too. On Facebook she is listed as a Professional encourager. There is no hint of her credentials on Linkedin. Linkedin has her down as expert in “Wellness, Public Speaking and Yoga!” So I guess that makes her a real wellness expert and a certified Professional Encourager! The Yoga must help.

You can get your own official religious exemption card from Peggy! Which you can proudly wave at any fascist pigs who insist that you must wear a sinful and hazardous (to your salvation) face covering! Unless you are a doctor (they are magickly exempt.) The cards are signed by Pastor David Hall and everything!

Why is this important? Because “God breathed the gift of life to us” and just in case God has a hankering to breath on people again, don’t wear a mask. There’s a Bible verse that says so I guess.

It would seem (according to Peggy) that it’s also against the US Civil Rights Act. which says in part

(a)Equal access

All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.

I don’t see where is covers “face coverings” during a pandemic, but I’m sure Peggy Hall has done her due diligence. The rulers of darkness wants you to wear a mask so that’s proof that masks are EVIL! See? Rulers of Darkness = evil!

Besides! There’s all kinds of scientific evidences; that God gave us . Like hormones and things! They make you healthy! This is all about a universal perspective. Peggy Hall knows as she’s an expert in wellness!

Peggy sez…

“Peggy Hall is not practicing law. She is not an attorney and she is not initiating a lawyer-client relationship; nor is she providing legal advice; nor is she signing legal papers or pleadings on your behalf; nor is she carrying out legal proceedings on your behalf in a court of law; nor is she charging a fee for legal services.

While she claims she’s not practicing law, she will “legally educate people on legal matters.” It’s better than school she says! And she’s talking about your kid’s school! School is a big waste of time anyway!

“Forget “virtual learning” — your kids need REAL LIFE LEARNING!! Time to pull your kids out of school [sic]I have the remedies for your concerns about masks, temp taking, etc.”

According to Peggy, it doesn’t matter what other people think she says. it only matters what you think and believe! I’m sure glad I know that nugget of wisdom! Now if somebody informs of that pesky theory of gravitation I can tell them to bite me! I can just jump off of tall buildings if I believe I can fly! Peggy said so!

Yeah, let me know how that works out for you.

One of her more brilliant moves was to block all of her videos on YouTube because people on other sites like Reddit were making fun of them. Perhaps that is why most of her videos on YouTube are locked against commenting! She’s a thin-skinned professional encourager? Could it be?

It’s the Legend of Peggy-Karen!

Oh and Um, I guess face covering is actually mentioned in the Bible too! Who knew?

Genesis 24:65: “For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself.”

2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV
Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

Isaiah 6:2 ESV
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

Have a blast Fun Seekers! And wear those masks!

– The Odd Emperor

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Freedom to Breath.

Make sure you have a lot of US and Trump flags! It makes you so much more special!

Here we go! It’s become a MASSIVE BURDEN to mask up during the worst pandemic on Earth in a hundred years. So here comes the “Freedom to Breath” agency (FTB) This seems to be the brainchild (emphsis on the term “child”) of one Lenka Koloma.

It’s the usual story, a sickly girl traveled the world to do “research” and discovered fabulous holistic uhhh, stuff that no medical doctor or scientist ever thought of! She immersed herself in “quantum physics and neuroscience” whatever the hell that means. Then of course in 2016 she had a near death experience which “connected with the power of her higher intelligence and healed an incurable, life threatening condition.” The usual malarkey. Now where have we heard this before?

“We are a movement of proud American citizens who are dedicated to protecting their freedom and liberty. 

Our team consists of people from all walks of life from attorneys, doctors, business owners, CEOs, moms and dads who want to make a difference in this world and create a promising future for our children. “

So you are planning to make a more promising future, by telling a lot of lies? Nice play Ox!

Core values? Kinda says it all.


