Virtue of Spirit.

Here we have something befitting the description of a “a train wreak.” It doesn’t help that the site was created using Wix. Proving that not everyone can create a great website using Wix. Case in point.

Monsanto, a Government Agency spray aluminum and lithium in the air using military aircraft and commercial flights with active programs for daily chem-trails with the objective to hide the signs and detection of Nibiru increasing the environments metal content harnessing the ultimate plan to fuel the nano-chips and render effective control of man and his thoughts.

Monsanto a government agency? I bet that’s news to the Government (Monsanto too.)  Monsanto is an evil, greedy, corporation (which revolutionized genetic crop manipulation multiplying by many times, yields which coi9ncedentaly saved millions from starvation. Not that this is important to anyone!)
 For some strange reason – most of the photos of this fellow is with his shirt off.
 Technical analysis.

This web page is pretty lame even by Wix standards. Sure embedded videos work fin on Wix, just not fifty of them at one time!

But here you have every pro-consperecy video in one place! How convenient is that? Sure the vids are occasionally blocking the text, but all the text is the same inane blathering anyway.

Like this!

The END                                         GAME OVER

Nibiru is a solar system that is heading on a trajectory course with Earth with six alien planets entering our solar system ever 3600 years already present in our solar system creating a catastrophic siesmic (sic) polar shift reaking (sic) havock (sic) with our World. The event will trigger an electro-magnetic wave that will bring on death, cautious and destruction dessimating (sic) 80% of Earths population. The trajectory with Earth has been scientifically proven and now accurately predicted for the 05th of October 2017. We can not runaway from GOD only prepare and wait. Is it too late for humanity, its never to late to save your soul that will only transcend with and through the blood of Jesus. “

Oh dear me! That’s pretty harsh. And since I’m writing this in November of 2017, I must already be dead!

  So- if you really want to find out about Jesus, chemtrailes, UFOS, Fluoride poisoning, The Illuminate, The Devil, the last days and just about any other conspiracy theory? This might be a good place to start!


Now where did I put my ice-cream scoops?


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