Analysis of the Atacama humanoid alien

osted by: Antonio Huneeus April 11, 2013 0 1458 Views

We posted earlier this week a story outlining the origin of the alleged tiny ET creature to be showcased in Dr. Steven Greer’s Sirius documentary to be released later this month. We chronicled how this creature was none other than a case known in Chile as the La Noria ET from 2003; the name comes from a ghost town of the nitrate era in this part of Chile’s northern Atacama Desert region. We left the story sort of in a cliff hanger as to what happened to it once it was acquired by a Spanish businessman from Barcelona.

We’ve discovered since a number of things, including the original 7 minute TV program about the case aired by Chile’s Megavisión Channel V shortly after the creature’s discovery was published in the local press. You can now see this program on YouTube in Spanish, and it shows exactly the location where the creature was discovered, as well as interviews with Oscar Muñoz, the man who found it, Alejandro Dávalos, the first one to photograph the being, and well known Chilean ufologist Rodrigo Fuenzalida, director of the AION UFO research group.



Ancient Aliens Debunked

OK, so it’s really been a long time since I’ve written any crap here. I ran across this little gem a few days ago and HAD to include it.

This takes a couple of hours to run through, but it’s well worth it. If you are like me, the History Channel program “Ancient Aliens” drives you nuts. First off, it has no business being on the History Channel. It would fit right in on the Total Bulshit Channel (TBC) if the had such a thing. Come to think of it, Ancient Aliens would fit right in after FOX News.

I mean, not only is it chock full of Erich Von Daniken bullcrap that was debunked decades ago. It even has the Von-Meister himself along with “Hair-dude” and a bevy of high-school dropouts (I kid you not) who pontificate on stuff they know nothing about

It’s just a hour of blaa-blaa – “evidence points to extraterrestrials in the far past” blaa-blaa, “no human could possibly move rocks or carve rocks or do engineering so it must-must-MUST be aliens!”

I can’t watch it – truly. It’s too painful.

But the fellows who made this video watched it, and took notes. Then they destroyed it. If I had the money I would produce this program for some prime-time spot. What these folks say , needt to be said – loudly and often.

What do they say? Well, watch for yourself!

The Odd Emperor.



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FBI Scientology investigation gets a fresh witness, but hits a legal roadblock


Was John Brousseau for real — a runaway?

Or was he a double agent, sent by the Church of Scientology to infiltrate the enemy?

Church whistle-blower Marty Rathbun was wary when Brousseau unexpectedly emailed him on April 22, 2010, saying he had fled Scientology’s big base outside Los Angeles. Brousseau needed a place to lie low


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FBI’s Scientology investigation: Balancing the First Amendment with charges of abuse and forced labor



John Brousseau hadn’t been seen for hours, not at the afternoon muster and not at the dinner break. That’s when they got concerned.

At 6 a.m. he had driven his black Ford Excursion out of the Church of Scientology’s huge compound east of Los Angeles, guards at the gate waving as usual.

A 32-year member of the church’s religious order, the Sea Org, and a master craftsman, Brousseau often did special jobs for Scientology’s leader, David Miscavige. He could come and go from the church’s International Base with a freedom other workers didn’t enjoy. But now it was approaching 7:30 p.m. And he wasn’t back.

Two Scientology staffers found a note in his room.

By now you’ve noticed I’m gone. I couldn’t stand to see my Sea Org friends so mistreated. I won’t support it anymore. Goodbye.

Where had he gone?

Within days, church private investigators spotted him in south Texas. He was meeting with Marty Rathbun — a former top deputy to Miscavige and now his most vocal critic.




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UFO: Israelis witness possible Sun-orbiting GOD aliens

Scott C. Waring of has reported several times that a large Cubic UFO can be seen circling the Sun. His cited source is NASA’s SOHO website, which has thousands of images of the sun.  According to Waring, this giant cube appears periodically.  Several theories have been propounded as to the origin of the cube.  Waring is convinced that the UFO is using the sun as a source of energy, and that this is possible only because the technology that created it is unknown and from an apparent different dimension.

As far back as 1996, DiscloseTV reported that residents of a kibbutz in Israel had seen a similar cube. More than 100 people saw the cube over a period of three nights.   This cube appeared to have illuminated “passageways”, leading to much speculation as to what its function could be.

One theory, put forward by Dr. John Lash, is based on the writings of the ancient Pagan Gnostics. These early sages referred to regressive aliens, unpleasant entities which act as parasites on humans.  The ancient Gnostics called them Archons, from the Greek word for ruler or lord.  Lash suggests that the Archons “channeled” the Bible in order to present their agenda.  The New Jerusalem described in the Book of Revelations is a dead ringer for the cubes now circling the sun.  Other “oppressive organized religions” have, according to Lash, also been targeted by the Archons.  In other words, we have no idea whether great swathes of the Bible were inserted by aliens, or whether these passages actually represent the word of God.



‘UFO’ sighting baffles New Plymouth couple

Jennie Velvin said everyone would think she had had one too many wines when she reported a UFO sighting on Christmas night.

But she was positive she had not touched the booze and that even her husband, John – normally a sceptic – could confirm there had been something strange in the sky above Ngamotu Road, New Plymouth.

Velvin takes her dogs out the back of the house for toileting at 10pm every evening and says she always look up at the sky.

“Sometimes I see a satellite, like a slow-moving star, and we get a lot of helicopters.”

But what she saw on this night was no earthly craft.




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Tomorrow may be too late Seriously



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5 signs the UFO community can’t take a joke

Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev makes a crack about aliens, and conspiracists promptly lose their minds

5 signs the UFO community can't take a joke

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

AlterNetFresh off Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard joking about the coming apocalypse in the year 2012, Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev has made a quip about alien invasions — sparking fevered speculation from the fringes of the Internet.

On Friday, Medvedev joked during an interview that “each Russian leader gets two folders with information about extraterrestrials that visited our planet — and stayed here,” one news report said.

“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet,” Medvedev said during an interview with Ren TV. “Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country.”


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“UFOs” Over Denver Bug Me

As a skeptic and an astronomer, I’m sometimes asked what it would take for me to believe in UFOs (in this case, meaning alien spaceships). I usually say, “One landing on my front lawn.” But what don’t convince me are blurry photos and unreliable eyewitness testimony.

Unfortunately, the media make my job a lot harder. I’ve seen local news reports and TV shows identifying all kinds of things as a UFO, including Venus, Jupiter, and once even bits of seed fluff from trees.

But sometimes I see a report so silly it leaves me a little awestruck. Such was the case recently, when several folks sent me notes about a report that aired on Fox affiliate KDVR in Denver. On Nov. 8, 2012, the station aired a UFO segment that was truly a thing of wonder. Watch for