“We believe in personal liberty.
We believe in freedom of speech.
We believe in freedom to choose.
We believe in freedom to pursue happiness.
|We believe that all humans shall be free because freedom is our first birth right until we allow someone else to take it away. 
It is our mission to restore this fundamental birth right and bring peace to our community and the world.
We believe that people and animals shall be free. ” 

You believe in freedom to choose, TO BE STUPID! Tell me, do you also believe in the freedom to run around naked or jump off bridges, set fire to buildings, not to wear pants, set fire to yourself or spit on random people?

Wearing a face mask is an unhealthy obstruction of oxygen flow that can lead to hypoxemia (low oxygen level in the blood) and hypoxia (low oxygen level in the tissue). Both of these conditions are health threatening and can permanently damage the brain, lungs, heart and about any other organ.

Oh bollix! People in all kinds of professions wear face masks for variety of reasons. Surgeons wear the damn things all the time and you don’t hear them moaning about their freedums being imposed. Also meat packers, painters. People in Asia have worn face-masks when they have a cold for decades.

Oh, but not for the Freedom to Breath folks!

Wearing a face mask has also [sic] very important effect on our psychology. It is a psychological anchor for suppression, enslavement and cognitive obedience. When you wear a mask you are complicit in declaring all humans as dangerous, infectious and threats. How long do you think it will be before your social engineers tell you that talking spreads the virus farther ….and they forbid talking? 

Oh, here we go! You think anyone telling you what to do is a “psychological anchor for suppression!” When you wear a mask you are complicit in declaring all humans as dangerous, infectious and threats. No dipshit! you are declaring that YOU might be a freaking threat! Because you ARE! So is everyone else! That’s how pandemics work! Are you so daft that you would not only put the people around you in peril, but your loved-ones too?

How long before your human farmers trick you into believing that it is better you stop breathing altogether….as to stop the spread of a virus? 

Human farmers? What? Like lizard people?

Of course wearing a mask does not prevent one from getting sick, that’s not their purpose. The purpose of a face-mask is to keep YOUR stupid germs from getting spewed out every time you exhale or cough or sneeze. Not that anyone over at Freedom to Breath understand such things.

F*&king hell!

It’s SO much more important to exercise your freedum than help keep those around you safe from a pandemic.

“But I don’t HAVE the “China Virus” they squeak.

How do you know that? Folks who get tested each and every day have contracted it, seemingly out of thin air. Many are asymptomatic for days or ever forever. You can’t KNOW that you have this disease. One must assume you have it at all time, by WEARING YOUR FLIPPING MASKS! And perhaps it’s good idea to stop creating fake US agencies to fool people.

Lenka Koloma threatening people with jail time.

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Chronicles of John Titor II


This is the saga of John Titor II. It’s an odd tale. A fairly convoluted tale, full of mystery, high tech, paranormal musings and of course inaccurate predictions since it’s almost certainly a work of fiction. Like much of John Titor himself!

John Titor is a real person mind you. At least I think so. His name is not really John Titor and he really didn’t travel through time, or work as a test pilot, or command an air combat group. Or has spaceships hidden is sekret warehouses or is best buds with an alien named Roc.

What he really turns out to be is kind of a fibber!

Here is one of the many bios on him.

“John Titor II Entered duty with the Air Force as an Airman in the U.S. Air Force at Dulce, New Mexico. Trained because of his abilities to become an officer and pilot. He received intensive training on the latest air frames and power plants available. This included the TR-3B spacecraft and TR-6 Telos. John Titor commanded the 177th Division. Later he was given the command of a combat group. Author “Aurhorized (sic): Chronicles of John Titor II” and “Continued: Chronicles of John Titor II.”

Um – sure sure. Nobody familiar with the US military could possibly believe that. First of all Airmen are not “promoted” to become officers and pilots. All pilots are officers and enlisted people could possibly become a commissioned officer, but that’s a hard – unlikely road. First you have to earn a bachelors degree in some STEM field with an above 3.4 GPA. Then you have to appear before a review board (having a pilots licence is BIG plus here.) If you are below the age of 30 and a second lieutenant you can attend one of only three training schools in the US and if you are physically and mentally sound? Then you can attend flight training where most applicants wash out. Nobody gets “discovered” as an Airman and just given pilot training. Outside of movies and John Titor’s imagination.

