Intelligent, Condescending Life Discovered In Distant Galaxy

NASA scientists, whose intelligence was called “adorable” by the pompous alien race.
HOUSTON—Marking a momentous leap forward in humankind’s understanding of the universe, NASA scientists announced today they had received a radio transmission confirming the existence of intelligent, extremely condescending life in a galaxy nearly 13.8 billion light-years away.

According to officials at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, the message arrived several days after researchers sent a signal to the recently discovered URFy-32924369 galaxy. Members of a highly arrogant alien species responded, saying it was “nice to finally hear from [our] quaint planet” and that it “certainly took [humanity] long enough.”

The extraterrestrials explained they had intercepted NASA’s transmission using their “far superior technology,” because they did not want to “wait the intervening billions of years to receive a simple message from a species working within the laughable constraints of the speed of light.”


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jtotheizzoe: A Solar System Across Sweden A 1:20 million scale solar system has been built that cove


A Solar System Across Sweden

A 1:20 million scale solar system has been built that covers the entire nation of Sweden. With different buildings and sculptures representing different planets and solar bodies, the replicas begin in Stockholm (with the Sun and inner planets) and stretch all the way to the far north town of Kiruna (the point of termination shock), 950 km away from the “Sun”.

I’ve put the names of what the above sculptures represent in the photo captions.

To see the full list of pseudo-planetary landmarks, check here. Any Swedish followers seen any of these?

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Russian crew drilling to ancient Antarctic lake hasn’t been heard from for almost a week. Aliens? Monsters?

Russian scientists have been slowly and meticulously drilling down into the sealed Lake Vostok in Antarctica and were expected to break through pretty soon, into a lake that’s been completely cut off from anything and everything for 20 million years. But unexpectedly, the Russian crew has been unreachable by radio for the last seven days. This sounds like the build-up to an awesome horror movie.





The Decline And Fall Of Scientology? Skeptic Magazine Makes The Case

?A colleague of mine once explained to me why he keeps away from Scientology stories at his publication (which will remain nameless).
He wasn’t concerned about the church’s reputation for litigiousness, and he wasn’t worried that a story about Scientology’s most recent controversies and excesses wouldn’t resonate with readers.

No, his reluctance was much more quotidian. “The problem I always have with Scientology stories is the massive backstory, which is an obstacle that fails the cost-benefit test,” he told me.

I completely understood where he was coming from. It isn’t easy dealing with the steamer trunks of baggage that come with explaining new developments in Scientology. Which is why I’m all the more impressed with the job Jim Lippard pulls off while he deals with all of the complex backstory in an upcoming issue of Skeptic magazine, and which editor Michael Shermer gave me an advance look at.

Keying off the publication of two books about Scientology published last year — Janet Reitman’s Inside Scientology and Hugh Urban’s The Church of Scientology — Lippard puts together a robust yet concise history of the church, and along the way makes the case that L. Ron Hubbard’s creation is in serious trouble.


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