Scientology Raided in Italy, Stash of Personal Records on ‘Enemies’ Found

Village Voice;

By Tony Ortega, Friday, May. 21 2010 @ 9:33AM

?Mark Bunker (Wise Beard Man) has been tipping us to several embarrassing developments for Scientology overseas lately.

The newest was yesterday’s raid of a Scientology center in Turin, Italy, where investigators uncovered a basement stash of records containing “sensitive personal data” about local officials and journalists that Scientology apparently considered enemies.

The archive of documents “had files on magistrates, policemen, journalists and relatives of former members,” which is consistent with Scientology’s long, sad history of going after defectors and critics by any means possible. The documents “were ‘chock full’ of sensitive information dealing with sexual habits, health and political inclinations.”

According to the report by an Italian news service,, the raid was part of a probe by local officials looking into accusations that Scientology uses personal information in questionable ways.


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