UFO watchers consider future after decline in sightings

Britain’s UFO watchers will debate the future of research into extra-terrestrial activity as alien sightings take a downward spiral.

The occurrence of “significant UFO events” has dropped notably over the past two decades, according to an organisation involved in UFO research.

The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (Assap) has said this trend has become so extreme that the UFO debate now focuses on only a handful of events, including claims that a flying saucer crashed at Roswell in New Mexico in the 1940s.

Assap has also noted a change in the nature of reported sightings.

“Even when reputed physical evidence surfaces it takes novel and extreme forms, including cattle mutilations, alien implants and alien autopsies,” promotional literature for the conference on Assap’s website said.

The statement added that over the past 30 years classical sightings have been largely displaced by claims of UFO abductions, often recovered via hypnosis.

Conspiracy theories
“In 1972 UFO crashes were unknown or disregarded,” said Assap. “In 2012 they effectively dominate the subject.”

Assap added that the subject has become “significantly influenced by conspiracy theories whose implications take UFOlogy into extreme and alarming directions”.

The organisation is concerned that the debate has been polarised between those who firmly believe UFOs are extra terrestrials and fear that there is a cover-up over their presence and those who have declared the “death of the UFO”.

UFO enthusiasts concerns about the future of the discipline will be disussed at a meeting on 17 November.

But Nick Pope, who ran the MoD’s UFO desk from 1991 to 1994 and now researches UFO sightings privately, told the Sunday Telegraph that there is a future for the subject: “There’s a quantity versus quality issue here.

“So many UFO sightings these days are attributable to Chinese lanterns that more interesting sightings are sometimes overlooked.”

It’s life Jim, but not as we know it, Channel 4 News Science Editor, Tom Clarke, explains why UFO watchers should not give up hope just yet.

It is perhaps inevitable that ‘traditional’ UFO enthusiasts would have to abandon the faith. The little green men in flying saucers and unexplained lights in the sky just have not stood up to scrutiny. The same advances in science and technology that made them seem plausible have failed to confirm they exist.

But to me it seems a shame that the UFO hunters may be giving up at a time when we are closer than ever to finding life in other worlds.

Rather than hearing cries from distant aliens, radio telescopes found equally incredible messages from beaming pulsars and the faint echoes of the big bang itself.

In 1992 the idea of planets beyond our solar system – so called extrasolar planets – was purely theoretical. But now astronomers are now finding real lost worlds almost everywhere they look. As of the beginning of this week 843 planets in 665 planetary systems have been discovered… and counting.

Few of these planets are suitable for life as we know it, but many are close. Just last month an Earth-sized planet was discovered orbiting our nearest neighbouring star Alpha Centuri. And statistically, the odds of a world similar to ours aren’t bad at all.

Based on data from NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler telescope there could be 500 million Earth-like planets in our galaxy alone.

Estimates of the number of galaxies in the universe vary quite a bit, but we are talking hundreds of billions – you get the general idea. What’s more, the chemicals that make up the likely building-blocks of carbon-based life are being found in the furthest reaches of space.

This summer, Danish scientists discovered sugar molecules just floating in space around a star 400 light years away. And now too, we have unprecedented power to reach out and find life directly.

This week the Mars curiosity rover began the rather odd task of sniffing for methane on the surface of Mars. Detecting it could indicate the presence of belching bacterial life-forms within the soil.

So far, not a whiff. But the truth is out there.

Article Tags Channel 4 News, Sci/Tech, Tom Clarke, UK, United States, World



UFO war being waged in Antarctica, claims scientist

Is a UFO war underway between extraterrestrials and naval forces? That’s the shocking claim being made by a former US military contractor and scientist named John Kettler who alleges there is a UFO war raging in the waters off Antarctica, according to information made available on Oct. 26, 2012 by the Exopolitics Institute News Service.

John Kettler’s biography indicates that he is the son of a defense engineer who worked as a military analyst for Hughes (Raytheon) and Rockwell (Boeing). He even earned a primary research credit in the documentary “The Panama Deception.” Kettler maintains his own website John Kettler Investigates where he posts updates on the so-called UFO war like this one: ” … UFOs, coming from underwater bases in two oceans so far, have already forced the commitment of hundreds of warships, many from Asian navies, in an effort to deal with an extremely aggressive Reptoid foe. Also, our people at sea are being preyed upon by the nightmare made flesh–interdimensional predators still being characterized.”

Video: Video featured by John Kettler on his website
Indeed, the allegation that a UFO war is taking place off Antarctica is a bold claim that has even some of the most die-hard UFO enthusiasts in disbelief. A poll by Current.com shows 29% of responders felt the story of a UFO war being waged in Antarctica was “bull [expletive deleted].” However, a whopping 25% of those polled believed the story was “fact,” and another 25% chose “possible.” The “devil” got 13% of the votes while the military got 0%.