It began back in 2001. On some obscure web forum called Coast to Coast. A user began to post astounding things, as if they were true. Of course he didn’t actually post evidence, what does evidence or facts have to do with an interesting story?

He begins -vacume
Greetings. I am a time traveller (sic) from the year 2036. I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975.

Time travel missions to the past can make barely detectable changes to the time line in the hear (sic) and now for all of us.  Mankind’s history can be changed and most people would not even suspect something had been done.

Jeepers! It looks like spell and grammar checking software has stopped working in the future! So has fourth grade grammar education, but we can see that all over Reddit so – maybe!

John is far more than just a time-traveler. Apparently he’s a clone of the original John Titor too. Not that being a clone makes this story more believable (nor does he provide any evidence, yet again. ) It does make things more complicated and a lot more silly!

Of course some detales of how he traveled in time leaked out. Rather than using a DeLorean with a flux capacitor or whatever. He used an old Corvette with a dual singularity slingar. At lot cooler I suppose.

Don’t need no stinking flux capacitor! We got vacuum tubes bitch!

“My ‘time’ machine is a stationary mass, temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. The unit is powered by two top-spin dual-positive singularities that produce a standard off-set Tipler sinusoid.

Very cool!

John wouldn’t be a good time traveler without predictions of the future. How does he stack up in 2020?
* “A World War in 2015 killed nearly 3 billion people.” 
*“As a result of the many conflicts, no, there were no official Olympics after 2004. However, it appears they may be revived in 2040.”
* A civil war in the US around 2004
*  CERN would discover the basis for time travel sometime around 2001.

Um 0 and 0.
Of course, John explained that the predictions “might” not come true because of the many worlds hypothesis. Convenient that.

John Titor continues…

Lastly I go out and investigate what I write about.  As you may surmise from the pictures above.  I will travel anywhere to verify information.  In the photograph of me standing in a canyon.  I went to where Reptilians had been reported to the US Forestry Service for eating human flesh.  I found a deserted town and military looking sniper teams that talked to me and then warned me off.

Um, yeah. Once again. no evidence or corroboration. And we are to believe the military keeps sniper teams running 24/7 watches on a deserted town and nobody has any idea where this is, or what town the hundred guards live in?

Yeah – right!

More, um – fascinating stuff from John Titor.

We are Farmed, and Harvested!

We as a species have been farmed and harvested by extraterrestrials. Look at the pyramids of South America and the ramps, visualize members of the local populations marched up to waiting space craft. Scientists were initially stumped as to what happened to huge populations. They were used as food, slaves, and cyborgs.

Um, no? Archaeologist know exactly what happened to the population centers in South America. During the Colombian Exchange a series of deceases brought by the Spanish decimated the population and the Spanish murdered and enslaved the rest. But that’s just boring history.

More gems from John.

I believe that at one point man coexisted with dinosaurs.  There is archaeological evidence to support this.  I believe dinosaurs were deliberately eliminated because they posed a threat to mankind’s development.  They would inhibit the building of cities “

Other than, there’s not a smidgen of evidence to support any of this.

I am a chronicler of history, I observe and report.  Politicians are the bane of mankind.  Perhaps my writing will be discovered hundreds of years from now and the reader will wonder why no one listened.  My answer is perhaps they were too busy to read.

OH! Very deep – (derp)

Well the reality? It seems that this stuff is actually by a pathological liar by the name of Dana Lee Stern Sr. That’s for the second and current Titor. The original one seems to be a Florida lawyer by the name of Larry Haber. Or maybe Larry is just Titor’s attorney. It’s pretty confusing.

The identity of this second public Titor is believed to be Dana Lee Stern Sr, a man with a notable criminal record, a pile of aliases, and who claims his own son exsistinjected Windex into his brother’s brain as a child to give him cancer.


But wait. John Titor, time traveler and all around swell guy, isn’t? He’s really some dude named Dana Lee Stern Sr and he’s been taking people for rides on teh Internet for decades? Say it isn’t so!

