Hate site Takedown Ordered!

Today (really; several days ago) the LEGIONS of LORD RICK embarked on a largely successful and completely justified attempt to take down a web page of VILE HATERS!!!!


Funny how any random MySpace group can look um….silly!

The page, http://angelofthynight.com was created by sinister agents of daaarkness who consummated a hateful plan to taunt Lord Rick and his righteous minions, (pictured above) along with an odd number of demonic entities that Lord Rick summoned from Disneyland (AKA) the deepest circle of Hell, (pictured below.)

The demons broke out into a song and dance number much to the amusement of the VILE HATERS of Lord Rick.

Lord Rick’s minions were NOT amused however.

No Panties Lady; (Sorry NPL, I realized your true spirit name was really  “Missy- Moonbat.”) said in part..

“I completely agree with you, Rick.
I intend to comply Fully, if the Authorities want to see my Records of
what they have done to my Family and I as well.”

Whaaa? Who did what to her family?   Missy has this funny idea that members of the Wisemen Network have been following her around for years and that even the Odd Emperor (not pictured here) has been harassing her and her family and even her cat! Even though no one has ever heard of MIssy and we’ve certainly never messed with her …  um …. cat… yah.  ( not touching it…nope!..nope!)

Lord Rick summed up the day’s activity this way.

“Notice Lordlulz uses the word Goddess think  about it Thomas boy! At 5pm today I will be contacting the SRA to let them know  that you are faking to be them. At 5pm today I will be contacting law  enforcement to make them aware that you are faking threats using law  enforcement. When the FBI knocks at your door they are going to want to know  where you have proof that I am going to be arrested son. I also want to let you  know my record is clean and my drug test is clean so now wtf you going to do?  You will delete the blog today! Or I will be a force not even a million cursing  pagans could stop trust me on this:) you only know half of who I am the other  half you wont like or laugh at!! You can email even some of my very own personal  friends and they will tell you he same I am not messing around! You are guilty  as charged and google is about to get a copy as well! I am running for president  because dicks like you exist in our world and someone needs to get in office  that is going to focus on
issues in this country…issues with people such as  yourself. If people compared your style of writing in this letter to your BOOK  you wrote then any smart man would know this is you!
Lord Rick”

Huh? What? SRA? Law Enforcement? FBI? a million cursing  pagans? Google?! This is serious business indeed!  SRA is what now? Lord Rick had previously declared the SRA to be fake. As I recall he told them all to perform some kind of fellato with him. (“They can suck my dick” is how I think he put it.) Now I guess Lord Rick believes that the the SRA is serious Internet business just like him! If it were me I’d me much more worried about the million cursing pagans and Google.

But The issue of the VILE HATE SITE just will not go away! It’s not only a  VILE HATE SITE full of HATERS who commit HATE CRIMES (the all-caps do make it cooler.) BUT, they also have people making violent threats to other people on the blog by way of comments.

Said one hateful commenter.

“Id love to run into ANY of you in the real world to see just what any of you is made out of beyond your keyboard

Yes that is a threat of physical violence. now go call the cops”


“let me know when your hear, I will test you like a motherfucker, im not one of these net fags, i took care of this crap with my hands before the net, and i plan on doing it after. Ill ever give you a FREE first hit so you cant run to the police and say i assaulted you”

My bad! That was in fact one of Lord Rick’s little minions making a violent threat against someone. Let’s see, …mmmmh. I’m looking for violent threats from some of Rick’s haters….

I see mocking, some … whining…more mocking.. some satire (not much)… some more mocking! Threats? Any kind of threats?

Hello, any threats here?

Hey wait one cotton picking minute!  I don’t see any VILE HATERS threatening anyone! I feel royally ripped ! A hate site full of haters needs some hate and I just don’t see it! And suddenly I don’t want to use all-caps anymore!

Lord Rick in a public address to his one million yahoos, I mean the two to three people on his one million Yahoo groups had this to say.

