The definition of insanity

OK; I was really going to stop writing junk about Lord Rick, but dang!  He keeps begging and begging me! I can’t figure out why! Does he really like to be,  treated as only The Odd Emperor can? Sheeze Lord Rick! You bore me already! Give it a break, put a sock into it, have sex with it, smoke it just stifle it. For the love of Pete or some such jazz!

I mean dude! You call me obsessive!

It’s really very simple, Lord Rick decided back in December that he’d finished up with his imaginary “haters” and “stalkers.” They were taking up too much of his valuable time. There’s weed to smoke! And remember, Lord RIck has got a destiny! He’s going to be famous! Lord Rick is going to be a Football Star…or a Rock Star, a soap opera star, porn star —  some kind of star, we are not sure what yet. (neither is Lord Rick. ) But it’s going to be important!

However, back in 2008, Lord Rick sat in front of his Internet Computer Screen all day long cursing and gnashing his teeth about what so-and so was saying about him and his antics. He would write long dissertations about how everyone was harassing him. Pages and pages of rage!

Problem was , Lord Rick had no place to put all of this teeth gnashing! All the rage was going to waste! There is nothing worse than wasted rage!

What were they talking about? Those haters? What were they saying that was so vile, so horrible?

Well they did talk about Lord Rick’s antics.  Like the time he tried to climb a mountain in Hushpuppies and discovered that.

  1. Hush puppies are not approved mountain climbing gear.
  2. Winter at 10,000 feet means it’s freaking cold! Winter = COLD!
  3. The Internet has this thing call a weather report? Sometimes your local TV station has them too!
  4. There are generally good and bad routes up a mountain.
  5. A route people don’t use is probably a bad one.
  6. Maps are a good idea. Like carry one! That’s a good idea!
  7. Climbing solo to a place you’ve never been before = bad idea.
  8. Climbing solo with no map, really mondo bad idea!
  9. Toy walk-talkies do not make reliable emergency radios.
  10. Hush puppies burn pretty well, but they smell bad.
  11. After you burn your shoes on a debris-face, you um… have no shoes.
  12. Calling for a helicopter because you can’t walk the last mile  (because you burned your shoes last night) is expensive!

Because Lord Rick is better than the average loser, he’s decided to try again next month!

But, Lord Rick is not satisfied with only failing a little. Oh no!  Lord Rick has to epiclly fail and not just once! Over and over again! Remember his wall o’ butthurt? Here he complained about people and large companies that didn’t do exactly what he wanted them to do (which boils down to, give him money and make him famous in that order.)

Hey! He froze his ass off on that mountaintop! Give him money for Christ sake!

Well, Lord Rick felt his Wall of horror was too mild, no one really gave a damn about it and hardly anyone  read it. Who wanted to? I mean, how much stoned, semi illiterate bitching can a person take?

WELL! lord Rick wants to find out!

He had all that teeth gnashing, it had to go somewhere!

Lord Rick in his infinite wisdom created a page just for himself… er you or someone.! It’s called Theatrical Clowns and its chock full of what Lord Rick really thinks about people thank-you-very-little. Not just one page of semi illiterate bitching. About a hundred pages. All pounded out in a THC soaked rage as only Lord Rick can.

He’s got –

  • Assclowns
  • Bitching
  • Moaning
  • Google bombs
  • Some more bitching
  • Whining
  • Shoops
  • More bitching
  • Even more whining
  • sock puppets
  • Moonbat
  • Serial Killers,
  • T.A.P.S.
  • DOX
  • and even more bitching!

No one is really reading this either.

Remember the maxim? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That’s Lord Rick in a nutshell! Only if is doesn’t work once for Lord Rick, don’t just do it again, do it a hundred times again.

If you want the real scoop on Lord Rick’s huge mondo hoard of terrorist vile radical hater scumbags jerk assclowns, look no farther!  Lord Rick, his bevy of sock puppets and Moonbat will entertain you for at least a few minutes. Then you will be reaching for the Excedrin.

