Bigfoot’s Cry Being Heard In Oregon

A recent article in the Salem News, an Oregon based newspaper, tells the story of a married couple making their way through the woods when they heard the undeniable cry of Bigfoot.  This led me on a bit of a search and I’ve discovered that in fact, many sightings of Bigfoot are happening in Oregon in ever increasing numbers.  It doesn’t stop there, however, as the number of Bigfoot sightings, people hearing their cries and perhaps coming across dens and the like, are on the rise all over the country and other parts of the world that the animal is said to reside in.  But why?

The most obvious hypothesis would be increasing populations and deforestation.  As humans continue to amass in numbers as the forests continue to disappear, we’re bound to corner the creatures in smaller and smaller areas they can use as natural habitats.  Now add to that a growing number of outdoor enthusiasts hiking, camping and exploring and you’re bound to find them running into the elusive creature more frequently.  At times, he’s even been seen coming onto farms and into public nature reserves and the like.


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