The War is Over!

OK, some of you out there might be wondering why I’ve paid so much of my attention to an out of work, semi homeless fellow in some podunk Florida town.

Well it’s very simple, he asked me to. He may not have known it but he asked me to do this, demanded it, begged me. Being a nice guy I agreed.

On the one hand, paying this much attention to Lord Rick is not a very good idea. He’s one of those special people. One who thrives on attention, good or bad it makes little difference to Lord Rick. When he cannot get good attention he starts trolling around for bad attention. Rick’s done it before and I daresay he will do it again, and again, and again. Each time with the same results. Rick will piss people off, they will mock him. He will whine about how people are nasty to him and he will scurry away. So I gave Lord Rick what he wanted, for a little while.

And what have I done to him?

Something, but not too much. He won’t understand what happened right away. The Internet is a strange and wonderful place. The rules are different here, indeed they are different in every part of the Internet. But rules exist and they must be followed. You do something, wait awhile and stuff happens.

What has he done to me?

Well nothing really. Rick made attempts to get my goat (he is not the first.) He told a bunch of lies, he (allegedly) smoked a few joints and blasted zombies on his Resident Evil video game. He got some of his mindless-minions up in a lather, not that it did him (or them) any good.

Oh yes and the free Internet services he’s been abusing received some complaints — and they shut him down.

From my point of view the war is over. Rick has not mentioned me in the last twenty-four hours. I’m satisfied with that. Oh I’m sure he will bring me up in an attempt to get my goat some more. I’m sure he will concoct some childish webpage to bash me like he has done to other people who disagreed with him. He’ll do it anomalously too, Rick hates a confrontation with someone who can more than hold their own with him. I wonder how anyone believes Lord Rick is a brave ghost buster when he’s too scared to talk to someone over the Internet.

Rick will keep trying and that’s OK; if he crosses the line like he has done on other occasions, things will go into motion. Next time Lord Rick, I may not be so easy on you.

The Odd Empire goes back to its normal insanity but before I sign off tonight, I wanted to direct your attention to the Hotsauce fan club on MySpace.

Some of you will understand what it’s all about, some of you will not.

In either case, it’s all good.

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