Beowulf: Fiction or History?

“Why, then, do so many literature critics say that Beowulf is fiction? It is because they do not believe that dinosaur creatures lived at the same time men lived. Their evolutionary worldview says that dinosaurs lived long ages before men evolved on the earth. Therefore, in their minds, this all must be fiction. But with a Biblical worldview, we can see that dinosaurs entered the ark with Noah land species at least and they lived on the earth again after the Flood. But the post-Flood earth was not so hospitable to large creatures and they eventually became almost extinct.

Here’s yet another reason why the US is doomed. Can there be any hope for someone who’s fed this hogs wallow pretending to be historical truth? Not only that but, Beowulf proves that dinosaurs survived the flood and that beans MUST be peas.

My head hurts!

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3 Responses to Beowulf: Fiction or History?

  1. DICKTRON says:

    Wow. I don’t remember covering that back in my undergrad English major days. Of course, I did go to a “liberal” arts school, so it was probably intentionally not taught.

    Cool blog, keep up the good work!

  2. Damn those liberal arts schools! They are ruining the good Christian country of AMERICA I’ll tell you! 😉

  3. Lesley says:

    Thanks OE! I liked that article a lot.

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