Red Queen Responds;

Well, the so-called OE, who can’t seem to understand I don’t have or never had had any official screen name of “Red Queen” yet persists in calling me that anyway(sign of creepy stalker-dom) has now threatened me on his little blog. Notice of course his continued non-response to anything factual, and while that is annoying, it’s amusingly typical. Gotta love that paranoia too; my outing him for what he is is considered a “war.” As we say in cyber space, ROF. Okay, enough of thatcreepy thug, and let’s move on to more engaging skeptoids. Stay tuned!

No—No; you really don’t understand. Starting a blog war with me is really—really really not a good idea. You should, you know. Find something else to do. Something that doesn’t affect your—blood pressure or whatever. You might get upset at the Odd Emperor and miss, well you know—some good trolling opportunities. You don’t want to do that do you?

How’s the floor by the way? When you finish rolling around on it we can talk ‘ Kay?

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