Bring on 2007!

Well I suppose I should put out a bunch of resolutions, everyone else is doing it. I don’¢t know why I bother…. silly tradition.

I noted that the Zorgy awards are out. My main bro and duck friend Rear Admiral Zorgrot has named (by popular declaration) Book of ThoTH as best web page. Best paranormal blog is Mac Tonnies’s Posthuman Blues. Best Paranormal Radio show? The X-zone. Best Podcast? Binnall of America (way to go Bin!) Best research site, The Black Vault, best Ufologest, Stanton Freidman, and George Ademski Memorial Award? Richard C. Hoagland (I can’¢t imagine why!)

And¦what is this? Best Ufology troublemaker? Why it’s none other than Alfred Lehmberg with a whopping 49% of the vote! Way to go A.L.F.! He and R. Lee have been studiously trying to ignore me fo¦ about three weeks now although they keep peeking. (psst! If you REALLY want to get my goat, just ignore me! That’s right! But really ignore me this time…., stop pretending!)

Oh, yes, Red Queen was nominated for Best UFO/ Paranormal blog, hey! Better luck next year. Really!

So here’s some lame-o’ resolutions for next year. Alfred, if the freaking world comes to an end like you want, I’m going to just stop blogging anyway so you can stop squalling!

Anyhow…here’s some fairly odd resolutions for 2007.

  1. We resolve to point out more of your shortcomings this year than last.
  2. We resolve to mock you each time you bitch at us for pointing out your shortcomings. We resolve to continually tell people how silly your beliefs are, how utterly foolish and absurd your conclusions are, how you are a complete and utter mouth breathing ignoramus to even THINK that being rude to people is going to bring them over to your side. What moronic fuckers you are to try to harass us, what insanely idiotic nincompoops you are to threaten legal action.
  3. We resolve to point out your hypocrisies.
  4. And your self deceptions.
  5. We resolve to tell you to get lives, over and over again.
  6. We resolve to tell you why believing aliens have an interest in saving the Earth is right up there with believing in Santa. But not the Easter Bunny! She’s REAL!
  7. We resolve to make you look over your shoulder EACH and EVERY time you tell a lie, attempt to deceive or otherwise fool us onto believing that you are something that you are not. Each time you try to validate yourself by telling a lie? The Odd Emperor will be there. Believe it because it’s true!
  8. We resolve to never take you or ourselves too seriously. It’s nothing personal! Stop thinking it is and you will feel much better. Try it sometimes, it really works!

And finally–BOOO

The Odd Emperor

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6 Responses to Bring on 2007!

  1. Jurgen says:

    And, who’s “we”?

  2. Now that’s a silly question! Who do you think we are?

  3. Jurgen says:

    Well Mr. 72.185.177, I know a little of who you are:

    Domain Name (Unknown)
    IP Address 72.185.117.# (Unknown Organization)
    ISP Unknown ISP
    Location Continent : Unknown
    Country : Unknown Country
    Lat/Long : unknown

    Language English (United States)
    Operating System Microsoft WinXP
    Browser Firefox
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061206 Firefox/
    Javascript version 1.5
    Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
    Color Depth : 32 bits

    Time of Visit Jan 3 2007 1:06:37 am
    Last Page View Jan 3 2007 1:06:40 am
    Visit Length 3 seconds
    Page Views 1
    Referring URL
    Visit Entry Page http://noconnectiont…
    Visit Exit Page http://noconnectiont…
    Out Click 5 comments
    Time Zone UTC-5:00
    Visitor’s Time Jan 2 2007 8:06:37 pm
    Visit Number 5,070

  4. Oh spare me Jurg! You can read a freaking server log? Ohh man OH man! I had NO idea that was even possible! What are you trying to do, scare me? Someone refers off of the Odd Empire and you automatically think it’s me? Jumping to conclusions just a bit aren’t we? Have you any idea how many hits I actually get?

    Pha! I’ve found scarier things in my breakfast cereal! (with some apologies Douglass Adams.)

  5. Jurgen says:

    TOE – You don’t impress me. I PUT bugs in my breakfast cereal and crunch them up , enjoying the teeny bits of their antenna, legs and exoskeletons stuck between my teeth. Then I wait an extra day or two to brush n’ floss.

    And I put your ISP up because you were bitching about mine in another thread of yours to Kimbling.

  6. In another space-time (literally,) “Jurgen” tapped out on his mystic keyboard…..

    TOE – You don’t impress me. I PUT bugs in my breakfast cereal and crunch them up , enjoying the teeny bits of their antenna, legs and exoskeletons stuck between my teeth. Then I wait an extra day or two to brush ™ floss.

    …… Of that I have no doubt! 😉

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