One commenter on Current.com named Trut took a rational and logical approach to the difficulties involved in battling extraterrestrials, but he doesn’t seem to doubt the existence of a UFO war in Antarctica: “If the ufos [sic] are indeed flying at 25000 miles an hour what chance do the earthlings have to defeat these extraterrestrials? None. We don’t have rockets that go that fast and bullets aren’t that fast either. Maybe they could make an explosion in front of where they expect the ufo [sic] to go but highly unlikely.”

Not everyone is so accepting of John Kettler’s claims. According to the Exopolitics Institute News Service, ” … there is good reason to conclude that Kettler’s … claims are part of a psychological warfare operation that may be related to planning for a false flag alien event.”

Suggested by the author:
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UFO identified after flying over Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee
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‘How to film a UFO in 5 easy steps’ instructional video released by expert

[[[VIA http://www.examiner.com/article/ufo-war-being-waged-antarctica-claims-scientist]]]

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Paul Broun: Evolution, Big Bang ‘Lies Straight From The Pit Of Hell’


Congressman Paul Broun (R-Ga.) said last week that evolution and the big bang theory are “lies straight from the pit of Hell.”

“God’s word is true. I’ve come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the big bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell,” said Broun, who is an MD. “It’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior.”

He continued:

“You see, there are a lot of scientific data that I’ve found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I don’t believe that the earth’s but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says.”

According to NBC News, Broun’s comments were part of a larger speech given at the 2012 Sportsman’s Banquet at Liberty Baptist Church in Hartwell, Georgia on September 27th. A clip of the video was distributed by the The Bridge Project, a liberal watchdog group.

Broun is a high-ranking member of the House Science Committee, of which Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) is also a member.

Akin made headlines last month for suggesting that women don’t get pregnant from “legitimate rape” because their bodies have “ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”





 September 2nd, 2012  VinMan

By Stan Hernandez

Two weeks ago, I attended a gathering of UFO experts, alien abduction victims, former military men and astronauts. One of the people that got the most attention was Richard Atkins, a “psychic” that has boasted a 90% successful prediction rate. This is what he had to say during his speech:

“On August 18th, 2013, the alien invasion will begin. The government has been under the thumb of these reptoids for years and now, the truth will be revealed. There will be rivers of blood and natural disasters on a scale that this world has never seen. The end of the world will come for many and the rest will be awakened to the fact that we are not free, have never been free and will never be free. We are under the thumb of a race that sees no value in our existence outside of slavery. We are mindless drones to them and when the 8th month of 2013 is upon us, they will show us their wicked hand.”

For the entire speech, find Richard Atkins on Facebook…

[[[via http://ringsidereport.com/?p=21089]]]

Crap! does that mean I have to revise my end of the world countdown!


Stanton Friedman says there’s ‘overwhelming evidence’ for ET visitation

Frequent guest Stanton Friedman appeared during the second half of Coast to Coast AM on Tuesday, August 28, 2012. Friedman is a nuclear physicist and a pioneer in many areas of UFO research, including Roswell, Majestic 12, and the Betty and Barney Hill alien abduction case.

Stanton Friedman is always a lively guest and last night’s show was no exception. He briefly touched on the Aztec Incident and some research he’d done for his new book, “The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon,” and then he and George Noory got right down to business.

Friedman has been interested in UFOs since 1958. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored “Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a Ufo.” When George asked Friedman what he thought was going on in the UFO field these days, Friedman said he sees four major concerns:


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Randy Lee Tenley Killed While Trying To Create Bigfoot Sighting

Randy Lee Tenley

A man dressed in a military-style “ghillie” suit and apparently trying to provoke reports of a Bigfoot sighting in northwest Montana was struck by two cars and killed on U.S. Highway 93 near Kalispell, Montana,, authorities said.

KALISPELL, Mont. — A man dressed in a military-style “ghillie” suit and apparently trying to provoke reports of a Bigfoot sighting in northwest Montana was struck by two cars and killed, authorities said.

The man was standing in the right-hand lane of U.S. Highway 93 south of Kalispell on Sunday night when he was hit by the first car, according to the Montana Highway Patrol. A second car hit the man as he lay in the roadway, authorities said.

Flathead County officials identified the man as Randy Lee Tenley, 44, of Kalispell. Trooper Jim Schneider said motives were ascertained during interviews with friends, and alcohol may have been a factor but investigators were awaiting tests.

Ghillie suits are a type of full-body clothing made to resemble heavy foliage and used to camouflage military snipers.

Tenley was struck by vehicles driven by two girls, ages 15 and 17, who were unable to stop in time, authorities said.


