Stealth planets around Vega in Lyra constellation may be housing the nearest type II advanced extraterrestrial civilization

India Daily Technology Team
Jan. 7, 2007
They can travel with gravitational radiation. They can speed up to three hundred times the speed of light. They are the main sources of ‘local’ advanced extraterrestrial UFOs. They use electromagnetic flux when they enter earth’s atmosphere. They come to see earth as a site of History because they evolved the same way as us except they are type II and we are Type Zero. They are advanced by a 0.5 million years than us.

Some remote viewers see these advanced extraterrestrials visit the earth regularly.


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2 Responses to Stealth planets around Vega in Lyra constellation may be housing the nearest type II advanced extraterrestrial civilization

  1. Yeah, India Daily is a real rag. I think they’re aiming to become the premier source of internet bullshit.

  2. What-what-WHAT! I LOVE INDIA DAILY!

    Their science and technology team is first rate! Their stories are well written and intelligent (for an English as a second language paper.) They are punchy and informative–where else could you learn that “The big bang – how the advanced extraterrestrials created it in a massive particle collider”[SIC] or “Jian-10 -China’s new fourth genaration [SIC] fighter aircraft injected in Chinese Air Force – equipped with anti-gravity weapon systems?’ How about Windows Vista security flaw discovered

    Whups! That’s a real one! 😉

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