Category Archives: Uncategorized

Random Mutterings, Part the First. “Shocking”

I keep seeing the same things as I peruse around the Internet. Religiosity rearing it’s ugly head. It is in politics (in a country that pretends to separate church and state, ) It’s in our literature, our media and it’s … Continue reading

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Lord Rick rides again..and again and again!..

Lord Rick, the Buffalo to Florida transplant Ghost-Buster and paranormal expert wanna-be has found his niche in the wonderful world of the Internets. Rick tried to make web pages, they were full of viruses, he tried pod-casting, nobody listened. He … Continue reading

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Dances with Loons

This is (more or less) an open letter to the denizens to the Paranormal and Ghost Society. You folks have had your fun, made a bunch of smacktalk and threats. That’s cool guys really! What I’ve had to say about … Continue reading

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Alive in Joburg

This thing’s been around for a while. Sort of a cross between the South African conflict in the 1980s and Alien nation.

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Gilliland rides again!

Yet another amusing missive from Gilliland. Here he warns us yet again that something VERY BIG is on the horizon. Could it be a volcano? Or an earthquake? How about a big flood? What could it be James? “This is … Continue reading

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