A public announcement;

It has come to the attention of the Empire of the Odd staff that some people in the UFO Biz have come to the egregiously mistaken conclusion that this publication should not be taken seriously. I stand here, a pillar of the UFOlogical and Foreatian society to proclaim this day; this is utterly false!

The Empire of the Odd stands for the highest standards of journalism. We take pride in the many FACTS that are reflected by this hallowed space. It is with pride that we, the staff and dictator of the Empire of the Odd bring you the finest in journalistic excellence, 24 hours, 7 days a week.

The UFO biz needs a savior; a publication that DARES to tell the TRUTH about, not only the vile alien incursion of dope-smoking plug-uglies from the fourth planet in orbit of Zeta Reticular but also the horrendous Bigfoot invasion, the gigantic problem of orange orbs and the difficulties we all face each and every day as victims of vile experiments by creatures from another dimension.

Fear not oh denizens of the Internet! We at the Odd Empire will keep you informed amused and enlightened;

Fuck! Who the hell am I kidding! The Empire of the Odd, being what it is will continue to poke fun at people who take themselves way too seriously, just like it has always done!

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