More of the Same Tired ol’ Song.

From the Red Queen’s Psycho Diary

Re: below: like I told you dear readers, it hasn’t stopped, and never will. Justifications for slimy behavior abounds within the PsYcHo ~ SkEpToId world. While my particular example of late has been in the extreme, just read along in any skeptic forum and you’ll find several of the more rabid skeptics who behave in this way.

Hey Red Queen. If you really have a problem with the Odd Emperor, why don’t you just email him? You know the address, you’ve emailed him before. He’¢s reasonable so long as you’re reasonable–you know that. Whining about him on your psychotic diary is just, kind of whacky.

Oh BTW, why does’t the Odd Emperor email you? Because you asked him not to! Don’t you remember?

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