
I was reminded by Paul Kimball that the latest Saucer Smear is hot off the photocopier. For those of you who have never experienced the ‘Smear.’ It’s a long running underground newspaper about UFOlogy and the people who make up UFOlogy, such as they are. Published by James W. Moseley of Key West Florida, a self avowed luddite The Saucer Smear has been in intermittent publication since the mid 1950s. Ribald, witty and occasionally cruel, the smear ever lives up to it’s moniker, “shockingly close to the truth.”

Otherwise, not much seems to be happening in the UFO biz.

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7 Responses to Smear!

  1. Paul Kimball says:

    Your Imperial Wonderfulness:

    Moseley is indeed a marvel. Ufology would be a lot less fun without him!


  2. Indeed; I liked John Keel’s comment on Moseley, something like “you are a boil on the ass of UFOlogy.” A better endorsement no one could ask for!

  3. Paul Kimball says:

    Your Imperial Majesty:

    Oh, I don’t know – Alfie just called me a “dim blub churlish sneerer” at his incredibly repetitive blog. I admit, this IS a new take from the usual “christo-fascist, klasskurtzian” stuff.

    Apparently, old soldiers never die – they just rave away. 🙂

    Paul Kimball

  4. Hey! Other people resemble that last remark! 😉

    Anyway, I recall an old maxim of bomber pilots, Al as a world famous, highly decorated Army war-hero helicopter pilot is certainly familure with it.

    “You get the most flack when right over target.”

  5. Paul Kimball says:

    Imperial One:

    I usually find that the people flinging the personal mud have nothing constructive to say on the actual matter at hand. Besides, sometimes one is judged by ones critics (who, in the manner and tone of their criticism, usually reveal more about themselves than they do their targets – witness the “dumb blonde” remarks thrown at Dr. Susan CLancy) – in the UFO world, considering who my critics are, I figure I’m on pretty solid ground! 🙂


  6. Odd Emperor’s adage #5,
    “It’s a poor artist who has no critics.”

    I think that it’s important to remember that, no matter how vile and hurtful people get out there, everyone *thinks* they are doing the right thing. Al for example is deeply worried about the direction this world is headed. He reminds me of Aesop’s fable of the drowning fox. Al appears to be one of those people who has been forever in the shadow of others, he doesn’t think his own achievements make him special and important. He feels sorry for himself and this causes him to virtually shake his fist anyone who fails to validate his beliefs. There are a lot of people like Al out there.

    What’s kind of tragic about Al? He’s an imaginative guy, wonderfully innovative! His tragic flaw is that he can’t see past his own bubble filled nostrils (to paraphrase one of his favorite jibes.) He gets into this angry loop where anyone who fails to fawn over him becomes fair game.

    Then I see people like Moseley whose been quietly telling it like it is since the 1950s. That my friend gives me hope!

  7. Paul Kimball says:

    You Imperial Magnificence:

    Yes, it does. Even most of the people Moseley pokes fun at (most, not all) understand that he performs a valuable service – and that he has made not insignificant contributions to UFO research in the past (interviewing Frank Scully back in the 1950s, as just one example).


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