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Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire
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Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of
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The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire
of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire
Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire
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The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the
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Empire of the Oddempire of the odd The Odd Emperor The Odd Empire the odd
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Odd Empire the odd emperor odd empire Empire of the Oddempire of the odd
The Odd Emperor The
not your imagination! It's the
Empire of the Odd is an Internet review page focusing on strange uttering's
from the wonderful world of fringe science and the occult.
"Ridentem dicere verum quid vetat."
What prevents me from speaking the truth with a smile? -Horace
right to speak freely is one of the necessary means to the attainment
of the truth. That, and not the subjective pleasure of utterance, is
why freedom is a necessity in a good society." -- Walter Lippman
"I can always tell real researchers from cranks by how they
respond to criticism. Researchers take it in stride. It's part of the
game and unless people try to tear you down, you're just not getting
to them.
Cranks go insane when people criticize them. "
-- The Odd Emperor
try to have the last word. You might get it."
-- Robert Heinlein
"Regan Lee", AKA "Natasha" AKA "seaglow99@yahoo.com"
from The Orange Orb
“you pompous twit of a psycho.”
“What an (sic) huge, pus filled ego you have.”
“You're one creepy nutcase.”
“I hate YOU, sure. You're hardly "people"”
Lehmberg "Your
~every~ effort and activity and behavior is like a ~sore~ on the face
of ~God~. Print that!"
"I defend your right to an *opinion*, of course, just as I'm sure
you'd defend my right to sneer at it, in turn...."
" ESAD..."
is a page to just gladden the dark little heart of any Odd Emperor! This
page is da bomb! This page is
about the bomb! The big rock, the swarms of locusts, the bird flu, the
big trump, death by water, death by fire, the END OF THE WORLD MON!
Besides that? It’s
well written, it’s kitschy, it… it’s the END OF THE
WORLD! Opinion and commentary about media’s coverage of this big
thing about spam, it’s all written exactly the same way. You know
what I’m talking about. That smarmy know-it-all—“you
can trust-me-while-I sell-someone-your-mom for-a-dollar kind of stuff.
That crap really raises the hackles on the Odd Emperor. Well, so does
this web page. It’s written like all those other other pages, the
ones promising you larger genitalia, more hair, bigger juicier….
Well-- you get the idea.
"No. This
is NOT a scam. This is definitely the real thing. There is no way that
I would put my contact information on a public website knowing that
I am bringing you something that I knew wouldn't or doesn't work. This
does WORK - and quickly too"
Yah sure-sure!
It’s the real
thing all right. Parker Brothers has been marketing this crap for decades.
A piece of cardboard with fancy patters, some letters of the alphabet,
the word yes and no. A Ouija board.
But this is no ordinary
Ouija board, oh no! This one has little phrases written all over it, no
laborious spelling out of answers!
really difficult to make heads or tails out of this. If you look at (and
automatically believe) the Blacklight
web page. You will be darn sure that a clean, economically friendly and
almost magically efficient form of energy is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!!
Yep! We can kiss that
old fashioned hydro-carbon based economy right where the sun don’t
shine! And nuclear power!? F*#$ you nuclear power! We got BLACKLIGHT now!
But, other than some
very impressive (they claim) backing. Wads of independent verification
(I was not able to find exactly who or where outside of their very elaborate
web page) Oodles of evidence… just on their web page. Lots of elaborate
flash animation, photos of glowing apparatus and pages of PDF files filled
with elaborate equations, they don’t seem to have much of that other
stuff… You know.. like evidence?
(I know that I’m
just being picky but a couple of independent University projects to build
one of these Blacklight things would go awfully far…)
is the title of a magazine, an early journal of UFOs and other fortean
oddities from Great Britain. Excellently written;
the magazine is a must see for all UFO enthusiasts or even those of a
more skeptical bent.
Unfortunately the
web page is not currently updated. There are a number of articles and
editorials which can give a perspective reader a sample of what lies inside
Magnoia magazine.
is a web page by one mystic and noted spiritual painter Leona Lal-Singh.
When she was in her late 20s, someone handed
her a copy of Beyond the Himalayas whereupon she quit her worldly life
for the life of the mystic painter and writer.
Don’t accept books by strangers?
The Mystic painting
themselves are all headshots of various Jesus like figures all wearing
the look “blue steel” from the movie Zoolander.
