To mouldily go: Star Trek home invaded by fungus

By Dan Martin

Clean me up, Scotty! While Star Trek’s heroes battled aliens and intergalactic villains, sci-fi fan Tony Alleyne has been waging a war on mould and fungus.

He said the flat he converted into a replica of a spaceship from the TV series has been damaged by heat and humidity from a cannabis farm in the property below.

Tony, 57, said the mould, fungus, and chalky residue on the walls of his Hinckley home were unexplained until police raided the flat below and confiscated cannabis plants and hydroponic growing equipment.

The Star Trek fan, who spent two years and £30,000 redesigning his flat along the lines of the Starship Voyager, said he had repainted the place twice in the past two years and treated mould-affected patches, only for the problem to return.

He said: “I had no idea what was causing it but there was mould in the bathroom and the transporter. It was a nightmare.

“I’ve had to remove the paneling and replace some lighting. I sugar-soaped the surfaces but nothing worked.

“I’ve put so much time and effort into making this place just right.”

Tony said the mystery was solved in November when police raided the flat below and found the drug-producing operation.

He said: “The police came and knocked on the door of the place below and took away 25 cannabis plants and the equipment.

“I couldn’t believe there was something like that going on right below me.

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