Monthly Archives: October 2007

Spine tingling announcement from SERPO!

  Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the UFO community (or incessantly whining about your lost crap on an old Active worlds account, ) you have probably heard of the great alien exchange program. Known as SERPO (or … Continue reading


On Hiatus!

The Odd Empire is taking a short break. We are retooling and modernizing the Odd Empire web page, bringing it into the 21st century as it were, that and a couple of other small things. We will soon be back, … Continue reading

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Do cameraphones mean the end of the UFO phenomenon?

Published by krisse at 20:43 BST, October 3rd 2007 There have been claims of mysterious flying saucers carrying alien creatures for over sixty years now, but very few supposed witnesses have ever taken pictures or filmed these craft. Now that … Continue reading

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