[[[From http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/27/randy-lee-tenley-killed-bigfoot-sighting_n_1835127.html#slide=271066]]]

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Baltic Sea UFO update

The so-called Baltic Sea UFO is currently being investigated by divers and the data streaming back is very intriguing. What kind of information is being released?

An hour-long interview with team leader Peter Lindberg was published to the web on Thursday by DiscloseTV and it seems there are now many more questions than answers.

First of all, it turns out that some of the photographic equipment being used will render a high-quality 3D image. According to Lindberg, there were the usual technical problems collecting that data. But the final rendering difficulty is being compounded by the fact that virtually all of Scandinavia is on vacation during the month of August!

So, despite the fact that this story is huge all around the world, vacation time is much more precious. But, that’s to be expected. The sun doesn’t shine all year long in that area of the world. No final release date for the 3D image has been announced, but it should be well before Fall 2012.

Also, it seems the original descriptions of the anomaly are off. The object appears to have two distinct sections. A rounded top sits perched above a base sitting on the sea floor. This information doesn’t rule out the possibility the object was manufactured, but only closer inspection will reveal whether it is a geological formation or not.

Lindberg is also planning a third expedition, but that is planned for next Summer. The current window for exploration will stop at the end of September because of adverse weather conditions, making it much more difficult to dive and to see.

So, at this point, the Baltic Sea anomaly can still technically be described as a UFO, with many theorists speculating it is an airship, man-made or otherwise, which crash-landed at the bottom of the ocean.

Hopefully, when vacation time ends, there will be more information forthcoming.

Stay tuned.

For the entire interview, click here..

[[[via http://www.examiner.com/article/baltic-sea-ufo-update]]]


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No, Curiosity Has Not Captured UFO Images On Mars



No, Curiosity Has Not Captured UFO Images On Mars

Ufologists are jumping up and down after “discovering flying saucers” in the latest images captured by Curiosity. It hasn’t been the first time and it will not be the last — the guys with the tinfoil hats are scrutinising every single image uploaded by the rover.

In fact, they are scrutinising them pixel by pixel. Literally. Take a look at the video above. According to the author:

Four objects caught by Mars Curiosity, very difficult to make out on original image so I have used a few filters to highlight. What are these four objects? UFOs, Dust particles, or something else? As always you decide.

Fortunately, we don’t have to decide. These are not flying saucers or weather balloons or Venus gleaming in the morning. They appear in every single image captured by these Curiosity cameras, at any time of the day. That happens because they are not floating outside of the rover. They are in the sensor itself; some of the receptors in the sensor are not working.

They are called dead pixels, and many cameras have them (the sensor in my Canon DSLR has a couple). Usually you don’t see them because they get mixed with the noise of Earth’s atmosphere. In this case, against a perfectly clear sky in the thin atmosphere of Mars, it’s easy to spot them if you look close enough. And, if you sharpen them, they will appear to have volume. You can do the same thing in Photoshop and see how that works.


But wait! Those may be dead pixels, but there’s more. Check out this video to see:

• A “martian finger” with a “possible nail” — or a rock (to be fair, it can be a martian penis too).
• The sole of a martian shoe or sandal — or a rock.
• A dome structure in the distance — or a rock.
• A weird martian animal — or a rock.

Here’s a message to all the ufologists investigating all these images for proof of alien life: you don’t have to do it. Among other things, NASA sent Curiosity up there to look for traces of life. Hopefully, they will find traces of some old bacteria or some kind of microorganism. If they find any, they will be the first ones to call all the TVs in the planet and make an announcement that will have deep repercussions in our understanding of the Universe and our place in it.


[[[FROM http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2012/08/no-curiosity-has-not-captured-ufo-images-on-mars/]]]

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UFO believers abuzz over Mars rover images

NASA camera images from Mars of a strange white light dancing across the horizon have UFO enthusiasts buzzing that alien ships are watching our progress.

The images were transmitted back to Earth from NASA’s Curiosity rover, which landed on the red planet on August 5.

As the video shows, the images reveal a white light in the horizon as well as four blobs hovering in the sky.

Stephen Hannard, of Alien Disclosure Group UK, posted the clip online after putting the images through a series of filters.

NASA has not commented on any of the sightings yet but video experts say they are just blemishes.

Video analyst Marc Dantonio, who has studied UFO videos before, told the Huffington Post the images were one-pixel sized image anomalies.

“All CCD [cameras] have them and in a bland atmosphere like that at Mars, they would be very obvious as opposed to an active atmosphere like Earth, where they could end up hidden for a long time before anyone noticed them,” he said.

The Curiosity rover is yet to make its first test drive of the Martian landscape.

[[[[FROM http://news.ninemsn.com.au/technology/8520579/ufo-believers-abuzz-over-mars-rover-images]]]]

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How Not To Be Stupid: A Guide To Critical Thinking


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