You Have 6 Hours Judge Phantom Better convince the good ole boy before I turn you both in for FRAUD you think I am kidding TRY ME this one today is for my children which you talked about and then had your bf email me how the FBI had an arrest date. I have both your personal information and it will be forwarded TODAY however if you wish to  delete that site which you both operate if it is even a site more like a bitch  blog about Lord Rick then Ill be more then happy to call off the various people  I forwarded this information to. I know you hide on my group and I know you will  read this. You better start thinking that is all I am going to say think real  hard because I am an extremely  intelligent man do not undermine me. DELETE THE  BLOG!
Lord Rick

Just to make sure people saw it, he repeated this message about a week or two later,
Then he said.

All they have to do is delete the goddamn blog but if they do not Thomas is being turned into today for a threat that he is using MY IP NUMBER along with the fact of the fake FBI arrest which quote is fraud. If they want problems then  that’s fine Missy. I have been patient and I have asked them to remove the  libelous site about me because honestly a lot of facts on that site are NOT correct

Thomas was reportedly rather concerned about being turned into “today” whatever the hell that means.

Fake IP numbers? That’s certainly serious Internet business! But fake IPs? I found lots of arrest records when I typed “Fake ID” into Google….. um.. “fake IP”…. nothing! In fact I don’t think that’s a crime! (I’m not a police officer and a lawyer like Lord Rick is so what do I know.)

Then he said

“sure make all the jokes you want but posting peoples dating ads that is  not right”

I have to agree, seeing Lord Rick’s pathetic attempt to get trim for the weekend needs to stay on Craigslist, where it belongs.

Lord Rick continued;

“so if they do not remove the entire site then I will contact the FBI  here in Miami Florida TODAY and I will turn over Thomas to them and that will be  the end of it and those on that site will also be jeopardized since Thomas wants  to go behind the other bloggers and commit such acts like threaten to use my IP  for scams and fraud.”

His IP? you mean AOL’s IP don’t you? And Lord Rick says that someone ELSE besides, him wants to use AOL’s IP address for um…whatever reason he uses it for (and it aint’ coz it’s easy!)

Lord Rick continued some more..

“You see Thomass I am not joking your gf talks about my kids  on that site etc etc you crossed the line you made this issue you have with me  PERSONAL now I will make it personal with YOU so its your choice you want to  roll the dice fine you have 2 and half hours to comply to me civilly or I turn  your emails in. You cannot threaten to use someone else’s proxy it is illegal to  an extent nor can you threaten an arrest without valid proof. SO try me watch  this unfold folks lets see how much of a bird brain he really is. The guy for  once could uphold is pagan faith and practice the live and let live quote but he  does not abide by that you see he rather go on the net make sites about a father  and his children a guy who works religiously at making others happy all the damn  time. So its fine wheel and deal Thomas cause people will turn you in if it  means them saving their own asses not because they like me its because they do  not want to be affiliated with your drama or your gfs ANYMORE its old jokes fine  but what you did was a little
bit to much for even the other people.
Peace be  with you!  Lord Rick”

Wow! Serious business indeed!  Taking the FBI’s name in vain must be some kind of capital crime! Even now, Judge Phantom and whomever else Lord Rick is talking about must be packing to take a slow jitney to Haiti.

Fitting I would think!

I’d say they should have never mentioned Rick’s kids because that’s a hot-button issue with Lord Rick. He goes absolutely insane every time someone even mentions he has kids. Except…

I’m not sure, …don’t quote me on this  but I don’t think anyone has mentioned Lord Rick’s kids at all. I haven’t mentioned them, none of the Wisemen have mentioned his kids –

I don’t think all those other people have mentioned them either. (BTW Rick? I’m not mentioning your kids right now, I’m mentioning that you keep mentioning that people keep mentioning your kids when I really don’t think they mention your kids in the first place because they know you start sounding like a stark raving lunatic if someone even acknowledges that YOU keep bringing up your kids, and no one wants that!)

But, I and the rest of the freaking world has noticed that Lord Rick mentions his kids, daily! Hourly it seems. I’ve never mentioned his kids, not even on those stupid questions I sent him (which I guess I’ll have to publish now because he goes on and on about how they were about his kids and he knows damn well they were not .) Personally I think he should drop that whole line of attack, it really makes his attempts to look like a father defending family fail – and makes him look like he’s hiding something.