So the CURRENT John Titor seems to be a prolific Facebook blogger and YouTuber. He’s got like ten Facebook groups which he posts on nearly every day, all ten of them! He put up a lot of YouTube videos, mostly about how Democratic Party in the US are destroying that nation and how wonderful their current leader Donald Trump is. Pretty standard stuff for a possibly dottering time traveler who’s obviously spent most of his life just (urr) fibbing to people.

He’s also a prolific You Tuber – go figure! Usually he mumbles about, oh traitors of any and all stripe. You know.! Democrats all. Also actors, writers and just about anyone who doesn’t like his hero Donald J Trump. He’s also predicting a new civil war, in December of 2019 this time and it’s because (three guesses) the Democrats suck balls and impeached his hero.

That’s pretty much it. George Soros and all Democrats are trying to bring down the government (ie) Donald Trump. Also Obama, the Clinton (mass murder hit squad) Nancy Pelsoi and of course anyone who happens to be a Democrat. Pretty odd for nascent time traveler to be angry about stuff which should be just history. Especially when he claimed the US would cease to exist in 2004.

Share and enjoy!

The Titor, in his glory!

Dana Lee Stern Sr

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It’s a Flat Earth Wiki!

Oh I do love the flat Earthers! No really! I mean, they could believe in all kinds of stuff. That Elvis is still alive. Bigfoot. Elvis is having a affair with Bigfoot. But that the Earth is flat?

So what it their evidence? “The world looks flat,” Yeah? That’s about it. I mean, it’s no matter that a spherical object will look like a flat plane if it’s large enough. It’s not that ballistic trajectories reflect motion on a spherical object. It’s not that all of the experiments that they’ve conducted give evidence that they are on a spherical object.

The world looks flat,

Uh -hu. Riiight!
This site is little more than an exercise in cognitive biases. If you like people with cognitive biases, I suppose this is a wiki for you. If not?

It’s hilarious!

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Thousands plan to Storm Area 51

(And make utter fools of themselves.)

From the silly files.

The big news (so to speak) is a lot of UFO nutballs are planning to “Storm Area 51” on

Friday, September 20, 2019 at 3 AM – 6 AM PDT

Remember that date because well nothing important is going to happen other than a few dozen wack-jobs will get sent running by the base’s private security force (which has no legal authority to do much of anything other than look fierce!) Well they DO have guns and they look fierce. It’s possible that they might also start shooting, but I think the private security firm might not do that on American soil. All they seem to be able to do is call the real Law Enforcement people and ask them to issue a ticket. Seems like a good risk!

Here are a few facts Funseekers. Area 51 is a real place. It’s part of  Edwards Air Force Base. It’s actual name is Homey Airport or sometimes Groom Lake. Since 1955 the US Airforce has used the area for advance aircraft testing, mostly because it’s remote and the salt pan makes a nice natural runway. The U2 program was tested there, as was the A-12 OXCART and the various unmanned projects associated with this. The base was upgraded in the early 1960s and has been used for testing of captured Soviet aircraft, the F-117 stelth fighter program. The base was expanded again in the early 1980s and is used for test aircraft to this day.

None of this information is classified in any way. I got most of it from Wikapidia! However there is this crazy idea that the US has a colony of aliens, Bigfoots or sinister whatnots at the base. and so the Storm Area 51 project took shape.

The plan is twofold

  • Get a lot of people to drive out there this September.
  • Run into the base, they can’t shoot everyone! RIGHT?

Over half a million people have pledged to particulate. I suppose they believe they will find the lost colony of Atlantic, parked galactic cruisers and little alien kids in the playground.

I can see how this is actually going to go down.

The run will commence with the two or three hundred people crazy enough to take part in this madness. They will cross the fence line, hopefully early in the morning. Then reach the base around 11am, tired sore and fringing hot! It’s likely that many of them will forget to bring water, even though this is the desert! The run will commence with the two or three hundred people crazy enough to take part in this madness. They will cross the fence line, hopefully early in the morning. Then reach the base around 11am, tired sore and fringing hot! It’s likely that many of them will forget to bring water, even though this is the desert!

