What in the world is Faux Science Slayer?
It’s basically a web page of indexed .pdf files authored by one Joseph A Olson, PE. (Professional Engineer.)

This is probably not him. It’s babies staring at things which may have something to do with all of this.

Who is Joseph A Olson, PE? Well! He’s a retired civil engineer and active skeptic of everything. Everything pertaining to established science that is. Basically, all science is bunk and only Joseph A Olson, PE’s take on facts is factual. (OK; he never says this, just IMPLIES it over and over again.)
Hey! I like skeptics, I am a skeptic about many things too, but I believe there needs to be a balance between healthy skepticism and a lack of understanding of the scientific principles.
Joseph A Olson thinks that my idea sucks balls because he understands science better than I do – or anyone else! And since he understands science better than anyone it’s up to HIM to change how we all think of it.
To enlighten us you understand!
Joseph A Olson, PE believes that healthy skepticism IS the disbelief in the scientific principles and all scientists.
Except the ones he happens to agree with.
Why? Because he writes a lot of essays smarty-pants! And that alone gives him credibility with someone somewhere. At least on Coast to Coast and that’s gotta count for something! See; writing essays MAKES you an expert on science right?. All those liberal turds? Do they write essays explaining scientific blunders?
No? Case closed!
His web page is http://fauxscienceslayer.com/ and this is on the splash.
My site will expose the FAUX SCIENCE that enslaves us all
In the interest of sanity and myth-busting, I herewith record my comments on all FAUX SCIENCE.
It feels like shouting against the wind but I hope that one day the wind will change direction.
We must urgently stop the advance of FAUX SCIENCE, it’s killing us. Think and come aboard!
All things “Green” are not always good and in fact often bad for us and our planet.
See- SEE? He MUST be right about – well everything! and FAUX SCIENCE is in all caps because it’s cooler that way!
Here’s a bit from an article entitled Becoming a TOTAL Earth Science Skeptic.
“At present there are 390 parts per million of life giving CO2 in the atmosphere. Humans inhale this amount and exhale 40,000 PPM. Due to the high cost of ‘scrubbing’ CO2 in a contained environment, our nuclear submarines operate routinely at 8,000 PPM. Every windbag on the Supreme Court produces 100 times the CO2 that they inhale, yet they can tell you that your mothers warm breath on your baby face is a TOXIN !”
Factually; CO2 is a toxin if you get too much of it. Calling it life giving is kind of strange, unless one is an anaerobic bacteria or a plant. Somehow I doubt Joseph A Olson, PE is a vegetable – even if some of his essays are suggestive that he might really be a stalk of broccoli. Then I remember that he’s the most excessive genius of the world and knows SO much more than those faux smartypants scientists!
Or this
All Carbon Forcing Models ignore ANY internal Earth energy and all fission elemental atom by-products. What began as research into this prime force in all climate change led to the discovery of the truth about the Abiogenic Petroleum production from Earth’s fission by-products. This revelation led to the series of articles under the Peak Oil footnote. Peak Oil is one of the eco-Nazi companion lies. There is more on the Carbon Climate Forcing Lie below, but for now, another companion lie.
Abiogenic Petroleum production is the idea that (somehow) oil and gas are produced by poorly understood process of atomic fission and/or heat and so it’s NOT fossil fuel at all.
Whew! What a relief! It’s a good thing the Chrysler Corporation produced all of those gas-guzzlers or we would be swimming in the stuff! In fact, there is a great danger that oil and gas are going to be a big problem to dispose of so we NEED to reduce efficiency and burn oil off as soon as possible!
In reality; Abiogenic Petroleum production has some evidence to support it. That being said; it’s not a complete slam-dunk and a LOT of research still needs to be done first. Before – you know! Telling the world and all.
Not so according to Joseph A Olson, PE! Abiogenic Petroleum is more – (um) believable than that other method and if it’s true than “peak oil” and all that other guff is just guff!
But there’s more of Joseph A Olson, PE’s wisdom. Here’s his take on the Big Bang.
And by happy coincidence, out of the 80 billion observable Galaxies, we happened to be in the VERY CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE.
This, of course, ignores the fact that in any expanding cloud of objects which when originally packed in the center; every object will seem to be at the center of the expansion. But that’s just geometry and who cares about crap like mathematics! It’s probably all common core math anyway! Useless!
Sometimes Joseph A Olson, PE makes sense though. Like this passage in Becoming a TOTAL Earth Science Skeptic.
Law is the only “math-free profession”. You cannot be a professional in medicine, science, engineering or economics without mathematics. What you cannot quantify you can never predict. We have a Supreme Court stocked with justices that could not pass a college entrance exam in science subject, yet when offered the chance to expand government control over Carbon emission readily agreed that CO2 was a toxin.Oh Really !
It kinda-sorta makes sense. But scoffing at people who study law vs people who study science is pretty disingenuous. Kinda like scoffing at plumbers because they aren’t doctors. Law professionals don’t know anything about science! Law professionals should get science questions answered by scientists! Just like a scientist should get law questions answered by legal professionals. And just perhaps Joseph A Olson, PE might want to get his biology questions answered by biologists or his drains fixed by a plumber? Just a thought! Or maybe – MAYBE Joseph A Olson, PE is an expert on law and plumbing too!
Or this –
It is possible that this discussion of potential ‘Big Bang’ science tampering will bring forth a superior model of the universe. If it also produces evidence that ‘Big Government’ bought ‘Big Science’ in an effort to promote a ‘Big Lie’ then the ‘Big Bang’ was the template for the ‘Big AGW’ scare. Regardless, the human caused climate change fraud, the AGW hoax, is transparent ‘Bad Science’. There is only one remedy for this behavior. We must go to the polls in November. We must send a message that even a ‘Franken Senator’ can understand.
Um – does any of that have anything to do with any of that or anything else? Voting for science? “Frankenstein” senator? Al Frankon? It doesn’t seem to be related to anything at all except my headache.
Well – you get the idea. Sufficient to say that Joseph A Olson, PE is the DIY expert on everything and nobody else stands up to his excessive genius. Most of the time, people call this “crackpot science.” The good folks over at Breitbart seem to like him and that’s got to get him some credibility. At Breitebart anyway.
Hooray for Joseph A Olson, PE! Now we can just un-fund all scientific research (especially that evil climate change drek!)
ROLL that coal baby!