Odd Empire update!

15-6 McGill University’s Graduate Program in Exopolitics. Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to Aliens Ate My Buick guy.

OK, I know this is just a joke, I repeat, it’s just a joke. Don’t try to sign up for these courses at McGill University,, they will just laugh at you.

You can partake in Vulcan and Romulan Politics, or the Politics of Extraterrestrial Meddling. (UFO buffs, remember none of this is real.)How about Ferengi Economics. Or you could take part in the exchange program with their sister collage, the Talshiar Academy for Espionage and Covert Action of the University of Romulus. (You must arrange transportation yourself.)

Seriously there’s some very good articles here, many of the links are going out of date and the entire site has the look of one that’s not being maintained. Too bad, it’s a cool idea!

Inducted October 22, 2006

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One Response to Odd Empire update!

  1. Jurgen says:

    Probably a liberal bastion….. I doubt they’ll accept M.A.C.O.s…

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