More War News from the Front!

It was a quiet day today in the Odd Empire. Lord Rick and his minions were eagerly awaiting yet another high-tech-master of the airwaves mondo- spectacular Mangod Radio Broadcast, coming to you almost living amid the piles of cardboard boxes in Rick’s apartment.

Or well it’s not exactly Ricks apartment, see it really belongs to a couple of goobers named Vegas and Juggernaugt, who get into fistfights over, cookies? The Omnipotent Mullet Messiah after getting kicked out of his last dive (the one with raining cats and dogs) managed to find two losers that were worse off than him.

Anyway, in the parts that were not downed out by static from Ricks high tech audio gear one could hear; I think it was Rick saying something about people suing the Odd Empire. He’s not suing the Odd Empire, but several other groups are!

Hmm, that’s all news to me! I must alert the Hounds of Hell, being the crack law firm of Labrusky, Skinflint, Shyster, and his larger brother leo.
The Omnipotent Mullet Messiah who-controls-the-fate-of-all-men had this to say about the situation;

They go around the internet and its not personal opinion that they are giving its harrassment, stalking, and libel along with defamation of character. They talk about my members, my kids, who I date, what i do, what i eat for dinner. Its not a matter of hey I dont like PGS its a matter of personal attacks and has been for 8 months.

I am experienced in psychology by the wording that goes on in that forum there are alot of hints of jealousy, hatred and low self esteem. People just do not get it they never will I had one girl on that UER site write me and say to me I use to make fun of you cause everybody else did it now she says to me being on your board has changed that. These people do it because everybody else does it. That odd guy is a fruit cake he is a friend to nobody he is just playing that group like he does to everybody else that is why I laugh cause unlike most people I see fate and destiny play out much like a game of poker with the guys some nights.

Well whether it be lawsuits or forces of nature I must go to my luxurious imperial bedchambers tonight quaking in fear that any misfortune that comes my way has been caused by the Omnipotent Mullet Messiah, Mangod Lord Rick of the Paranormal AND Ghost Society, friends of all humanity unless you happen to be involved in Urban Exploration, one of several hundred jilted girlfriends or the Odd Emperor.

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