But, it does have a funny Lord Rick disclaimer which says in part,

By browsing our pages and message board you agree to this disclaimer and abide by it. By agreeing to it you also agree to misuse the information or content provided on our board or hold its owners/staff responsible in anyway in the court of law. If such an event happens our legal disclaimer will be presented adduce.

I showed this to my crack legal team, the “Hounds of Hell” (they were chewing on pig’s ear or some disgusting thing.) All three o them started laughing hysterically, I asked them why and the junior partner “Leo Shyster” said….

“Hahahahhahahhah!, he said adduce! Hahahahahahhahahah!”

Hu? What do I freaking pay them for anyway?

You can also listen to Rick’s great podcast where he talks about using drugs, drinking, Lord Rick has guests tell racist jokes and complains about haters over at Lord Rick also talks about what a wonderful person he is.  Just remember that Lord Rick’s podcast is for entertainment only and is not to be taken seriously. (Adduce …Oh I get it! That IS pretty funny.)

In related news, Lord Rick’s presidential campaign has, run in to a few snags. He’s trying to get ten thousand signatures on an on-line petition. He’s had the thing up since November and has gotten, um… 36. – No! 37! The last comment reads;

9:15 pm PST, Feb 3, Chaymes Paschte, Nevada
You are an illiterate retard. I hope the state comes and takes……

…I don’t think I want to print the rest of that! Cracky! I thought I had fans!

At that rate Lord Rick could run for President in .. around 2100. (Pssst Lord Rick, you are not really running for President, you know that don’t you?)

In unrelated news, the long running nest of vile -horrible-vile-disgusting haters at was abruptly shut down after the forum leader suffered a  devastating demonic onslaught by Lord Rick. Leader and ex-tem pro president of the Wisemen was overheard to say

I can take being called a pedophile and accused of grooming. I can understand all the calls to my office and the harassment. I can take the shooping and Lord Rick has got a perfect right to publish my dox, claim I’m a sex offender and tell his crazy friends to go after me. But then he cursed me with the uncreation of all that is holy to me.  I got up this morning, and found out that I was, in fact, out of coffee.  I swear that I had a half a can left yesterday morning.  I can only imagine what peril lies before me as I go about my daily business.  So far, TWO of my pens don’t work today.  I called a priest for help, and I’m not even Catholic.  Someone please help me.  Please.

Oh, shit.  A post-it note just fell off my monitor…must be a demon.

DEMONS! Who has time for that?”

Another leader of the Wisemen also released a public statement saying in part.

“Don’t anyone cross lord Rick ever again. He is a fearsome opponent who will call upon his mystic powers to destroy you utterly! Lord Rick makes Anonymous look like a complete faggot! Don’t anyone say a bad thing about Lord Rick… just don’t! For the sake of humanity , for the love of God, for the sake of your children! Only say good things about Lord Rick! Otherwise he will call upon the forces of the underworld, the Church of Scientology  and the telephone company to make your life miserable! Lord Rick is truly the most potent force of the Internet alive today!

But;  holy snot nose Batman! another group of Lord Rick terrorists have made yet another Blogger board on Lord Rick. It can be found here and might be by those agents of daaarkness again!

But it might not!

Oh crap! That Wisemen blog is back, hide!

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2 Responses to The definition of insanity

  1. Missy Fan says:

    “By agreeing to it you ALSO AGREE TO MISUSE the information or content provided on our board or hold its owners/staff responsible in anyway in the court of law” [emphasis mine].

    And yet, when we do just THAT, Rickipoo complains about us! But there, I’d better not say anything more–I’m too terrified of what Rick might send the phone company to do to me and mine…


  2. You can’t win. You can’t negotiate. The best you can hope for is to walk away and listen to Rick shouting “Neener-neener-neener!” At least you can experience the humor in it.

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