Aaron Sakulich in The Triangle

The big UFO buzz today seem s to be a piece written by By Aaron Sakulich in The Triangle, the student paper of Drexel University (this might give you an idea of how little there is going on in the Foreatian realms. )

This is one of the most well known and most historically important cases of alien abduction of all time, mainly because it’s all baloney
runs the tickler

Sheeze, sounds like an Odd Empire rant. Not a very professional way to topic an article. The Betty and Barney Hill abduction case is significant more on how it influenced the believer public than if it were an actual case of a medical examination by forces unknown.

It’s probably not all baloney. Betty and Barney Hill were probably on the road that night and they probably saw something. What happened later is unclear. Neither of them had any clear recollection of events following the initial sighting, they both reported that several hours on the road were unaccounted for.

So, could it have been aliens? Possibly but highly unlikely. Something traumatic may have occurred but the only evidence of what was pulled out via a series of hypnotic regression sessions. Pretty flimsy evidence in the best of circumstances. Hindered in this case because Barney Hill (apparently) did not remember much except a strange feeling he’d been violated. Betty talked about strange creatures and spacecraft. Eventually she came up with details of the craft (not really saucer shaped at all) and even descriptions of “star maps.”

I wouldn’t call this baloney, I would say that it’s probably confabulation. Confabulation of a real traumatic occurrence. What really happend cannot be discerned in the data thus far, that’s The Odd Emperor’s opinion and he’s not afraid of admitting ‘“I don’t really know what happened” but that’s why he’s the Odd Emperor.

But I digress and my Internet connection just opened back up so, on the piece itself

Writes Aaron Sakulich
What actually happened to the Hills that night? Hell if I know. But I know what didn’t happen: They were not, absolutely not, kidnapped by space aliens.

OK, how do you  know that?. That may be your opinion but so stating that they were absolutely not abducted by aliens smacks of some goober trying to sell holistic mineral water or snake-oil.

“Did space people decide to use the publicity from this case as a starter’s pistol, the green light to start kidnapping people en masse? Or did the publicity from this case create other abductions in the same way that this case was created from TV shows and books that Betty Hill had read? I’m no statistician, but even I can see that the second option is the one that makes the most sense.”

This I agree with. On the one hand its not a good idea to to analyze motivations of an extraterrestrial culture, do they even have culture?If so, could we understand it?
Researchers in the field remind me of the blind men and the elephant. We can all make predictions and observations based on the tiny piece we know but we don’t  know the dimensions of the puzzle yet. Even if UFOs and related phenomena are simply tricks of the human mind it’s going to take generations to understand how it happens at all. If it’s caused by an outside agency we may well be faced with trying to understand something that is by it’s very nature, incomprehensible to us.

It’s a very steep and slippery- slope, most people don’t seem to be comfortable with rappelling down it but the tools are all there, if one hazards to pick them up.

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