Here we go! It’s become a MASSIVE BURDEN to mask up during the worst pandemic on Earth in a hundred years. So here comes the “Freedom to Breath” agency (FTB) This seems to be the brainchild (emphsis on the term “child”) of one Lenka Koloma.
It’s the usual story, a sickly girl traveled the world to do “research” and discovered fabulous holistic uhhh, stuff that no medical doctor or scientist ever thought of! She immersed herself in “quantum physics and neuroscience” whatever the hell that means. Then of course in 2016 she had a near death experience which “connected with the power of her higher intelligence and healed an incurable, life threatening condition.” The usual malarkey. Now where have we heard this before?
“We are a movement of proud American citizens who are dedicated to protecting their freedom and liberty.
Our team consists of people from all walks of life from attorneys, doctors, business owners, CEOs, moms and dads who want to make a difference in this world and create a promising future for our children. “
So you are planning to make a more promising future, by telling a lot of lies? Nice play Ox!

“We believe in personal liberty.
We believe in freedom of speech.
We believe in freedom to choose.
We believe in freedom to pursue happiness.
|We believe that all humans shall be free because freedom is our first birth right until we allow someone else to take it away.
It is our mission to restore this fundamental birth right and bring peace to our community and the world.
We believe that people and animals shall be free. ”
You believe in freedom to choose, TO BE STUPID! Tell me, do you also believe in the freedom to run around naked or jump off bridges, set fire to buildings, not to wear pants, set fire to yourself or spit on random people?
Wearing a face mask is an unhealthy obstruction of oxygen flow that can lead to hypoxemia (low oxygen level in the blood) and hypoxia (low oxygen level in the tissue). Both of these conditions are health threatening and can permanently damage the brain, lungs, heart and about any other organ.
Oh bollix! People in all kinds of professions wear face masks for variety of reasons. Surgeons wear the damn things all the time and you don’t hear them moaning about their freedums being imposed. Also meat packers, painters. People in Asia have worn face-masks when they have a cold for decades.
Oh, but not for the Freedom to Breath folks!
Wearing a face mask has also [sic] very important effect on our psychology. It is a psychological anchor for suppression, enslavement and cognitive obedience. When you wear a mask you are complicit in declaring all humans as dangerous, infectious and threats. How long do you think it will be before your social engineers tell you that talking spreads the virus farther ….and they forbid talking?
Oh, here we go! You think anyone telling you what to do is a “psychological anchor for suppression!” When you wear a mask you are complicit in declaring all humans as dangerous, infectious and threats. No dipshit! you are declaring that YOU might be a freaking threat! Because you ARE! So is everyone else! That’s how pandemics work! Are you so daft that you would not only put the people around you in peril, but your loved-ones too?
How long before your human farmers trick you into believing that it is better you stop breathing altogether….as to stop the spread of a virus?
Human farmers? What? Like lizard people?
Of course wearing a mask does not prevent one from getting sick, that’s not their purpose. The purpose of a face-mask is to keep YOUR stupid germs from getting spewed out every time you exhale or cough or sneeze. Not that anyone over at Freedom to Breath understand such things.

It’s SO much more important to exercise your freedum than help keep those around you safe from a pandemic.
“But I don’t HAVE the “China Virus” they squeak.
How do you know that? Folks who get tested each and every day have contracted it, seemingly out of thin air. Many are asymptomatic for days or ever forever. You can’t KNOW that you have this disease. One must assume you have it at all time, by WEARING YOUR FLIPPING MASKS! And perhaps it’s good idea to stop creating fake US agencies to fool people.