November 17, 2005
Return Of The Nephilim,
Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to Alfred Lehmberg.
is yet another end times web page, like we need another! Here the author
has worked him or herself into a complete paranoid
lather over the coming tribulation, the return of the Nephilim and the
end of cheap Play Station IIs on Ebay.
These rebellious
interdimensional beings from the heavenlies will manifest among us disguised
as extraterrestrial from other galaxies or aliens beings from another
dimension or time. They will pretend to teach mankind high elements
of science and technology as well as the means to successfully achieve
a peaceful social cooperation among the nations of the world putting
an end to wars, hunger, plagues, etc. To attain that intent. they will
tell us that it is absolutely necessary to unite all the nations of
the world under a new One World Government or New World Order, the ultimate
Tower of Babel.
Brrr! real aliens
coming down from space pretending gods, or are they real gods pretending
to be aliens? Or real aliens pretending to be gods pretending to be aliens
who pretend to teach Humanity science? Whatever it is, it won’t
be boring!
too out of the ordinary here. Ghost walks have become a popular tourist
fad in a number of cities.
Some ghost walk tour companies in places like Saint Augustine Florida
are so numerous that they get into their own turf wars.
you will learn the
haunted history of the towns you'll explore. You'll be touched time and
again by the magic of supernatural beliefs, and hear documented authentic
ghost stories accurately and passionately presented...
That last is a standard
ghost-tour buzzword for telling stories in a creepy manner to sort of
hide the fact that,… well these are just stories.
But the Appalachian
Ghost Guides are certified! That’s got to count for something. The
founder even put up copy of his certificates; one is from Ghost Chasers
Inc, the other is kind of blurry but when I ran the Imperial photo filters
over it I found it was in Airline Tourism.
The one funny thing
about Appalachian Ghost Walks is the fellow who runs it. He’s been
around the more woo’ish quarter of the business community for awhile
now. Ran some UFO conferences for a time. He says my bud over at UFO Watchdog
ruined that endeavor. (Bad UFO Watchdog, no biscuit!)
He’s also the
founder of ARC (Alternate Realities Center) which is all about shifting
paradigms or some other pseudo corporate buzz talk
Sibrel is an otherwise unknown film maker who decided to come up with
an outrageous idea and make a complete fool of himself
at the same time!. Basically, he decided the US moon landings didn’t
happen. Despite the libraries of data, the thousands of people involved
in the landings, the mounds of leftover gear, the hundred of miles of
movie film and hundreds of thousands of images, "it was just a stunt"
says Bart Sibrel. “I’d bet my life on it!”
But really, that part’s
OK. If he wants to believe that people can’t travel faster than
60 MPH, or the sound barrier will never be broken, the Easter Bunny or
that Cronkite covered a bad Hollywood production of The Right Stuff thinking
it was real news… OK so people have a right to believe whatever
they want.
But this guy, this
complete ASSHAT runs around CONFRONTING NASA astronauts, telling them
they are damn-liars to their faces. He puts films of this on his web page!
Buzz Aldren popped
him one too. Right in the eye! There he is in all his glory, getting punched
by an old guy in his 70s. After being harassed by this bozo all day, who
could blame him? You have a right to be an idiot, you don’t have
a right to follow people around and bug them until the literally want
to kick you in the bunghole.
December 14, 2005
WARNING! Submitted by the Odd
Emperor with thanks to Art Greenfield
is the web page of the infamous antigray@hotmail.com , He’s been
bumming around the Fortian community
for a few years. He says that aliens abducted his wife one dark ‘n
stormy night in 2001. This launched him on a crusade to find out what’s
going on.
See; those things
that slithered into his bedroom? Those are not really aliens, they were
reptiods. How this is different than aliens? I’m not sure but apparently
since they come from inside the Earth they can’t be real aliens.
They seem kind of
freaky though!
For some reason they
blasted themselves into space inside of giant rocket ships. Just Like
in those old Flash Gordon serials, except it was Flash and his pals inside
the giant rocket ships, not weird reptiods
But these space going
reptilians had a small problem. Space is real big and empty! Nothing but
some rocks, and dust clouds. Maybe an occasional planet. There are very
very few take-out opportunities in outer space so they had to come up
with a solution or get really really hungry!
So every fifty years
or so they swoop in close to the Earth. Then they (somehow) trick mankind
onto great wars. World War I and World War II for example. Reptiods! Now
we know that WWI and WWII were only twenty years apart, perhaps the historians
made a mistake. But the reptiods don’t care because they swoop in
and get all the dead human types they can stuff into their giant rocket
ships and just swoop away again.