Well the extremely intelligent Man God Lord Rick who does not like to be undermined or mocked made good on his promise! In another address to Dale and Missy, Lord Rick stunned the world with this request.

“End Hate Tos The Site…Here Is The Link
If you wish to TOS the site here you go angelofthynight.com and the  link is _http://help.blogger.com/?page=troubleshooter.cs&problem=&contact_type…
s&Submit=Submit_ (http://help.blogger.com/?page=troubleshooter.cs&problem=&contact_type…)


Lord Rick

PS Remember how it would feel if these clowns did it to you posting your personal ads, talking about your kids, threatening you falsely with the FBI for porn etc etc its endless folks turn it in and stand with me just as I would do FOR YOU!!!”

Gee! I suppose it would be just like someone saying that they were going to show up at your doorstep and beat the crap out of you. Almost like some moron calling your workplace, sending rude emails, making rude comments on MySpace, YouTube and various other places. It would be like dropping dox on people, talking about them, for FIVE HOURS on a podcast,  shooping them, making false accusations, calling people child molester and pedophiles!

Now; I don’t feel this is a reason to retaliate in-kind. Far from it as a matter of fact. Rick and now Moonbat have shown just how disturbed they are by THIS kind of post which is…. pretty genial in comparison and has the advantage of utilizing their own words, in-context no less!

It’s mostly spelled correctly too, that’s got to smart!

Well anyway; the deadline passed days ago and nothing happened. Lord Rick and his minions reportedly retreated to Lord Ricks’ hugbox (now dubbed Presidential Candidate  Lord Rick’s World Nerve Center.) Here they listened in awe as Lord Rick spent hours telling everyone how he was a brave Internet tough-guy and how he vanquished haters from the Internet… even though every time he does this he mints about 10 more haters, and the original ones don’t go away.

The last time I looked, that blog is still there. Holy crapoly! He could not even get the damn thing TOSed off of Blogger, not with Missy, his Disney demons and 1000 yahoos and Yahoo! That’s OK, I think someone moved it to an undisclosed location. The hate site can still be found at http://angelofthynight.com

BTW, the term “hater” here is synonymous with the term “critic.” What Lord Rick is attempting to do (yet again) is bully his critics away. Just thought I would leave that there.

Talk to your critics Rick, don’t ignore them and stop trying to bully them.

And, holy crap! Keep MMissy around! She’s a freakiing laff riot! SHE’S FUNNIER THAN YOU LORD RICK!

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2 Responses to Hate site Takedown Ordered!

  1. Melissa Fan says:

    I’m surprised the Mighty Lord Wreck hasn’t posted No Trespassing warnings on the internet…after all, that’s what his Moonbat did, last April. Yes, she posted No Trespassing warnings on various message boards–and in the name of her local police and county sheriff, too. Oh, good, I found a copy:


    You are Hereby notified that your presence on or in the property located at:


    Is no longer desired and will not be tollerated.
    You are to refrain from entering therein or thereon for Any reason whatsoever.
    You are further notified that upon violation of this notice, you may be subject to immediate arrest or a trespass warrant will be sworn for your arrest and prosecution.

    Signed on this the 11th day of April, 2008

    Blah, blah, blah.

    I’m surprised she hasn’t suggested this to the Mighty Lord Wreck; after all, it worked so well for her…

    By the way, the misspelling belong to Moonbeam. Sorry, MoonBAT.

  2. R-U serial?

    That is freaking hilarious!

    I wish Missy-Moonbat would comment here. I know she’s extremely scared of me and KNOWS that I would chew her a new one if she came around here. I am a pretty scary person and Moonbat is a psychic and empath and Indian princess and reincarnated wife of Billy the Kid and powerful shaman, she also won’t appreciate what a horrible run-on that last sentence was.

    But, indeed; I am scary and it’s better that she just talks about my in her little places becuse lord knows I’d be fair about it and we can’t have that!

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