So; yes I went to Roswell!

Big deal you say? Not really Funseekers. It’s still there and it’s kind of boring to tell you the truth. Not that it means to be. This was the 75th anniversary of, well something happening near Roswell. The US Air Force claims it was a bunch of junk they were lofting on balloons to find out if the Russians were popping off atomic bombs or something. Why would anyone give a crap about that in 1947? How should I know? The history boffins say it was of vital interest to the US Government at the time and a big fat secret. But they all lie so there’s that!

Firstly I traveled to the Owl Café in sorta-nearby San Antonio New Mexico. The Owl Café is a notorious watering hole for the scientists and engineers who constructed the very first implosion bomb for the US. It was set off so close to the Owl Café that it probably broke some windows. It was also a hangout for some regular army people guarding – something that fell into the immediate area just after the first atomic bomb test, or so the story goes. More on that later, someday.

The food was OK, adequate is the way I’d put it. Nothing to write home about. The atmosphere was in that quant New Mexico ambiance, you kind of have to experience it to understand it. The US State of New Mexico is not Mexico, but it’s not really the United States either. Most people seem to think so. Perhaps the fact that New Mexico was part of Mexico for twice as long as part of the US might have something to do with it.

So- onward to Roswell. We passed through some very nice mountain townships, the Smokey the Bear town (Smoky is a NM native as it turners out.) Then into Roswell itself which is a rather smallish town with the remains of a huge US Air Force base with a huge jumbo jet boneyard on it’s Sothern end.

Otherwise, there are some nice restaurants, a few good bars and The International UFO Museum which is dedicated to telling and retelling the thrilling events which might (or might not) have happened here 75 years ago.

I got in for five American Bucks because I was a veteran, good thing they didn’t ask which war I fought in, they’d hardly believe it (despite this place being a museum of alien goings on.) I wandered into the most interesting part, the library which has a large number of books, magazines and multimedia stuff on all things woooish.

The main part was rather busy, a number of tables were set up and a bunch of self published authors with their self published books telling some kind of thrilling story. I didn’t bother to look since thrilling stories are a dime a dozen these days.


I wandered in and out some of the main street shops. Quite a lot of woo-woo brick-a-brac places.

The crucifixes over the alien in bed pretty much summed this place up.

Be well Funseekers!

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