December 14, 2005
Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to Alfred Lehmberg.
page, written in French with a good English translation (mostly) is a
well presented resource on the UFO
phenomena. Comprehensive, detailed with very little of the endless speculation
and fluff one finds in most UFO web pages. A good historic overview, lots
of reproduced documents and an up to date news digest. Makes this a place
any serious researcher should check out.
January 2, 2006
Freedom Isn't Free Submitted by the
Odd Emperor with thanks to Ms Eleanor White.
had your car blocked by another car? Ever walked to the front of a store
only to find all the checkout
lanes full? Ever had a close call with your automobile? Ever had a torn
piece of clothing? Ever have a problem with your PC?
Well if these things
have happened to you, you’re probably an innocent victim of Vigilante
Gang Stalking!
Eleanor White is one such victim. You see for a number of years now, White’s
been followed and harassed, she’s been gang stalked and followed,
her stuff has been rifled through, her computer has been sabotaged--
-- so has her
Some other examples of gang stalking?
• Apple trees
somehow attacked to produce blighted apples
• Chimney painted with yellow and orange streaks
• One meter diameter circle painted under bed
• Large spiders and cockroaches planted in house while away
• Mailbox smashed 11 times
• Mail dumped in snow instead of being put in box, sometimes in
the neighbours' yard
• "Mistakes" appear in utility bills
• Trees and shrubs skinned and destroyed
• Valuable books (some dating back to the 1600s-1700s) have pages
torn and other damage
• Noxious substances in air ducts and water system
• Noxious substances sprayed on pillows, sheets, and underwear
• Noxious substances in clothes cupboards
• Telephone and power line drops go to neighbour's [sic] house before
attaching to my house
Yes, this is a big
problem indeed. Even worse, people have been harassed this way for over
three generations (that would be back in 1916, you know, like during World
War I.)
But this is not just
Eleanor White’s problem, oh no! Gang Stalking affects all of us.
In fact many of you out there are probably Citizen Gang Stalkers! According
to White, many of you are victims of criminal vigilant stalking. Innocent
victims of this insidious living nightmare. Over three million victims
in North America alone.
Why are all these
people being harassed? White’s not sure but she is sure that it’s
a big-big problem.
is one of those seminally silly pages about some guy who’s convinced
himself that he speaks for Saint
Germain, -Zoser, Voltra, Mokan, and oh yes, Archangel Micheal. You can
see what these intergalactic luminaries look like from some paintings
by Celaya Winkle.
One notable thing
is the “Health Galleria,” featuring magic Aculights, and portable
saunas. But the oddest one is the Arora Atlantean Chakra Crystal. Thease
are little chucks of quarzs with some decorative semiprecious stones around
the top. They sell these things for, over $1,000.00 each. Now, I'm not
a gem expert but I think the materials probubly come to about $20.
Why is
it so many alien species come to Earth for sex? I mean, from a bi logical
standpoint, sex
is just one of a multitude of ways genetic material can be exchanged.
Look at the way plants reproduce? Or fishes, seahorses? Why do we suppose
an alien species will have the same sexual habits as us?
Diva doesn't examine this question, it only tell the very strange tale
of a jazz singer turned contactee who, has sex with reptiles. Using astral
projection she's discovered that her strange dreams are all true, yada-yada.
January 26, 2006
God Hates Fags Submitted by
the Odd Emperor with thanks to the Empress et-al.
The sign
reads -
Well yes, and ignorant
bigotry, closed mindedness , dorky sounding proclamation and let’s
not forget people speaking on behalf of almighty God, something I think
is frowned on in one holy book or another, let’s see if I remember
the Bible I do believe
it’s called the Bible!
Well these folks don’t
give a hoot in Hootervill about what the Bible has to say! Not unless
its talking about hating fags, picketing weddings or something. The good
folks over ‘n at the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas want
YOU to KNOW that they (and only they) have the E ticket to heaven!
That’s right
you lousy sinner! The good folks over at the Westboro Baptist Church of
Topeka, Kansas want you to KNOW that they will be your ultimate judge
and you will be found wanting! THERE IS A HELL WHERE ALL IMPENITENT SINNERS
(That’s you-all
by the way!)
But to the Odd Emperor,
these “good folks” look like a bunch of narrow minded twisted
freaks. You can “prove” anything you like from the Bible.