And they will see, an Airforce base! Runways, hangers, a control tower. Wow!

They probably won’t be able to enter any of the buildings and with the heat index climbing they will be roasting at about 1PM. Then the base MPs and the local Sheriffs department will show up with water and a lot of plastic handcuffs.

Happy $750 fine people!

Actual Storm Area 51 battle plan.

We at the Oddempire will be watching and tipping a nice glass of fine scotch in your honor! Go get ’em you guys!

– The Odd Emperor

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James Gilliland wants your money! What else is new?

You can go to this webpage and donate. Or just ignore him like most people. Or you can read this spine-tingling pitch! 

Contact Has Begun Part 2 will be a continuation of the very popular documentary “Contact Has Begun”. This film will this time be produced by Peter Maxwell Slattery with James Gilliland, with the aim to reach as many people world wide. Any contributions will be greatly appreciated and will go towards the making of this film.

Yeah -sure-sure. “Contact has Begun” has a lot of  details of – well stuff! Like global climate change is a bunch of crap and Europe is going to have the same climate as Siberia! Or how California is going to have earthquakes. With about 3000 views on YouTube, popular? Well – not so much.

James has come back from the dead again (he did get conked on the head during his surfer days.) Since then he’s given up his real-estate business in favor of becoming a UFO Cult guru. I call him the “thin-skinned guru” after a number of amusing interactions, including a threat from his “legal staff” which we of course ignored. 

 He dabbled into the bottled water business (not that he made any money with a company selling $20 bottles of tap water.) He lectures all over the place  about his space-brother buddies. Mostly he runs camp-outs at his “Sativa Sanctuary” (ie) dope ranch. There, people pay a nominal fee to freeze their asses off and watch satellites in the dark skies in the vicinity of Mount  Adams Oregon. For a bonus he informs people that the lights at a nearby camping area are really landed galactic cruisers. Not that you can go see the galactic cruisers! They cunningly turn into pickups with light-kits if you venture too close! 

But these non-physical beings coming from other dimensions are really-really-real says James. Just like the orbs that he’s managed to photograph at his dusty dope ranch. Or the mist-monsters he images when it’s cold outside. Or when he’s imbibing on the sativa. 

James says that the beings can take you out of bed and do stuff to you. James sees aliens everywhere! Even in the bathtub!  He’s got hours and hours of lights over his ranch. They can’t be military or other aircraft, despite the fact that there are at least two military training areas and a Navy bombing range nearby. James also uses Heavens-Above which is certainly a a good satellite tracking application. (Of course the data for the app are provided by NORAD,) Who the heck would trust the gooberment?

James has been having conversations with space buddies since he was a child. How can you argue with that (or ask for evidence.) He claims that there’s a sekrit base of aliens inside of Mount Adams, not that he’s actually gone there to look for it or anything! Dude! It’s only a few miles away! Aren’t you the least bit curious?

James claims that a lot of high level people, air traffic controllers, NASA Scientists, military people, Skunk Works engineers and others all corroborate his story that his dope ranch is a hotbed for inter-dimensional galactic cruisers. James doesn’t name any of these people so it’s not possible to find out if any of them could corroborate Jame’s stories are real. But James SAYS it’s all true and you have to believe him! Or you suck!

James says he’s not interested in being famous or being a guru. Despite this he’s wanting to raise money for yet another feature length film about  – himself! Needless to say that anyone who is skeptical of Jame’s motive suffers from “cognitive dissonance.” James informs us that people with cognitive dissonance can’t accept any reality outside of their own, no matter how much proof James provides!  Funny that James hasn’t really provided any evidence, let alone proof! And funny still that this is NOT the definition of cognitive dissonance in any case. 

But none of those things matter! Galactic cruisers have been flying over James’s dope ranch, piloted by Space Brothers who are related to Native Americans and are waiting for James (who’s NOT a Native American) to usher in a new age of peace and enlightenment for all people. As soon as he can get up the ten thousand bucks for yet another film of blurry satellites, I mean. Galactic cruisers! ! 

Posted in Frauds, Pathetic, UFOs | 5 Comments