The “Healthy” American


Here we go again! A lot of entitled Americans who think wearing a fact mask in public is infringing on their “God given rights.” Like it’s obviously in the Bible that people have the right not to cover their faces, except when the Bible says they have to cover their face! More on that later.

Wow! I bet she paid a lot for those chompers!

Well Peggy Hall, the Healthy American knows! And this Healthy American doesn’t give a single fig about what the BIBLE says! Or governors or police or medical people or ANYONE urging us to wear a STUPID face diaper!

Coz she knows God said facemasks are un-American and against God’s word in some way. She doesn’t actually say how, but that is not important! What is important is people not being sheeple! You don’t want to be a sheeple – right? Don’t be an American sheeple! God hates that!

Listen to Peggy Hall! Peggy Hall is an EXPERT on being an expert on anti-mask wearing.

But who is Peggy Hall?
She’s a “Leading wellness expert, life coach, teacher, speaker, author, consultant, radio & television personality, media contributor” and proprietor of the Living Swell web page!

Wow! That’s impressive! A leading wellness expert! How do you become a leading wellness expert?

I have no idea, Peggy clams that she learned how to do research when she was working on her bachelors and PhD. What her degree(s) are in is unclear. I get the impression that its not in Wellness.

She claims that she got a masters in Arabic Studies or something and lived in the Middle East for many years. This is why she knows face coverings are un-Godly I suppose. You know! Those dirty Mooslams and their filthy burkas!

She worked for Saddleback College for a while, but they seem to have scrubbed her from their webpage. She might be some kind of city employee, but that seems to be over now too. On Facebook she is listed as a Professional encourager. There is no hint of her credentials on Linkedin. Linkedin has her down as expert in “Wellness, Public Speaking and Yoga!” So I guess that makes her a real wellness expert and a certified Professional Encourager! The Yoga must help.

You can get your own official religious exemption card from Peggy! Which you can proudly wave at any fascist pigs who insist that you must wear a sinful and hazardous (to your salvation) face covering! Unless you are a doctor (they are magickly exempt.) The cards are signed by Pastor David Hall and everything!

Why is this important? Because “God breathed the gift of life to us” and just in case God has a hankering to breath on people again, don’t wear a mask. There’s a Bible verse that says so I guess.

It would seem (according to Peggy) that it’s also against the US Civil Rights Act. which says in part

(a)Equal access

All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.

I don’t see where is covers “face coverings” during a pandemic, but I’m sure Peggy Hall has done her due diligence. The rulers of darkness wants you to wear a mask so that’s proof that masks are EVIL! See? Rulers of Darkness = evil!

Besides! There’s all kinds of scientific evidences; that God gave us . Like hormones and things! They make you healthy! This is all about a universal perspective. Peggy Hall knows as she’s an expert in wellness!

Peggy sez…

“Peggy Hall is not practicing law. She is not an attorney and she is not initiating a lawyer-client relationship; nor is she providing legal advice; nor is she signing legal papers or pleadings on your behalf; nor is she carrying out legal proceedings on your behalf in a court of law; nor is she charging a fee for legal services.

While she claims she’s not practicing law, she will “legally educate people on legal matters.” It’s better than school she says! And she’s talking about your kid’s school! School is a big waste of time anyway!

“Forget “virtual learning” — your kids need REAL LIFE LEARNING!! Time to pull your kids out of school [sic]I have the remedies for your concerns about masks, temp taking, etc.”

According to Peggy, it doesn’t matter what other people think she says. it only matters what you think and believe! I’m sure glad I know that nugget of wisdom! Now if somebody informs of that pesky theory of gravitation I can tell them to bite me! I can just jump off of tall buildings if I believe I can fly! Peggy said so!

Yeah, let me know how that works out for you.

One of her more brilliant moves was to block all of her videos on YouTube because people on other sites like Reddit were making fun of them. Perhaps that is why most of her videos on YouTube are locked against commenting! She’s a thin-skinned professional encourager? Could it be?

It’s the Legend of Peggy-Karen!

Oh and Um, I guess face covering is actually mentioned in the Bible too! Who knew?

Genesis 24:65: “For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself.”

2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV
Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

Isaiah 6:2 ESV
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

Have a blast Fun Seekers! And wear those masks!

– The Odd Emperor

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