I know that, they know that. I also know that according to their religion,
it’s a sin to presume that you know the will of God. But that’s
OK, narrow minded twisted believers are often hypocrites too. It goes
with the territory I guess.
is the webpage of someone named Rick-AngelOfThyNight. He's a transplant
from the Buffalo New York area where he ran some kind of paranormal-a-rama
group. Now he’s living in sunny Florida which seems to really agree
with him! Or perhaps he just fits in with Sunny Florida, very well!
In any
case, what I like about reviewing this site is that I really don’t
have to. I can let Rick-AngelOfThyNight tell you all about himself, in
his own words.
am the founder of our legacy my name is Rick others call me Angel, Bad
Santa, and a few other names I will not mention hehe. I consider myself
to be a crusader of the truth and my objective is to teach and learn
about what exist in today's world that remains unknown. I guess you
can say my job is to recruit new members so our group grows nationwide,
run this organization, the site, the message boards, answer paranormal
questions, speak at conventions, conduct the ghost tours, train our
investigators etc....I will be writing a series of books also and be
probably a very well known author overtime. I am well rounded in all
areas of the Paranormal I consider myself to be as some called scientist,
weaponry man, group photographer, daredevil, tattoo man lol, dad, lover
and friend:) I have experience with Cryptozoology, Metaphysical Power,
Talking To The Dead, Demons, Ufology and many other skills. I am the
teams protector and guardian but more importantly the backbone of our
organization. I am in very good shape I climb, run, jump, hike for miles
and probably could outdo most men. I have a very high stamina for adventure
and I am the one who has been to the hell mines alone, climbing a waterfall,
chased by a creature and so much more."
ceartanly has a lot of unusual stuff happen to him.
“Over the
months we put up with alot animals in the house, raining inside, the
house swaying in the wind etc.”
He’s had ideas
stolen by the likes of the SciFi channel!
has been the most talked about ghostly program in the last past year.
Long before the show was put on television I did write the Sci-Fi channel
told them how would we be able to get a show on their network. Nobody
ever replied then a year later you seen Taps investigating on television.
Not only that but
people bad-mouth him too. Especially someone named Sue.
"By entering
this site you agree you will not Sue us, Hold us Liable nor Responsible
for what you are about to read about and see if you do we will counter
sue since you have violated our rights."
He Warns
Slander folks is
against the law if I see it and you happen to do it with one of my allies
charges will be pressed. We do not like others to make false statements
that hurt this organizations reputation. If you want to make honest
statements to the public fine but to lie and accuse us of falsifying
our ghostly evidence will get you in alot of trouble.
If I run into any
slander folks I’ll be sure to let them know!
He’s even been
dissed by the local public library!
“What we do
here is real their is alot of historical information, scientific, and
metaphysical info. This is a learning organization and it should not
be blocked from a public institution plain and simple. If I put up posters
or cards lately they pull them down talk about being discriminated on.
But when you look
at our accomplishments in just a few years like bigfoot evidence, over
40,000 photos taken, and some of the most scariest places in the country
investigated that really deserves credit and others to take a look at
According to Rick-AngelOfThyNight
What makes us different
from other organizations is that alot of them charge and are very strict
with alot of things such as who can join or be part of a investigative
team. But freely i allow anybody to join and just about anybody to come
along on investigations
and participate. Our methods are very new age we got alot on psychic
intuitions, metaphysical power, some equipment when needed. Some of
the work we do involves some risk others is more like historical research.
O’kaaa! See
what I mean!
But mostly these folks
seem pretty harmless. Sure they believe just about everyplace on Earth
is haunted (even the Magic Kingdom.) Sure they hang around graveyards
and take photos of each other (don’t ask.) Sure they trespass and
wave swords around, drink beer and generally behave like a pack of goobers.
(If one believes the stuff on their web page.)
Sure the entire site
is looks like it was written by a very bright third grader (and some of
you think I need a better editor!)
Even the fonts
are ODD. Of
course it dawned on some ends-time ass-clown that June 6, 2006 was "06/06/06." Congrats, moron. Woo hoo! Call me when the "Lust gone wild"
gets here (July, 2007)!
WTF is Satan's Rapture? Beats the Hell out of me! Not only am I not a believer in the Catholic religion. I'm not even from this planet in the first place. My people subscribe to a religion that's so convoluted that it's possible you poor Earth people would never get it, even if I tried to explain it which I cant!