Anti-Scientology Group Anonymous


This year, forget the flowers and box of chocolates. Since nothing’s tackier than a cliched Valentine’s Day gift–and because your beloved is a unique little snowflake and wants to be treated as such–why not spend the day dressed up as Natalie Portman’s sidekick in “V for Vendetta” and yelling at Operating Thetans (Bonus points if you spot a Level VIII)?

You know, quality time.

Nashville’s version of Anonymous, the one-year-old Rick Rollin’ Scientology haters, are planning an 11 AM VDay protest and (of course) they’d like you to join them. L. Ron’s Plucky Gang of Misfits have had a relatively low-key* presence in Nashvegas for years now, but they’ll soon be movin’ on up, and out, of their Music Row digs.

Last June, the Church of Scientology Religious Trust bought the Falls School Business Center, that really impressive old elementary school on the corner of 8th and Edgehill, a block away from Greer Stadium. Dusting prints off the bones of this skeletal website, it seems the NashThetans intent is to create an Ideal Org in Nashville. Roughly translated, that seems to mean a really kick-ass building that will impress passer-by sufficiently that they may open up their wallets and spend money on bogus “Stress Tests”. But again, that’s a rough translation.

*Here’s the question/reason behind this post…has anyone ever actually been approached by one of the Nashville Scientologists? There’s an apocryphal story that says as soon as a local reaches a certain level of fame they get an unsolicited questionnaire from the group. But have any of you presumably normal people had any contact with the Hubbard Heavies?

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