Filed under…so what?

So spake the Red Queen on her Psychotic Diary, stupidly continuing the blog war.

“File under sleezy creepy: Scary creepy psycho-skeptoid who know who has me listed in 10 categories on his scary creepy psycho-skeptoid website. I’m listed under: Dumb, dumb (he has 2 dumb categories, hmmm…), obsessive woos, (uh, irony calling), incredibly dumb, ranting, skeptics, UFOs, Woos, Nuts, and Fan Page. “

You know Red Queen. I could never run out of adjectives to describe you. So long as you keep on this track though, the first one which comes to mind is “amusing.”

Additionally, I wish your pal Beckjord would have signed up on your Bigfoot list, you really asked him? Oh the humanity! The hilarity! You two would have hit it off – oh boy would you have hit it off!

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