It’s a Flat Earth Wiki!

Oh I do love the flat Earthers! No really! I mean, they could believe in all kinds of stuff. That Elvis is still alive. Bigfoot. Elvis is having a affair with Bigfoot. But that the Earth is flat?

So what it their evidence? “The world looks flat,” Yeah? That’s about it. I mean, it’s no matter that a spherical object will look like a flat plane if it’s large enough. It’s not that ballistic trajectories reflect motion on a spherical object. It’s not that all of the experiments that they’ve conducted give evidence that they are on a spherical object.

The world looks flat,

Uh -hu. Riiight!
This site is little more than an exercise in cognitive biases. If you like people with cognitive biases, I suppose this is a wiki for you. If not?

It’s hilarious!

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