The Triumph of the Trump

As I’ve said from time to time. I’m not from this planet. I was born to several surrogate parents on a rather large world in orbit of Betelgeuse.  None of which is very important now (for a variety of VERY good reasons.)

What is important about the planet I came from?Just this. The political system is very much like the political system here on Earth in the US.

Just much more evolved.

We have all the same crap you people do. Pundits, demigogs, hamburger clowns, actors, trolls, daredevils, daredevil pundits. Comic pundits, football stars, rock stars, Rock Star Pundits. more trolls, even more trolls! We have extreme right wingers, extreme left wingers and extreme centeretts who can’t figure out whether to put the gin in first or the lime and tonic.

(The answer my funseekers is put the gin in!)

What we don’t have is a lot of whining idiots pining about elections.


It’s simple. Because there is no my guy or my gal or my guy/gal or gal/guy or sexless android, really sexy android or hair covered beast  because ALL of the candidates for “elected” office are fake and voting is a lot like breaking open a pinata.  It’s kind of fun, but in the end it’s just a shower of candy – and candy is bad for you!

Everyone knows it and that’s why we don’t bitch.

Unless your really like candy – in that case have-at-you!

(Mmmm, gin pinatas! Now there’s a thought!)

Politics in other words, is meaningless. People  who don’t participate (and I mean politicians, employees of politicians, interns and lobbyists , also sex workers, (the ones inside the beltway,) caterers, drivers, doormen, tour guides –  all of them have way more influence in your political system than you do.

Your little vote? It means nothing! I’m not saying you shouldn’t vote, but don’t make the mistake in believing that anyone in that seething mass of rat-shit really gives a fig about you (unless you fail to pay your taxes.)

Your President and Federal Representatives? They have two functions in this order.
(1) They are to entertain the masses and –
(2) Keep the spice flowing (that tax money I mentioned.) Keep it flowing to the people who REALLY run your country. The bankers and military contractors. The owners of your media and your sports franchises. Your military-police-industrial complex and your private prison corporations.

YOU people have no control over this! Not unless you go join the fun yourself!

Sure you could protest! You could make some clever signagemarch up and down main-street and even start a couple of dumpster fires if you want. It won’t  change anything, but it will give your media something to pay attention to and it might help enrich your  military-police-industrial complex.

If you burn too many dumpsters.

But YOU PEOPLE have about as much to say about your political system as a pack of prairie dogs have to say about the route of a new oil pipeline. In fact the prairie dogs might actually have more say because they are cute!

Buck it up! Things only get crazier from this point out.

Get some GOOD gin!

Happy trails funseekers!

– The Odd Emperor.

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