Is UFO/ET Activism Again On The Rise?

Once and awhile I run across something so absurd, so stupid that I simply must comment on it.

Ed Komarek's picture
In the early 1990’s Operation Right To Know (ORTK) began a series of UFO/ET demonstrations and other forms of activism. We started with a demonstration in front of the White House in Washington DC that stimulated demonstrations and other forms of activism across America, even to Argentina and the UK. The idea was to try to kick start a global UFO/ET activist movement that would stimulate mainstream media to take the subject seriously and not only report on UFOs, but to seriously investigate the issue. Even though we are in the mist of UFO/ET disclosure as Richard Hoagland aptly points out, most informedpeople realize that mainstream press attention is still key to the final unraveling of the 60 year old cover-up.

You know? For the life of me I cannot think of a more useless thing than UFO activism. Demonstrating in front of the White House? I’ve been to many a protest and I can tell you, what they are talking about sounds a little like masturbation. It might feel good, but it really won’t get you anywhere and as Robert Heinland so succinctly points out, “it’s lonely!”

You could also demonstrate practicably anywhere in DC and get far more attention than in front of the US President’s palace, the mainstream media is not in front of the White House most of the important ones are inside the White House with the President who’s wrestling with, you know! World politics and domestic tranquility, that sort of stuff. You yahoos and your flying saucers are really not part of that are you?

Well on second though, perhaps in front of the White House is the best place for you.

Unfortunately in the abAs Richard Hoagland in a recent interview with George Noory pointed out, government’s create boundaries that the mainstream press will not cross and it’s not real unless its on CNN. It is now my contention that a ground swell of sustained citizen activism is growing to a point that will allow the press to push the boundaries of serious reporting and investigation to eventually bust up the UFO/ET cover-up. We can’t hold the mainstream press entirely responsible for abdicating it’s watchdog status beginning in the 1950’s in the face of a government propaganda blitz of denial and ridicule and public apathy.sence of vigorous citizen activism on a variety of issues including UFOs the mainstream press becomes the lapdog of government and special interests, rather than a watchdog for the citizenry. In the 1990’s the overall conditions for a sustained vigorous UFO/ET activism movement to end UFO secrecy was not favorable and our effort failed in its main goal to end the UFO/ET cover-up once and for all.

I love this hero worship of Richard Hoagland. Has anyone but me noticed that he’s been wrong about nearly everything he’s said, including his own credentials? That should be a red flag if nothing else but Noooooooooo! He’s some kind of authority! Perhaps it’s this that creates boundaries that the press won’t cross. People for the most part know when they are being lied to, most people that is. In UFOlogy it’s ‘whomever can tell the biggest whopper gets the prize.” Whatever that is. Book deals and panel discussions I guess. He did get an Ig-Nobel prize! That has to account for something!

Some secondary goals succeeded like the focusing of major press attention onto the subject. I believe this succeeded in sparked many mainstream UFO shows. We also made inroads in stimulating an awareness in the UFO community that good science can’t succeed if it being suppressed, and its data being manipulated for political reasons. A political problem deserves political solutions, something some very savvy propagandists and intelligence people in the UFO community realize very well.

Propagandists? Those who deliberately lie to create false beliefs in people? I’d say you got that spot on. And I hate to break it to you partner, the mainstream media is not interested in covering UFOs or much of anything else. They are primarily interested in selling stuff and capturing an audience to sell stuff to.  UFO and ghost shows are just pieces of cheese (literally) to bring in the suckers and get them to buy overly expensive cars to somehow prove their manhood.

kYX5Ek pointed out, government’s create boundaries has a that the mainstream press will not cross and it’s not real unless its on CNN. It is now my contention that a ground swell of sustained citizen activism is growing to a point that will allow the press to push the boundaries of serious reporting and investigation to eventually bust up the UFO/ET cover-up. We can’t hold the mainstream press entirely responsible for abdicating it’s watchdog status beginning in the 1950’s in the face of a government propaganda blitz of denial and ridicule and public apathy.

I’ve got a MUCH better idea. You yahoos running around flapping your gums about gooberment cover-ups might want to actually do a bit of research on the subject. The US Government doesn’t bother to cover up UFOs because there is no need.  UFOs might be an interesting phenomena that warrants further *scientific* study (I think so,) but the don’t seem to exist in the “real world” of paychecks and airplanes. UFOs seem to reside in the never-never land of belief and faith. Once these so-called UFOligests stop protesting and waving their hands about cover-ups, they might actually find out that .

It’s very old, there are reports of UFOs in antiquity which are identical to UFO reports today.

Most people really don’t give a flapping damn about them because they have little to do with the ordinary things in life, you know! Jobs, families and that sort of thing.

Most UFOs are seen by people who are prone to see them. People who are not prone to see them don’t (strange that.)

UFO’s hardly ever leave no physical traces. They seem to be more like projections.

The projections are *subjective* to the person witnessing them.

The projections reflect the technical bias of the witness. As craft they seem to be just ahead of whatever human technology is known to the witness.

There is a tiny smidgen of evidence that these projections * occasionally * have some effect on physical reality.  There are almost no photographs of UFOs that do not have a mundane explanation.

UFOs do not interact with mainstream thought. In fact the phenomena seems to avoid direct interaction and changes whenever scientific processes are brought to bare.

Well, this is just if you have yourself at least a little grounded in reality and not buried into some stupid “space brother” nonsense. UFOs are an interesting phenomena, one that I believe warrants further study. What really draws people away is this business of * proclaiming* what UFOs really are as apposed to rendering an opinion of what they *look like.* (Which is what I was doing above.) Not that I didn’t claim they were the result aliens, why? Because there is absolutely no evidence that UFOs have anything to do with *anything* off of planet Earth. Heck there is no evidence the durn things fly into space at all.

Anyway, you can read the rest of the article HERE.

Be sure to read the single comment (woo-woo!)

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