Of Course you Know, This Means War!

It seems Scientology is in the middle of a flap, a Paradigm shift, a change of attitude, a movement of spheres and a growing shitstorm! One that’s seeping across the Internet like some demented and smelly snowball, collecting the collective imagination and the amusement of millions.

it’s been a long time coming. The leadership of Scientology has finally pissed off the wrong people.

Who have they pissed off now?

No not governments, Scientology gotten kicked out of it’s share of countries. Not Critics, they’ve bullied and harassed lots of those, authors and reporters? – ditto, remember the writer they tried to get convicted of sending bomb threats? Using stationary from her own office with her own finger prints all over them?

It was none of these people, how about the thousands of parishioners who realized that they have been doing useless courses and taking silly bullshit from a “church” that culls confidential information from *mandatory* confessional sessions, (at many thousands of dollars for the privilege.) How about all the families that have been broken up, the children that have lived in squaller in Scientology compounds, educated using bogus Scientology methods.

No, it wasn’t any of those either.

This time, they pissed off a bunch of third generation computer nerds, ones with too much time on their hands. In a sense, Scientology has finally pissed off the Internet itself.

“Everyone loves the Internet! Except when it attacks!”

I’m not sure where this started, a few days ago….

It REALLY all began back in 2004 when Scientology wanker Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (Tom Cruise) (after jumping on Oprah’s couch and generally making an idiot of himself,) did an interview for his Freedom Medal Of Valor award.

Freedom Medal of Valor….. WTF!!??

This was only recently leaked to YouTube ,Cruise makes a number of batshit statements about how Scientology is here to save the world, how he hopes to read about SPs (suppressive persons I.E those who don’t like Scientology) in the history books. How he want no mercy for Psychology and how only Scientology can help out at a car accident.Well the video was yanked off of YouTube by Scientology’s lawyers. It’s here on Gawker for the time being, how long is anyone’s guess.It’s back on YouTube right now... for a short time I expect.

Tom looks high as a kite. I’m not saying he IS high, he looks and acts high. Other than that it’s mostly a bunch of dumb Scientology crap, hardly worth looking at twice. BUT, the Scientology powers that be made the brilliant move of getting their lawyers to yank it off the air. Thus they made it TEN times more important than it needed to be, smooth move ex-lax!

Then, the shit really hit the fan. Some hackers, who may or may not resemble “angry German kid” pictured above decided to go to all out war with Scientology. It’s an Internet group called “Anonymous.” They’ve produced a video outlining their campaign to remove Scientology from the Internet and destroy it (utterly.)

WELL! It’s good to have goals, its may even be good to dislike Scientology but I’m not sure making threats is a good thing and I’m certain that making Distributed Denial-of-service Attacks (DDoS) is really REALLY a bad idea.

The attacks only briefly took Scientology off the air. They were back quickly, (big surprise, they have about a billion dollars to spend on security crap.)The hacking stuff won’t work. But there is some other things brewing which might. The best way to pwn Scientology is to make them more paranoid (if that’s possible.) Picketing their storefronts and compounds is one way. Making them spend time fending off criticism, and answering nonsensical questions is another. Make them waste time! Scientology really REALLY hates to waste time! Scientology leadership is ONLY interested in making money. Anything that interferes with their bottom line will be a source of irritation.

Every moment they blow fending off a critic is one moment that they could be suckering in some unwary sucker. One way to do this is, find their Volunteer Minister booths, they are usually in public places (the DC Mall has a permanent one. ) Take their so called “stress tests,” ask lots of questions and hand out counter Scientology literature. . Have someone close by with a camera and get the vids on YouTube.

Don’t do anything illegal! They will come down on you like the proverbial ton of bricks and they SHOULD! Remember, they have about TWO billion dollars available for legal help. Besides, it’s hypocritical! Don’t let those clowns be more ethical than critics!

Do the research! If you get into a conversation with them, be unflaggingly polite, they will try to provoke you– don’t let them. Calmly refute everything they say but don’t try to argue with them. Use facts and cite your sources. Read their books! Always ask a Scientologist what their education level is (I’ve found that most of them have *some* college.) Ask they why they dropped out. Ask them if they have read any other Science Fiction than stuff that Hubbard wrote. Always urge them to look at both sides of the issue.

Don’t be judgmental with them or cruel. Don’t talk to them about Xenu any of that high level stuff. You want to convince them that us “wogs” are real people, worthy of their respect and attention. Remind them that THEY were wogs before they joined Scientology, were they bad people then? Are they any better now?

Remember that each person who leaves Scientology HARMS Scientology by denying it one more revenue stream. You really want to do a DDoS attack? Get people to leave the cult! Better yet? Get the US IRS to rescind Scientology’s tax exempt status. The organization is already bleeding money like someone in the final stages of Eboli. They have bought TONS of expensive property all over the country. They have millions invested in their sooper-duper headquarters in Clearwater Florida which has stood unfinished and empty for over TEN years.

Now remember, I don’t have a problem with Scientology saying crazy stuff, I’m amused by it! Sure it’s a strange organization, sure they take advantage or people, sure they attempt to censure free speech and certainly they harass and hound their critics. But I get the impression this Anonymous group does the same things! I suppose I’m two minds about this, on the one hand, watching Scientology get pwnd by a bunch of kids would be sweet.

On the other hand the kids would be insufferable should they actually get to Scientology. At least the kids will grow up…I hope!

“The Internet has awakened.”


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