A man punched out an alien!
This is true! Unexplained Mysteries ran a story in 2017 about a man they claimed punched an alien in the face. Who was this super-man – who not only thwarted a broad daylight UFO snatch attempt, but socked the buggy eyed monster in the kisser!

John Mooner insists that he not only tried to hit an alien, but that he even has photographic proof. Mooner, who is from Devon in the UK, maintains that he has been abducted multiple times by extraterrestrial visitors over the last few years after experiencing periods of missing time
Eager to find evidence of this, he decided to look up his own house on Google Earth and discovered to his surprise an image of what he believes to be an alien entity attempting to take him away.
“The shocking thing about this was that it’s me being abducted by a grey alien and the satellite image clearly shows me trying to fight off the grey alien by punching it in the face,” he said.
“Looking at the image it appears that the alien has blocked my punch and has grabbed my fist and must of been able to subdue me. I was left speechless by what I saw.”
I’m kind of speechless too since I can’t make head – nor tail out of those pictures. I guess it’s some dude with his shirt off doing,- something. He might be punching an alien, he also might be f&^king an alien or just standing around, gardening, masturbating or doing almost anything!
This is the webpage of “Ufologist” John Mooner. I suppose he’s a UFOologist because he says he is. I suppose one doesn’t need any credential to be a UFOoligest. Hey I could call myself a Skeptologist! I’ve certainly been called worse! Well, he punched an alien so that must count for something. I’ve never punched a skeptic, although I gotten some wo-wos’ pretty mad at me from time to time. I gather that some of them would like to punch me!
So; even though John Mooner page might look like it was spat out of an old version of myspace, or a neater version of any one of Lord Rick’s web pages (as if there was a difference.) It must be significant since he punched an alien.
Monner is also the host of World UFO photos which is supposedly the largest repository of UFO photographs in the world. There are a lot of pictures there, none of them have any context, but there are a lot of them! That’s got to be important too!
Back to his original page, Mooner is the kind of person who bags an alien star cruiser every time he uses his camera. Sure they look like lens flares and out of focus birds. We know for a fact they are alien galactic cruisers. Why? Because John Mooner says they are! He punched an alien after-all!

Of course he does the same on his BIGFOOToligist page, his USO page, his UFO porn page, the Rods and squiggly lights page, and of course his merchandise page. Not to mention his page on Medium which he adds to nearly every day!
Basically, John Mooner’s process for proving that a photo is evidence of aliens is thusly.
(1) Take a photo of a random part of the sky.
(2) Find any random dirt, blurry bird or insect or photographic artifact.
(3) Write a short essay on how it’s an alien.
(4) ????
(5) profit!

He’s got thousands of photos of “aliens.” not surprising since John Mooner just goes outside with his collection of cameras and get’s “proof” that the sky above his home in England is full of aliens. Lucky him! Funny how nobody else seems to see all of the galactic cruisers fluttering over John’s head.
You know what though. I notice that all of John Mooner photos are blurry and indistinct. One would think that the premiere UFO photographer of our age could get some clear shots of intergalactic space cruisers, at least once and a while.
Bet you can’t!
The Odd Emperor.