Goucestershire Citizen

09:00 – 18 July 2007

If There’s something spooky in your museum – who are you going to call?Tewkesbury Museum turned to a group of ghostbusters who reckon there is a spirit lurking in the Barton Street building.

The team from the Three Counties Paranormal Organisation were called in to investigate spooky noises, strange smells and an eerie presence in the building.

Staff noticed the smell of old-fashioned washing powder and felt a ghostly presence, but couldn’t explain it.

The museum used to be a merchant’s shop before being split into houses. Evacuees were sent to families living there during the Second World War.

It has been suggested the ghost is a mother who was worked to the bone caring for her family and the refugees.

The paranormal hunters were called in and used heat, motion and electricity sensors to detect ghostly activity and camcorders to record their findings.

The group contains a number of people who claim to be ‘sensitive’ to the paranormal.

During the investigation, a team member said she experienced a peculiar headache every time she went over a certain area in the museum.

The group’s members plan to hold a seance in that spot when they return in September.

Museum curator Maggie Thornton said: “They confirmed there is something apparent on the top floor.

“It would be nice to solve the puzzle about the smells and noises we have been experiencing.”

Graham Atkinson, who led the investigation, said: “We are going back in September overnight to do a full investigation to see if we can get noises or visual phenomena, preferably lights, to occur.

“It would be great if a ghost walked through the wall but they don’t seem to do that.”

The organisation formed three years ago and has 40 members.

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  1. RDB says:

    Staff noticed the smell of old-fashioned washing powder and felt a ghostly presence, but couldn’t explain it.

    Ass. That would have made it much less puzzling, ergo, “Staff noticed the smell of nasty ass, and reflected on the fact that the loo had been paperless for several days…”

    I like the blog’s new look.

  2. I love it when these ghost investigators go into a place that they already believe is haunted, turn around and say. “oooo! I feel a strange feeling!” And this is their soul (pun intended) evidence that ghosts exist? Bill Murry was able to pull it off in “Ghost Busters” because he is a professional comedian. these blokes are just silly (but they are kind of funny.)

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